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How Long Does It Take For Crystals To Form?

crystal form

People may ask how long it takes for crystals to form. Some crystals can grow so fast that you can watch the reaction before your eyes. Before you respond with incredulous disbelief, think about the way that sugar can crystallize on a kitchen utensil when it’s left in a particularly sweet drink for too long. The icky fuzz that grows on batteries can rapidly reproduce and encourage nearby pieces of metal to reassemble themselves in new and strange ways. 

However, these aren’t the life-giving crystals you’ve probably come to expect. Many fast-growing  crystals, such as rust or the above-mentioned fuzz, can actually be harmful! 

Why The Natural Way Takes Time

Nature makes crystals in a healthy way, though it takes an incredible amount of time to do so. While industrial crystals can be produced extremely quickly, you wouldn’t want to incorporate any of them into your meditative practices. 

Water dissolves some sort of mineral when dealing with natural formation. Over time this water trickles into some sort of natural solvent in a lower layer of rock. It then tends to grow in an irregular pattern. Nature’s lines are never as straight as those cut by industrial machinery.

Even the fastest-growing natural crystals, such as quartz or salt, will still take some months before they become anything close to an appreciable size. Once they do, however, they’re usually not immediately discovered anyway. Such time allows them to constantly grow as a result of this trickling water process. 

Tumbled stones are treated with water to ensure that they don’t adhere to a large amount of dirt, but this is not the same thing as industrially producing a crystal. While some people would always prefer to have rough clusters and raw stones, tumbled stones are still natural.

Some of the hardest types of minerals take millions of years to form. Diamonds are made from organic material that’s been compressed under layers of rock for long periods of time. Some might look at diamonds as fossilized matter in a certain way, which is important for those who focus heavily on longevity in their practice. A few other crystals have taken just as long to form, though most can be measured usually in terms of thousands or millions of calendar years.

Longest Crystal Formation Times

Rather than years, the length it takes for certain crystals to form is specified in terms of geological ages. Certain crystals began forming well before dinosaurs walked the earth. The longest ones have taken billions of years to form, which could perhaps stagger the imagination considering that these long predate the establishment of modern humanity. 

People have been using these as long as they’ve been able to get them out of rocks, though some harder crystals have actually only been viable relatively recently due to the fact that it was too difficult to extract them from the geological strata that they previously lay dormant in.

Study More Crystal Growth At Crystals & Stones

When it comes to the kind of fine healing stones that we bring to market at Crystals & Stones, nature has taken many thousands of years to make them. We know which physical properties can affect different large or small crystals. 

Anybody interested in learning more about crystals should feel free to contact us online. Crystals & Stones can instruct you in how natural chemical composition can improve your meditation. 

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Crystals For Protecting Your Immune System

crystal for immune system

As the days start to get a bit chilly and windy, you know that cold and flu season is on its way. Considering all of the attention that people have been paying to germs lately, there’s a good chance that you’re looking at every possible way to boost your immunity. Crystals for protecting your immune system are one option.

Many allopathic, as well as traditional methods, deserve plenty of attention. Consider some healing crystals that may help. They can coordinate with any other mindfulness practice.

Chances are that many of the crystals used for protection and clearing are already a great pick for those who want a closer look at their immune system. They want to proactively handle the annual deluge of virus particles that assault all of our bodies.

Picking Crystals For Immune System Practice

Perhaps your most popular pick is going to be turquoise, which enhances energy flows while simultaneously clearing the mind. That’s made it a good choice for those who want to align their chakras or who participate in practices like Reiki and Ch’i Kung. 

By promoting an overall optimistic attitude, turquoise is able to improve moods, which often have an impact on the immune system. Someone who is dealing with serious depression needs to address the negative energy that they’re dealing with in their lives before they’re able to improve their immune systems as a result of the fact that this can theoretically make things much worse.

Rose quartz, Angelite, Citrine, and even Fluorite might have a positive impact on individuals who are dealing with depression or anxiety. Considering that these are more than likely the most common mental maladies that people face these days, there’s a good chance that even individuals who don’t think they’d benefit from using these stones might very well do so. If nothing else, then they usually pair well with any crystals that are already in use.

Selenite, bloodstone, honey calcite, and black tourmaline are excellent alternatives as well since they’re associated with cultivating a general sense of well-being. As always, those who wish to experience a greater level of healing may wish to continue learning to forgive themselves and others so that they don’t weigh their already beleaguered immune systems down with additional pressure.

Incorporating Crystals Into Other Practices

Depending on how you’re currently attempting to cultivate your immune system, you might wish to hold a crystal during meditation. This could help to further focus your efforts and ensure that you’re improving as quickly as possible.

 In many ways, you could incorporate the use of crystals into almost any type of cultivation. Consider leaving them in a meditation chamber or near a murti if you have one in your home. Some people might also want to place a number of crystals around an image of their ancestors so that they can draw on some of their legacies if they so choose.

Boost Your Immune System With Crystals & Stones

Crystals & Stones knows that the proper gems can lead to powerful healing. Combined with self-care and regular exercise, you can bring your body into balance. 

Those who are looking for more ways to incorporate healing crystals into their regular practices can contact our team online for some more ideas. Crystals & Stones will answer all of your questions about healing stones and how to keep health systems functioning.