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Crystals to Remove Geopathic Stress and Electromagnetic Smog

Geopathic Stress Reducer Crystals

In today’s digital era, the hustle and bustle of everyday life can significantly impact our health and well-being.  During the past two decades, there has been an increasing outbreak of sickness worldwide. The phenomenon called Geopathic Stress is responsible. 

Geopathic Stress describes energy emanating from the Earth that rises up. These stressors arise due to Earth’s electromagnetic field. They dissipated through our watercourses, water pipes, drainage, and pipes. 

Analyzing The Effects Of Electromagnetic Radiation 

Electromagnetic Smog

When the Earth’s vibration is disrupted, and one is near a pivotal point, electromagnetic waves will affect health or behavior. This is also known as SMOG. 

Various scientific researches suggest Geopathic Stressors are known to significantly deteriorate and weaken the immune system’s ability to fight viruses and diseases. Consequently, some scientific documentation claim that Geopathic Stressors have been linked to miscarriages, road rage, depression, suicide, and even cancer. 

The Effects Blue Light On Circadian Rhythm, Sleep, And Well-being

If you ever wonder why is it so hard to fall asleep? Many of us are probably guilty of having a gazillion of electronics in our bedroom. But, little did we know how harmful electronic devices can be for our health.

Many scientific articles indicate the negative and damaging effects of the use of technology and electronic devices in our bedroom. The 2011 Sleep in America Poll from the National Sleep Foundation survey found that roughly four in ten Americans bring their cell phones to bed when they are trying to fall asleep. They rely on phones as an aid.

 Any electronic device that is back-lit such as cellphones, tablets, computers, and televisions emit a blue wavelength light. This has been shown to significantly suppress the release of sleep-inducing melatonin. 

Studies have shown that these devices can shift and disturb your internal clock causing your immune system to be affected. Furthermore, the use of Bluelight at night interferes with the production of melatonin. Melatonin is a natural hormone that is released in the evening to get you tired to fall asleep. 

Therefore this throws off our body’s internal clock known as our circadian rhythm out of wack. This means that our body is not getting adequate sleep and rest. As a consequence, this can contribute to detrimental diseases such as cancer, heart disease, sleep apnea, diabetes, and obesity.  

Electromagnetic Pollution at home

Step By Step Guide To Reducing Electromagnetic Pollution In Your Home: 

1.Disable Wireless Functions On Your Wireless Devices

Whenever possible,  disable the wireless function from your devices when they are not being used. These include  printers, laptops, tablets, and routers. To fully maximize and reduce the exposure of electromagnetic radiation, turn on the WIFI function only when needed.

2. Replace Wireless With Wired Cables 

If you want to take it up a notch, use the ethereal cable instead of the WIFI. Don’t forget to put your computer in airplane mode. 

The recommended device detects the amount of RF you are exposed too: 

  • EMF Meter, Advanced GQ EMF-390 Multi-Field Electromagnetic Radiation

3. Optimize Your Sleep; Don’t Bring Electronics To The Bedroom

Keep your bedroom as electronics-free as possible. Remove all the cellphones, laptops, tablets, and other devices from your bedroom. To ensure that nothing is interfering with your sleep. I recommend placing your phone, computer, wireless router outside of your bedroom. 

Consider A Canopy & Fabric To Shield Your Bedroom

One wonderful way to optimize your sleep from EMF is by shielding it with a canopy over your bed. What this does is absorb radiation and shield you. You can also block RF signals such as WiFi, cellphones, Bluetooth, RFID, and EMF radiation with the military shielding fabric.  

4. Use Anti-Blue Light Screen Filters At Night 

Blue-light blocking filters serve as a blocker to absorb blue light, this helps UV light from getting through. A screen protector or blue light and anti glare filter will minimize the exposure to blue light waves that can disrupt your sleep. 

Below are some suggestions: 

  • Blue-Light Blocking Glasses
  • Computer Screen Blue Light Blocking 

5.Use Your Smartphone Safely!

Use your mobile phone in speaker mode or use headphones.  To minimize your exposure to radiation, it’s crucial that we use our phones from a distance as much as possible. 

Try not to carry your phone in your pocket. Prolonged exposure to these electromagnetic frequencies can have a negative impact on fertility, causing neurotoxic effects and the reduction of brain cells. Wireless signals can damage and affect cognition and memory, as well as cause hearing loss when used excessively. Some studies suggest when mobile phones are actively used it can be “ carcinogenic to humans”. In other words, cellphone radiation is linked to brain tumor.

You Can Use The Following Tool To Minimize Emf And Radiation Exposure: 

  • Protecting Phone Stickers Anti Radiation Protector (This sticker can be used for any electronic device).

How to Clear Geopathic Stressors Affecting Our Health and Well-Being?

Natural Stones serve as an alternative to block electromagnetic smog. You can utilize many resources to increase or reverse the negative effects of Geopathic Stressors. Then you can optimize, improve your health and well-being. One of the most effective methods to eliminate these stressors is using crystals and stones.

