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Crystals For The Third-Eye Chakra

crystal for third eye chakra

The Anja Chakra, sometimes called the third eye, refers to a specific gate that can lead to a realm of deeper consciousness. While it’s often associated with specific historical individuals like Siddhattha Gotama and their discourses like the Mahayana sutras, there’s no reason why the cultivation of the third eye isn’t something that everyone can engage in.

Since it tends to look inward, it might begin to see things that you may not like. That might give you a greater number of things that you hope to work on. Over time, doing so can lead to a dramatic level of self-improvement. As you might have guessed, there are crystals that can help.

Exploring Your Inner Self With Crystals

Vanadinite is probably your first pick when it comes time to clear your third eye. Learned individuals have long associated it with spiritual and psychic abilities. It’s also more mundanely used by those who have to spend long hours at work. 


Barite is a good pick for those who are working on controlled out-of-body experiences while also trying to eliminate some of the blockages that cause their biggest issues. Sadly, you usually only ever see Barite in paints and other industrial things. Taking it back as a natural crystal is a great way to start your journey toward living a more centered life. It’s especially good for those who are already meditating with a focus on the Anja Chakra and hope to further explore it.


Curiously, diamonds are another stone that’s very good in this respect, though they’re only usually associated with either industrial drills or the jewelry market. Granted, genuine diamond jewelry can actually have a positive impact on your third-eye chakra, but you need to have genuine natural diamonds. So many used in the fashion industry are actually artificial and grown, which will only hamper your continued self-exploration.

Azurite is a healing stone that’s associated with the throat, though it can actually also have a positive impact on the third eye. When you’re ill or your body isn’t completely balanced, there’s a good chance that you won’t be able to explore yourself anywhere near as far as you might if you were coming from a healthy position. Incorporate these stones into your practice, especially if you manipulate ki or prana since they normally aren’t associated with any side effects, and doing so is surprisingly simple.


Stones For Self-Improvement & Exploration

Start out by making a list of reasons that you want to explore your third eye. If you have a specific intention, then it’s far easier to get going on what could be an extremely deep journey. Over time you might need to make adjustments to these and you may even learn some things about yourself that demand further correction. Don’t worry, because this is all part of the journey toward becoming the best you possible.

Perceive The World Better With Crystal & Stones

Here at Crystals & Stones, we don’t just stop with recommendations. Instead, we have done our best to put together a varied collection for third-eye explorers.

If you run into any snags, then please feel free to contact us online. Our team will help you get the minerals you need to get up to speed with your inner self and meditation.

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How to Stimulate and Activate your Chakras: 7 Techniques

Activating Your Root Chakra

What is a Body Chakra? 

A chakra is an energy center in the body. It has energy, also called chi, flowing through the center and around the body. The seven chakras are associated with the temperature and atmosphere in our surroundings. This helps us determine whether something is cold or hot. 

Each chakra is related to the elements of fire, earth, air, and water. They help balance our bodies to function in harmony. Our energy points are quite astonishing; they serve us as a powerful tool that acts as a radar picking up each frequency and chi surrounding us. 

Energy points let us know if we feel comfortable with people, detecting if an atmosphere is tense. For instance,  if you get a tingling sensation or an unpleasant sensation in your stomach this signal is associated with your fifth chakra the “Solar Plexus” which is giving you a heads up. 

What happens when a chakra is blocked? 

Our chakras system is linked to our body, the condition of its health. The sample applies to our state of mind.  When a chakra is blocked or inactive, it is more likely to manifest as pain or ache in the body. The chakras are linked to the physical body at all levels, when something is unbalanced in your body, it will certainly reflect healthwise. 

Many of us cannot imagine the amount of stress of everyday life. It is determinantal to our health. Little that we know is that when we don’t know how to handle stress, it acts like a chain reaction manifesting in our bodies physically in an array of health conditions including, autoimmune disorders, cancers, and rheumatoid arthritis just to mention a few. 

The Chakra System Levels

The chakra system is differentiated by primary, secondary, and higher-level chakras. Each level is interconnected with the physical, emotional, and mental, and spiritual body.  

