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6 Crystals To Help You Sleep Better

Crystals To Sleep Better
Sleeping Well

Many people are sleep-deprived, owing to modern workday routines and distractions. Some of it is having too many electronics and lights, and the other part is drinking excessive caffeine or alcohol while forgetting to hydrate. Calming your mind after a long day can prove troubling as well. You can use the crystals that we recommend to help you sleep better. 

Obviously, make sure to hydrate before bed, not exercise at late hours, and create a routine to settle the mind. Sometimes, however, we can’t calm our overactive minds alone. Meditating with crystals can invite healing energy into your room and allow you to tuck in with ease and reduce anxiety dreams. 

Healing Stones For A Good Night’s Sleep

Use sage for cleansing your crystals, and the full moon to recharge them, and use incense in a pinch if you lack sage. Pair these stones with lavender, Valerian, and Jasmine essential oils at night to sweeten your dreams. They’ll also make your room smell nice. 

Another natural remedy that can improve your sleep is taking a warm bath with Epsom salt, thirty minutes prior to your bedtime. Measure out a spoon and place it in the tub while it’s filling. Epsom salt contains magnesium, which plays a huge role in our restorative sleep.  It also relieves aches and pains.

Sleeping Crystals

Reducing the amount of blue light, one hour prior to your bedtime can improve your sleep! See if you can turn off any computers, tablets or cellphones. Minimizing screen time at night will help regulate your circadian rhythm.

If you suffer from sleep paralysis, consult with your doctor for medical advice.  

Amethyst – Amethyst is a stone generally used for calming meditation. It was once thought to cure drunkenness but can be used to reduce stress at night. If suffering from nighttime worries, breathe while holding an amethyst stone to dispel worries.

Celestine – Use celestine to promote calmness at any time of the day. The stone helps release stress while bringing harmony and balance to your mind and room. 

Rose Quartz – This stone is good in general for meditation and self-love. It reinforces how you need to prioritize your mind, body, and soul. Use it to open your subconscious to soothing energies and reduce the doubt that comes with bedtime worries. At night, rose quartz reaffirms that sleeping well means that you are inviting a higher love into your life. 

Moonstone – Black moonstone is ideal because it channels the powers of the new moon. That way you can let go of anxiety dreams or other troubling thoughts from your subconscious. You can use it to protect your sleep and set good intentions for the next day, so that you start the morning freshly. We recommend having various moonstones to align with the lunar cycle.

Selenite – This crystal is also named for the moon but is known for channeling the powers of water. Water is the element of change and movement, as you see in river currents and ocean waves. Use selenite to unblock your chakras before bed, so that you have a harmonious aura.

Jasper – Do you have insomnia? Then using a tiger or textured jasper will help reduce the symptoms. Leopardskin and textured stones will also help. 

Experiment with an ideal arrangement for meditating and sleeping with these crystals. If you want to wear a pendant around your neck, make sure that it is smooth and does not wake you up in the middle of the night. See if they work better on your bedside table or a short distance away from your bed. Place your cellphone in the middle of the crystals to remove bad vibes from the messages it may contain.  

Prepare For A Restful Night With Crystals & Stones

Crystals & Stones will direct you to the right gems that will assist healthier sleeping habits. We believe that you can dispel negative energies and replace them with soothing ones. While you decide the best sleeping arrangements with your crystals, our experts can select the appropriate crystals for such an occasion. 

Contact us today to get started with your first spiritual tool or subscription box. At Crystals & Stones, our favorite crystals will look great on your bedside table and help you sleep soundly.