 Crystals have been used for thousands of years to heal the body, from your blood flow to the nervous system. They carry the magnificent power of mother Gaia. The natural healing energy will help ground, cleanse, and shield against electromagnetic fields and radiation. 

The stones’ properties are quite potent. They detoxify and protect you against the electromagnetic field. These are some of the most powerful stones to protect against Geopathic Stress: selenite, black tourmaline, Terahertz stone, smoky quartz, Clear quartz, tourmaline quartz, selenite, and labradorite

7 Healing Crystals that Cleanse And Provide Radiation And EMF Protection

Healing Crystals For EMP Protection

Selenite: Selenite offers a powerful and protective cleansing property. This will detoxify and block negative energies and EMFs. Selenite also activates the crown and higher chakras. It removes any blockages from the body and helps one connect to the higher self and the angelic realm. This stone is quite soothing, bringing peace and tranquility. 

Black Tourmaline: Are you looking for a highly protective, negative energy blocker and environmental energy cleanser? Black tourmaline is one of the most powerful and grounding stones from the mineral kingdom. It helps realign your chakras and cleanses your electromagnetic field. This stone is an essential energy tool to shield you against evil and detox from electromagnetic radiation. 

Terahertz Stone: This powerful stone will not only protect you from electromagnetic smog and harmful radiation. It will also improve your bloodstream and the flow of blood. Terahertz stone will energize your body’s energy and boost your immune system. 

Smoky Quartz:  Smoky Quartz is one of the most powerful stones of the mineral kingdom. It can heal the body, purify, detoxify, and cleanse the physical and emotional body. The stone’s uplifting energy will recalibrate and uplift your vibration.

Clear Quartz: This is known to be one of the most powerful “master healer” crystals. Clear quartz quickly acts by absorbing negative energies, smog, and radiation from the environment and the body. This energy revitalizer aligns all the chakras, connects, and focuses the mind. 

Rutilated Tourmaline Quartz: Tourmaline Quartz is a combination of clear quartz and black tourmaline stone. Its grounding energy helps dissipate negative energy while purifying and cleansing the body. Rutilated Tourmaline is a grounding and protective stone that will amplify, remove, balance, and cleanse the body.

Labradorite: This is the stone for transformation. Labradorite is truly one of the most shielding stones of the mineral kingdom. Its energy protects your electromagnetic field and environment.

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How to Stimulate and Activate your Chakras: 7 Techniques

Activating Your Root Chakra

What is a Body Chakra? 

A chakra is an energy center in the body. It has energy, also called chi, flowing through the center and around the body. The seven chakras are associated with the temperature and atmosphere in our surroundings. This helps us determine whether something is cold or hot. 

Each chakra is related to the elements of fire, earth, air, and water. They help balance our bodies to function in harmony. Our energy points are quite astonishing; they serve us as a powerful tool that acts as a radar picking up each frequency and chi surrounding us. 

Energy points let us know if we feel comfortable with people, detecting if an atmosphere is tense. For instance,  if you get a tingling sensation or an unpleasant sensation in your stomach this signal is associated with your fifth chakra the “Solar Plexus” which is giving you a heads up. 

What happens when a chakra is blocked? 

Our chakras system is linked to our body, the condition of its health. The sample applies to our state of mind.  When a chakra is blocked or inactive, it is more likely to manifest as pain or ache in the body. The chakras are linked to the physical body at all levels, when something is unbalanced in your body, it will certainly reflect healthwise. 

Many of us cannot imagine the amount of stress of everyday life. It is determinantal to our health. Little that we know is that when we don’t know how to handle stress, it acts like a chain reaction manifesting in our bodies physically in an array of health conditions including, autoimmune disorders, cancers, and rheumatoid arthritis just to mention a few. 

The Chakra System Levels

The chakra system is differentiated by primary, secondary, and higher-level chakras. Each level is interconnected with the physical, emotional, and mental, and spiritual body.  

Starting from the primary level of the chakra system involves how the physical body is interconnected. Our health, inner strength, energy level, discomfort, or weakness remain linked. 

The secondary level is associated with the mind, consciousness, intellect, intuition, and ego. These energy points alert you if something is not feeling right. 

The higher chakra levels relate to our spirit. They give us the ability of discerning, channeling and receiving information, connecting to our spiritual guides, and enhancing clairvoyance and psychic abilities.  This level gives you the ability to explore or tap into astral projection, akashic records, and past lives.

The Base Chakra or Root Chakra

How to Stimulate Root Chakra

Location: Base of the spine

Main Role: Is the base of our life force energy, Gives us motivation in life 

Color: Red

Meaning: Physical needs, passion, and anger

The Base Chakra is located at the base of the spine.  It controls the lower body which governs the hips, thighs, legs, and feet. 

For individuals that meditate constantly, it is suggested that they ground themselves by performing an earthing meditation. They should visualize the linkage of their Base Chakra to the center of the earth. Another technique would be to walk barefoot on grass or soil in order to ground yourself. 