Starting from the primary level of the chakra system involves how the physical body is interconnected. Our health, inner strength, energy level, discomfort, or weakness remain linked. 

The secondary level is associated with the mind, consciousness, intellect, intuition, and ego. These energy points alert you if something is not feeling right. 

The higher chakra levels relate to our spirit. They give us the ability of discerning, channeling and receiving information, connecting to our spiritual guides, and enhancing clairvoyance and psychic abilities.  This level gives you the ability to explore or tap into astral projection, akashic records, and past lives.

The Base Chakra or Root Chakra

How to Stimulate Root Chakra

Location: Base of the spine

Main Role: Is the base of our life force energy, Gives us motivation in life 

Color: Red

Meaning: Physical needs, passion, and anger

The Base Chakra is located at the base of the spine.  It controls the lower body which governs the hips, thighs, legs, and feet. 

For individuals that meditate constantly, it is suggested that they ground themselves by performing an earthing meditation. They should visualize the linkage of their Base Chakra to the center of the earth. Another technique would be to walk barefoot on grass or soil in order to ground yourself. 

The Base Chakra is related to everything that is concerned with shelter, security, and basic human needs. In addition, it gives us an awareness of the world around us, the place where we live, and the society that we are surrounded by. 

One of the most powerful energy points, our Base Chakra relates to our past lives, our history, reputation, and family. It is linked to the experiences in the womb, the early stages when a baby is formed. 

The Base Chakra is also related to the Kundalini. Once this chakra awakens the serpent coiled and activates all the seven energy points. They will unleash your energy and lead you on a spiritual journey. 

Indications Of A Balanced Base Chakra 

The base chakra governs the professional aspect that stems from your instincts for survival and earning money for a living. Individuals with balanced Root Chakra are typically the ones that are self-reliant. They pay their bills on time, have money in their bank, are responsible individuals, hard workers, and ambitious. 

Indications Of A Weaker Base Chakra

Those individuals with a deficient base chakra tend to be nervous, vulnerable and apathetic. They tend not to finish the projects that they started. The Base Chakra can be weakened due to life-threatening events such as family death, relationship breakup, severe financial issues, war, or any traumatic life-changing event. Issues such as lack of appetite for sex, insecurity, lack of self-esteem. 

Health-Related Issues

A common complaint about a weakened base chakra is back, hips, and feet pain. The root chakra is associated with the immune system, skeleton system, dental and digestive system. 

Many of the following health issues are related to a weakened base chakra: 


cervical erosion

Crystals For Grounding






High or Low blood pressure 


Dental problems


Nasal problems

Eating disorders: anorexia, binge eating


Vaginal problems



Testicular problems

Prostate problems

Techniques to Awaken your Base Chakra

1. Use Crystals for Grounding 

Crystal healing is another popular technique by using each color that is associated with each chakra. Acupressure can do the same by massaging the area or applying pressure so the obstruction is released. Chakra healing can be seen as a multi-sensorial approach that involves all your five senses: vision, touch, sound, smell, and taste. 

Many crystals will activate your root chakra. Crystals such as black tourmaline, bloodstone, red jasper, bronzite, smoky quartz, obsidian mahogany, and labradorite are great for grounding purposes. A great technique that can help unblock your energy point is by placing a crystal on your root chakra while meditating this can help release the energy blockage. 

Hold a stone in your hand while thinking of an intention. When you hold a crystal during your meditation and repeat your intention, your auric energy field will purge and revitalize. Don’t forget to cleanse your stone thoroughly with sage or submerge stones in salt overnight, prior to a meditation. 

2. Using Essential Oils for Grounding 

Aromatherapy is a technique that can compliment chakra healing. Essential oils can help address the feelings of insecurity, loneliness, and disconnection. They connect you to the Earth while keeping you grounded, centered, and present. Sandalwood, cedarwood, lavender, myrrh, frankincense, and ginger are good . 

3. The Power Of Earthing

Walking barefoot on grass or soil is by far one of the most powerful techniques to practice. This is called Earthing or grounding. Earth has a natural capacity of absorbing electromagnetic energy.