The Base Chakra is related to everything that is concerned with shelter, security, and basic human needs. In addition, it gives us an awareness of the world around us, the place where we live, and the society that we are surrounded by. 

One of the most powerful energy points, our Base Chakra relates to our past lives, our history, reputation, and family. It is linked to the experiences in the womb, the early stages when a baby is formed. 

The Base Chakra is also related to the Kundalini. Once this chakra awakens the serpent coiled and activates all the seven energy points. They will unleash your energy and lead you on a spiritual journey. 

Indications Of A Balanced Base Chakra 

The base chakra governs the professional aspect that stems from your instincts for survival and earning money for a living. Individuals with balanced Root Chakra are typically the ones that are self-reliant. They pay their bills on time, have money in their bank, are responsible individuals, hard workers, and ambitious. 

Indications Of A Weaker Base Chakra

Those individuals with a deficient base chakra tend to be nervous, vulnerable and apathetic. They tend not to finish the projects that they started. The Base Chakra can be weakened due to life-threatening events such as family death, relationship breakup, severe financial issues, war, or any traumatic life-changing event. Issues such as lack of appetite for sex, insecurity, lack of self-esteem. 

Health-Related Issues

A common complaint about a weakened base chakra is back, hips, and feet pain. The root chakra is associated with the immune system, skeleton system, dental and digestive system. 

Many of the following health issues are related to a weakened base chakra: 


cervical erosion

Crystals For Grounding






High or Low blood pressure 


Dental problems


Nasal problems

Eating disorders: anorexia, binge eating


Vaginal problems



Testicular problems

Prostate problems

Techniques to Awaken your Base Chakra

1. Use Crystals for Grounding 

Crystal healing is another popular technique by using each color that is associated with each chakra. Acupressure can do the same by massaging the area or applying pressure so the obstruction is released. Chakra healing can be seen as a multi-sensorial approach that involves all your five senses: vision, touch, sound, smell, and taste. 

Many crystals will activate your root chakra. Crystals such as black tourmaline, bloodstone, red jasper, bronzite, smoky quartz, obsidian mahogany, and labradorite are great for grounding purposes. A great technique that can help unblock your energy point is by placing a crystal on your root chakra while meditating this can help release the energy blockage. 

Hold a stone in your hand while thinking of an intention. When you hold a crystal during your meditation and repeat your intention, your auric energy field will purge and revitalize. Don’t forget to cleanse your stone thoroughly with sage or submerge stones in salt overnight, prior to a meditation. 

2. Using Essential Oils for Grounding 

Aromatherapy is a technique that can compliment chakra healing. Essential oils can help address the feelings of insecurity, loneliness, and disconnection. They connect you to the Earth while keeping you grounded, centered, and present. Sandalwood, cedarwood, lavender, myrrh, frankincense, and ginger are good . 

3. The Power Of Earthing

Walking barefoot on grass or soil is by far one of the most powerful techniques to practice. This is called Earthing or grounding. Earth has a natural capacity of absorbing electromagnetic energy.

Think of the Earth as a gigantic resource that contains natural energy and electromagnetic frequency. Earthing provides wonderful health benefits such as reducing inflammation as well as stress and anxiety. It also improves circulation and blood flow. When you are electrically grounded you feel centered, balanced, relaxed, connected, and strong.

Breatwork Meditation

4. Earthing and Breathwork Meditation Technique 

Breathwork techniques can be one of the most powerful techniques to heal the body. With such a spiritual experience, your body and mind can truly be connected to your inner self. 

When you are in a state of oneness, you get to connect to your true self and everything around you. Many people that have practiced breathwork have experienced spiritual awakenings. The key here is to focus on your spirit while connecting to the energy of the universe. 

Meditation Technique:

Sit straight in an upright position, place your feet on the floor. Close your eyes and relax. From the Root of your Chakra, take a deep breath and exhale down the legs, and through the feet. 

Hold your breath for 7 seconds, and let go of the breath slowly. Pace yourself, don’t do it too fast. Repeat this exercise a few times. Through your feet, and down your root, create an invisible cord that connects to the center of the earth. Focus on how that cord is connected to Planet Earth. Feel how the cord pulls you downwards to the core. 

Practice this technique daily, this will help you feel connected to the present moment, this will help be more aware of your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and emotional state. 

Below Are Some Grounding & Breathwork Meditation Videos: 

Wim Hof Breathwork 

5 Minute Breathing Exercise to Keep you Grounded 

5. Reiki Healing

One of the most popular techniques, Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique that uses their palms as a healing tool, which they channel universal energy. The practitioner transfers their energy through the palms and sends a healing soothing energy vibration to their patient. 

Reiki is an excellent practice to help activate our chakras. It works to stabilize, harmonize, align, and harmonize our body. The work done in a session will leave you feeling revitalized and re-energized. 

6. Colors Can Affect your Chakras

Colors can affect your chakras in an astonishing way. Little did we know that wearing our little favorite black dress to make us look slimmer can affect our mood. However, the absence of bright tones has a negative vibration that doesn’t attract positive energy but dissipates it in every shape or form.  

Choromology is the study of colors that can affect how individuals think or act. Tints have an impact on, mood, behavior, and stress levels. Colors have a different effect on our brain and our auric field.  To activate your root chakra, you need to wear the color red more frequently. Accessories can serve as a catalyst. 

7. Yoga Practice

Yoga is a wonderful technique to unblock your chakras. Many instruction videos are freely available online to imitate poses and exercises. Practicing yoga frequently can help balance and subtle the chakra system. 

Each yoga pose can help ease and help release the obscurity. Poses such as child pose, low lunge, warrior, squat, easy pose are just a few exercises that can help open your root chakra. Below are a few Root Chakra Yoga Videos: 

Grounding Into Gratitude – Root Chakra Yoga

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6 Powerful Crystals to Promote Gratitude for Entrepreneurs

Crystals For Entrepreneurs

If you are an entrepreneur you are always trying to get your life in balance. You pour your heart out into your business to reach the bottom line and forget being thankful for the good things in life. Life flows past, and as a result people forget to slow down. Gratitude crystals for entrepreneurs can help. 

Human beings are creatures of habit. We wake up every morning, rush through life, and forget the basic principles of appreciating the good things we have. Societal pressure encourages us to obsess about acquiring more things over time but in reality, those things only make us happy momentarily. 

Many of us don’t know that the formula for happiness starts by appreciating what you have. This will lead to a happier life. 

How often do we lose sleep over petty things? Often. This is because we put too much thought into the things that we don’t have and are not truly valuable. Per the science of happiness, gratitude is the key to our wellbeing. 

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” —Oprah Winfrey

5 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits Of Practicing Gratitude 

Why is gratitude such a powerful practice?


According to scientific research, gratitude can deeply impact our health and well-being. Saying “thank you” is not only a way to express appreciation but this gesture can win new friends, according to a 2014 study published in Emotion

Saying thank you can potentially trigger a signal that you are a valuable individual. 

The study found that thanking a new acquaintance increases the chances of seeking an ongoing relationship. Don’t forget to acknowledge strangers and thank people wherever you go; saying thank you will not only make you feel good inside but also makes the receiver feel awesome. 

Why don’t we go out there and express more gratitude to the world? 

The answer is that we all have bad habits, such as not thanking people. Many of us feel awkward thanking someone, underestimating how good and appreciated this makes people feel. A kind gesture can change a person’s day into a positive one.

How Does Gratitude Improve Your Well-Being During An Entrepreneurial Journey? 

 Running a business can prove stressful and invite negative energy into your body. According to a 2012 study published in Personality and Individual Differences suggest that grateful individuals report feeling healthier. They are more attentive to their body and take care of themselves by exercising regularly. 

How Does Gratitude Improve Mental Health?

Gratitude improves our mental health overall. It reduces the effects of aging in the brain as well as the stress hormone. Being grateful has such a profound effect that it reduces an array of negative thoughts and emotions, prolonging positivity.

A leading expert in Gratitude Robert Emmons has conducted various studies on the link between gratitude and well-being. Based on his findings, gratitude significantly increases happiness and reduces depression.

How Does Gratitude Improve Self-Esteem?  

A 2014 study published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology found that gratitude increased athletes’ self-esteem. Other studies suggest that gratitude minimizes social comparisons. 

In fact, grateful individuals tend to appreciate other people’s accomplishments, rather than becoming resentful or envying others who are successful and have more money. Which is the number one driver of lack of self-esteem.

What Are Three Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude Daily?

  1. Keep a journal

Crystals on a Journal

A great way to keep track of the good things in life is by journaling! No matter how difficult and defeating life can be at times, journaling can help you get through any rough patch. 

Schedule some time out of your busy schedule, this only takes a few minutes a day. Not to mention that this will give you the long-lasting mood boost effects that will keep you motivated for days. On a piece of paper, notebook, or journal app, think about five to ten things you are grateful for and simply start noting them. 

Gratitude journaling gives you a new perspective and makes you appreciate what’s truly important in your life. Not only you will experience the benefits of journaling, but it will help you focus on what really matters to you, keep you grounded, and make you more mindful. 

As you write the list of the things you are grateful for,  below are a few important tips to consider: 

  1. Specify your items. 
  2. Think about a person that has been particularly kind to you.
  3. Focusing on that person rather than materialistic things. 
  4. Consider how your life would be if those individuals were missing in your life. 
  5. See the good things in life as gifts. Don’t take them for granted. The universe will bless you with more gifts to appreciate. 
  1. Keep a Gratitude Stone  

Keeping a gratitude stone can remind us how to be thankful. Store in your pocket for meditation. Below is my daily gratitude routine. Doing this routine will help your body reset and gety moving:

  1. Set the timer to every 45 minutes.
  2.  When the timer goes off,  take a 5-minute break to get up and move your body. Stretch your arms and legs. 
  3. Reach into your pocket for your protection stone. Then think about one thing you are grateful for, and remain specific.

You can benefit from journaling or keeping a crystal in your pocket. Beautiful stones can invite good fortune and reflection. Meditation can provide a calm mind for these energies, especially when holding them in your hands.  

If you go the crystal route, you can use the stones’ properties. They will help you stay grounded, calm, and focused. By incorporating the power of crystals in your daily practice the universe will conspire in your favor. 

Recommended Gratitude Healing Crystals:

Citrine:  This is a wonderful stone for personal will, creativity, and manifestation. When you need to get things done citrine is the must-have crystal. Its comforting energy will bring sunshine into your life. 

Clear Quartz:  One of the most powerful “master healer” crystals from the mineral kingdom, clear quartz harmonizes and balances the auric field. It connects and activates the chakras by aligning them. 

Rose Quartz: This crystal is the symbol of universal love. As a result, it attracts romance and unconditional love for the wearer. Rose Quartz is an excellent crystal for self-love and self-appreciation

Fluorite: This stone has the ability to cleanse and harmonize the auric field. Fluorite increases the power of decision-making, self-discipline and clearing energy blockages. 

Labradorite:  Is known as the stone for transformation. Labradorite is a great ally for the decision-making process. It helps protects the aura, and raises consciousness by improving grounding and spirituality.

Smoky Quartz: This form of quartz is one of the most powerful stones. It activates and purifies your electromagnetic field. The gentle energy of smoky quartz uplifts the spirit, grounds and cleanses your auric field. 

  1. Conduct A 15-Minute Guided Gratitude Meditation 

Meditation With Crystals

Gratitude meditation is a type of thinking exercise that improves your well-being. It involves sitting and breathing to clear your mind, and invite positive energy.

“Buddhist monks begin each day with a chant of gratitude for the blessings of their life. Native American elders begin each ceremony with grateful prayers to Mother Earth and Father Sky, to the four directions, to the animal, plant, and mineral brothers and sisters who share our earth and support our life. In Tibet, the monks and nuns even offer prayers of gratitude for the suffering they have been given”

Expressing gratitude is not just about being thankful for the good things in life, but it’s about being thankful for everything you have. Practicing gratitude meditation a couple of minutes every day can help you reduce levels of stress, depression, and increase your happiness levels. 

Here are two guided gratitude meditations that can help you get started. 

15 Minutes of Gratitude Meditation 21 Day Transformation 

This is a great YouTube meditation video that will make a huge difference in your life. Set aside fifteen minutes every day for twenty-one days to watch; the video will help you transform your life. 

Peaceful & Relaxed: Gratitude Meditation

One of my favorite mindfulness apps is Insight Timer! The Insight Timer App has 65,000 thousand guided meditations, music, and podcasts that update daily. This audio will help relax your mind and nurture gratitude at the same time. 

Don’t forget to incorporate gratitude into your daily routines.  Consider these strategies. They will help you create an impact in your community and in your life.

  1. Practice Interior Gratitude. Update your daily journal regularly.
  2. Practice Exterior Gratitude. Express your gratitude wherever you go. Don’t forget to thank the people that help you along the way. Write cards and letters to the people that have supported you. 
  3. Be Grateful for Everything. Express appreciation for the little things, from a sunrise to a cup of coffee. Declare it the universe, saying it out loud! 

If you practice these simple techniques, you will see a difference in your life.

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5 Best Crystals for Emotionally Healing

Crystals For Emotionally Healing

Depending on your specific intentions, you might want to tackle your emotional issues from a spiritual aspect or one that’s tied more toward your physical health. Take a few moments to look at this list from Crystals & Stones and ask yourself which of these you’re feeling the most. More than likely, one of these stones will resonate with you the best.

Best Crystals For Emotionally Healing

1. Rose Quartz

One of the most popular choices, especially among those who want to harness the energy of love, can manage their stress and emotional state with rose quartz. Many have written that practicing daily meditation with this stone can help you to feel better about yourself and even create more of a bond with your inner being. You may be able to gear the soft whispering of the heart whenever you truly focus on this important stone.

2. Citrine

Raising Self Esteem With Healing Crystals

At times, it might seem like your life is consistently gloomy. If this is the case, then use citrine to let a little sunshine in. It can help to raise your sense of self-esteem as well as the value you place on your self-worth. These two issues are often tied to the underlying causes of emotional conditions, which makes it such a useful stone to work within any case related to them.

3. Selenite

They say that spirituality and emotional health are inseparably joined together, so you’ll want to feed this side of your soul as well as the more rational one. Selenite is an excellent choice for those who want to forge a deeper connection with their angelic realm. You’ll be free to invite a greater amount of light into your life when you connect with the stone. Some have even relied on it to help them dispel negative energy and other uncomfortable forces.

4. Fluorite

One of the things that makes fluorite such a great choice for those who have emotional issues is the fact that it has strong purifying effects, which can help to rejuvenate both the mind and body. Those who want to balance themselves in the spiritual and emotional planes will find that it does just that while also working on their mental and physical states as well. It’s important to keep a complete holistic view of the body and mind at all times, in order to always stay at your best.

5. Aventurine

Since it’s often associated with new beginnings, you might want to invest in aventurine if you’re looking at starting over. It’s known to soothe anxiety while encouraging a level of balance. At times, it’s even been said to bring inner peace and support the heart. Those are all great things to have if you plan on working to improve your emotional state and forge a new way in life. It’s also great for those who want to help themselves focus on the here and now.

Contact us online when you’re ready to learn more about the best crystals or stones for your current situation.

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Healing Crystals for Beginners

Healing Crystals For Beginners

If you’ve never used healing crystals before, then you might be of the opinion that it’s an extremely difficult thing to do. After all, many healthy and aesthetic practices are at least somewhat complicated. Those who’ve tried yoga, T’ai Chi Ch’uan and other activities might have felt somewhat lost at first.

However, you don’t have to worry about that because working with healing crystals can be as easy as putting on a single piece of jewelry. While you could certainly travel very deeply into the complex meditative and spiritual practices behind the use of healing crystals, there’s no reason that you can’t start relatively simply.

Much like Thoreau encouraged, it’s best to always believe in the power of simplicity.

Best Crystals for Beginners

Healing Crystals To Start With

Depending on your specific intention, you might want to try different stones at first. That being said, many people find that it’s easiest to gravitate to those designated for those dealing with depression and anxiety first. It could be that so many of us deal with these very serious problems and therefore want to help assuage them before we move onto anything else.

As a result, relatively inexpensive stones are often eternally popular in this category since it’s often best not to invest too heavily into things right at first. Think of powerful stones like tiger eye and even amber that might not completely carry huge price tags but should certainly have at least a fairly noticeable impact.

Some people might want to start with a healing crystal kit, which is a great idea for those who want a completely personalized experience. Otherwise, you might want to also look into something that helps to eliminate negativity because, once again, this is a serious issue that countless individuals grapple with to at least some degree.

In fact, negative energy might be the one thing that nearly everyone has to process at least somewhat on a daily basis.

Crystals that Clear Negativity

Fluorite might be one of the best choices for those who want to carry something that they can use to clear out negative energy from their surroundings. Clear quartz is another good one, especially because it has the ability to provide amplifying healing vibrations. Some people have preferred to wear either clear or smokey quartz as protective jewelry. It’s certainly a sufficiently attractive stone for this use. While you might not think of quartz as a gemstone, it’s really far more eye-catching than many people might have initially assumed. At times, people have also found creative ways to mount black tourmaline and other similar minerals into settings, which has helped to ensure that people can always have it on their person. After all, people would seldom ever be asked to remove their jewelry when in public.
Those who aren’t sure what sort of crystals they want to start with can always be sure to contact us online. Our team would be more than happy to provide them with any assistance they might need.

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Crystals to Enhance Yoga Meditations

Crystals to Enhance Yoga Meditation
Yoga Pose

Yoga practices help both the mind and the body. Performing sun salutations is a great way to wake up and honor your form while practicing durability and downward dog. So is doing a corpse pose while inhaling slowly and not moving. You can go even further, however, when trying to increase spiritual energies. That is why we recommend using crystals to enhance yoga meditations.

Best Healing Crystals For Meditation Practice

We always recommend trying out the stones first during a session before deciding if they work for you. Either have them nearby on a cabinet or around your yoga mat or wear them around your neck or arm in a loose chain. You don’t want them to get tangled in your hair while doing a shoulder stand to plow. If they are surrounding your yoga mat, make sure not to step on them; that’s an easy way to lose the good vibes. 

Rose Quartz: A rose quartz necklace will invite unconditional love into your meditation session. The stone is the symbol of self-love and will help you filter out hatred and cruel words.  Wear it to invite tranquility as well, so that you can get the most out of your various poses.

Black Tourmaline: This stone is meant to symbolize protection. It is very easy for someone else’s negativity to affect you, especially if they are annoyed by how space fills up during a yoga class. In addition to letting the instructor move you to a more harmonic spot — though we recommend doing that if your partner is not showing positivity — use this stone to shield you from bad vibes. 

Amethyst: Before their spiritual powers were known, the Greeks believed that amethyst stones cured drunkenness and hangovers. They are good for helping you shed negative energy during a yoga class or stretching session. See if an instructor will place a geode in the room or place it next to the speaker that plays soothing music.

Steps To Encourage Powerful Healing During Yoga

  • Clear and Protect: Cleanse your space with smudge or incense. This also clears your auric field.
  • Be Calm: Find a quiet space or sit outside in nature.
  • Focus on your breath: Close your eyes and take deep breaths continuously.
  • Relax your body. Focus on opening your crown, third eye, and heart chakras. Unblocking these chakras will enhance your daily meditation routine. 

Perform the following exercise to unblock your upper chakras: 

  • Crown Chakra (located at the top of the head): Expand your conscious awareness,  by increasing your inner wisdom and attuning to your higher-self. Imagine a violet and white ray of light shooting over the sky. Every time you inhale it connects and activates. 
  • Third Eye Chakra (located between your brows): Imagine a violet light sphere in the middle of your forehead, as you continue to breathe, imagine the light getting bigger. This will open your third eye chakra, which will enhance intuition and psychic abilities. 
  • Heart Chakra (Located above the heart): Imagine a pink or green light sphere in the middle of your forehead, as you continue to breathe, imagine the light getting bigger. This will open your heart chakra, which will heal emotional wounds, increase compassion, love, and self-worth. 

How To Align Your Mind With Your Position On The Yoga Mat

Yoga Pose Crystals

When doing yoga, you need to focus on being present in the moment. It is very easy for various distractions to 

  • Meditate & Reflect: Take a moment to focus on your goals for each practice. Do you want to stretch away difficult times? Release any self-doubt and anxiety about the world? Or do you simply want to breathe for a few moments and remain within the zone? Setting an intention helps you accomplish it better.
  • Meditate with your stone daily. Hold a clear quartz or aquamarine (or any stone of your choice) crystal in your hand. The stones will bring more calm into your meditation session and relieve stress. Even if you don’t practice yoga every day, you can remember to breathe. 
  • Charge your energy tools! Know your lunar cycles. Different moon phases affect your stone’s healing powers in various ways. Take advantage of the full moon to amplify the energy of your crystals. 

Improve Your Mind, Body And Soul With Crystals & Stones

Reach out to us today to get started on your spiritual journey.

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6 Crystals To Help You Sleep Better

Crystals To Sleep Better
Sleeping Well

Many people are sleep-deprived, owing to modern workday routines and distractions. Some of it is having too many electronics and lights, and the other part is drinking excessive caffeine or alcohol while forgetting to hydrate. Calming your mind after a long day can prove troubling as well. You can use the crystals that we recommend to help you sleep better. 

Obviously, make sure to hydrate before bed, not exercise at late hours, and create a routine to settle the mind. Sometimes, however, we can’t calm our overactive minds alone. Meditating with crystals can invite healing energy into your room and allow you to tuck in with ease and reduce anxiety dreams. 

Healing Stones For A Good Night’s Sleep

Use sage for cleansing your crystals, and the full moon to recharge them, and use incense in a pinch if you lack sage. Pair these stones with lavender, Valerian, and Jasmine essential oils at night to sweeten your dreams. They’ll also make your room smell nice. 

Another natural remedy that can improve your sleep is taking a warm bath with Epsom salt, thirty minutes prior to your bedtime. Measure out a spoon and place it in the tub while it’s filling. Epsom salt contains magnesium, which plays a huge role in our restorative sleep.  It also relieves aches and pains.

Sleeping Crystals

Reducing the amount of blue light, one hour prior to your bedtime can improve your sleep! See if you can turn off any computers, tablets or cellphones. Minimizing screen time at night will help regulate your circadian rhythm.

If you suffer from sleep paralysis, consult with your doctor for medical advice.  

Amethyst – Amethyst is a stone generally used for calming meditation. It was once thought to cure drunkenness but can be used to reduce stress at night. If suffering from nighttime worries, breathe while holding an amethyst stone to dispel worries.

Celestine – Use celestine to promote calmness at any time of the day. The stone helps release stress while bringing harmony and balance to your mind and room. 

Rose Quartz – This stone is good in general for meditation and self-love. It reinforces how you need to prioritize your mind, body, and soul. Use it to open your subconscious to soothing energies and reduce the doubt that comes with bedtime worries. At night, rose quartz reaffirms that sleeping well means that you are inviting a higher love into your life. 

Moonstone – Black moonstone is ideal because it channels the powers of the new moon. That way you can let go of anxiety dreams or other troubling thoughts from your subconscious. You can use it to protect your sleep and set good intentions for the next day, so that you start the morning freshly. We recommend having various moonstones to align with the lunar cycle.

Selenite – This crystal is also named for the moon but is known for channeling the powers of water. Water is the element of change and movement, as you see in river currents and ocean waves. Use selenite to unblock your chakras before bed, so that you have a harmonious aura.

Jasper – Do you have insomnia? Then using a tiger or textured jasper will help reduce the symptoms. Leopardskin and textured stones will also help. 

Experiment with an ideal arrangement for meditating and sleeping with these crystals. If you want to wear a pendant around your neck, make sure that it is smooth and does not wake you up in the middle of the night. See if they work better on your bedside table or a short distance away from your bed. Place your cellphone in the middle of the crystals to remove bad vibes from the messages it may contain.  

Prepare For A Restful Night With Crystals & Stones

Crystals & Stones will direct you to the right gems that will assist healthier sleeping habits. We believe that you can dispel negative energies and replace them with soothing ones. While you decide the best sleeping arrangements with your crystals, our experts can select the appropriate crystals for such an occasion. 

Contact us today to get started with your first spiritual tool or subscription box. At Crystals & Stones, our favorite crystals will look great on your bedside table and help you sleep soundly.

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How to Cleanse Your Crystals and Stones

How To Cleanse Crystal
Cleanse Crystal

Crystals and stones are very much a part of the natural environment, and like all things, in nature, they need to be treated with a profound level of respect. That means you’ll want to periodically cleanse them of all the negative energy that they’ve been removing from your life. This will keep them good and pure so that they’ll be fit to continue having a strong influence on you.

Naturally, you’ll want to keep your crystals and stones free of dust. A little gentle treatment with a dry lint-free cloth will help to reduce these kinds of concerns. On the other hand, you’ll want to dedicate an equal if not greater amount of time to keeping them free of the energies that you deal with while, at the same time, inviting more positive powers into your life.

Smudge Your House To Invite Positive Energy

You’ll want to start with your home as a whole. Smudging with either white sage or Palo Santo has been an ancient practice used for thousands of years.

Sage has been used for a variety of ceremonies. These include energy cleansing, healing purposes, and spiritual practices. Other herbs used for incense will also work in a pinch.

How Can You Benefit From This Powerful Tool?

In times of crisis, when your home vibrations are low or when you need energy cleanses, sage can come in handy. In the most critical times, such an act functions as a calming ritual. They can quiet any forces in your life that might be stressing you out.

When burning sage, allow some time for the smoke to transmute negative energy. It will help to harmonize and neutralize any vibrations in your surroundings.

While you perform the ritual, you’ll want to either recite or meditate on the following strophes.

Smudging Prayer:

I release all the negative energy that no longer serves me, the negativity that surrounds me, and the fears that limit me. I surround my space with divine light and positive energy.

Cleanse Your Crystal

Once you’ve smudged your home, you’ll also want to smudge your crystals with sage so you can be sure that they are free of any negativity that they might have absorbed while serving you. Eventually, you’re going to need to be sure that you clean your crystals and even recharge them.

How to Charge Crystals On A Full Moon

Gather all of the crystals that you want to recharge and, after the sun goes down, place them on a clean windowsill or mirror. You can then either have them bask in the moon’s light or have them sit outside under it. A full moon cleansing really is as simple as allowing them to absorb power in this respect. You’ll be able to do so even if there’s a full lunar eclipse.

In fact, some people believe that lunar eclipses on the night of a truly full moon are auspicious occasions that can attract an even greater level of positive energy to your crystal. You’ll want to charge your crystals every full moon that rolls around.

How To Charge Crystals On A New Moon

Since new moons represent beginnings, they can eliminate old stagnant energy that’s adhered to your crystals over time. We recommend that you use this form of charging when wanting a fresh start or taking a risk. 

Cleansing crystals on a new moon is almost identical to the process used on a full moon. 

Either place them onto a windowsill or a tray outside and allow them to bask in the almost absent glow of the new moon. 

How To Charge Crystals With Intentions

Meditate with your crystal on a specific intention so that your gem becomes set with it. Always make sure that any intention you’re setting is a positive one that you truly want. This prevents any waste or pollution of a vital natural stone. Once you’ve done so, you can be sure that your stone is set with the intention and charged with all of the energy needed to attract it.

At the same time, you’ll want to use other methods to maintain your stones properly. Salt is one option. Cleanse your crystal by placing them in a bowl filled with sea salt, but make sure that it’s genuine natural sea salt that doesn’t have nutritional iodine or other compounds added to it. Any package you use should explicitly state that it consists of 100 percent sea salt with no other ingredients. A crystal can be left in the sea salt for 24 hours, but the salt must be disposed of afterward. Do not reuse it.

Singing bowls are another tool. These Tibetan meditation bowls ring like bells when the user gently strikes them. One method is to place the bowl on a cushion; another is to hold it above your gemstones. Arrange the crystals around the bowl — never put them inside — and strike it gently. Rub the stick against the bowl in a counterclockwise direction. Do this several times. This will cleanse your crystals. 

Do not run crystals under pure and clean water. Some gemstones release toxic fumes in response, such as malachite. This can fill enclosed spaces and poison you or other residents. 

Find Gems That Match Your Intentions At Crystals & Stones

Are you working to eliminate negative influences or simply putting your efforts toward a single goal,? You’ll want to find crystals and stones that match your needs. That’s where the Crystals & Stones experts can find the right gems for you. 
Contact us online with any questions that you might have. We’ll be sure to help you get the materials you need to invite positive forces into your life using healing crystals. Let us banish unwanted energies while welcoming new ones, using the power of gemstones.