Think of the Earth as a gigantic resource that contains natural energy and electromagnetic frequency. Earthing provides wonderful health benefits such as reducing inflammation as well as stress and anxiety. It also improves circulation and blood flow. When you are electrically grounded you feel centered, balanced, relaxed, connected, and strong.

Breatwork Meditation

4. Earthing and Breathwork Meditation Technique 

Breathwork techniques can be one of the most powerful techniques to heal the body. With such a spiritual experience, your body and mind can truly be connected to your inner self. 

When you are in a state of oneness, you get to connect to your true self and everything around you. Many people that have practiced breathwork have experienced spiritual awakenings. The key here is to focus on your spirit while connecting to the energy of the universe. 

Meditation Technique:

Sit straight in an upright position, place your feet on the floor. Close your eyes and relax. From the Root of your Chakra, take a deep breath and exhale down the legs, and through the feet. 

Hold your breath for 7 seconds, and let go of the breath slowly. Pace yourself, don’t do it too fast. Repeat this exercise a few times. Through your feet, and down your root, create an invisible cord that connects to the center of the earth. Focus on how that cord is connected to Planet Earth. Feel how the cord pulls you downwards to the core. 

Practice this technique daily, this will help you feel connected to the present moment, this will help be more aware of your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and emotional state. 

Below Are Some Grounding & Breathwork Meditation Videos: 

Wim Hof Breathwork 

5 Minute Breathing Exercise to Keep you Grounded 

5. Reiki Healing

One of the most popular techniques, Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique that uses their palms as a healing tool, which they channel universal energy. The practitioner transfers their energy through the palms and sends a healing soothing energy vibration to their patient. 

Reiki is an excellent practice to help activate our chakras. It works to stabilize, harmonize, align, and harmonize our body. The work done in a session will leave you feeling revitalized and re-energized. 

6. Colors Can Affect your Chakras

Colors can affect your chakras in an astonishing way. Little did we know that wearing our little favorite black dress to make us look slimmer can affect our mood. However, the absence of bright tones has a negative vibration that doesn’t attract positive energy but dissipates it in every shape or form.  

Choromology is the study of colors that can affect how individuals think or act. Tints have an impact on, mood, behavior, and stress levels. Colors have a different effect on our brain and our auric field.  To activate your root chakra, you need to wear the color red more frequently. Accessories can serve as a catalyst. 

7. Yoga Practice

Yoga is a wonderful technique to unblock your chakras. Many instruction videos are freely available online to imitate poses and exercises. Practicing yoga frequently can help balance and subtle the chakra system. 

Each yoga pose can help ease and help release the obscurity. Poses such as child pose, low lunge, warrior, squat, easy pose are just a few exercises that can help open your root chakra. Below are a few Root Chakra Yoga Videos: 

Grounding Into Gratitude – Root Chakra Yoga

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Using Crystals to Unblock Chakras

Crystals to Unblock Chakras

If your chakras are blocked, good energy won’t be able to flow harmoniously through you. Your chakras are influenced by what you think, what you do and how you feel. As life hands us obstacles our chakras can become blocked or unbalanced. 

At Crystal & Stone, we believe that with the right kind of crystal set and mindset you can balance and unblock your chakras, by placing the crystals and stones on your body, by wearing them or carrying them around with you. 

These crystals are not meant to treat physical or psychological issues. If you need help and are experiencing a mental health issue or a physical ailment, contact a professional to speak to a physician or therapist. 

Get the crystals you need according to what you feel is blocked within you. Each crystal provides different healing properties and their potential to unblock and balance you will depend on your set intentions and needs. Discover our chakra balancing stones below, how to balance your chakras with crystals and on which energy centers you should place them: 

Root Chakra

Root Chakra on Body

The Root Chakra is your base chakra located at the base of your spine. It is known to be your connection to family, health, Earth, belonging, and survival.   

Black Tourmaline

If you are experiencing low self-esteem, anxiety, depression or loneliness your root chakra might be blocked. This crystal named, Black Tourmaline will support you in times of stress. It will also absorb the negative energies in your life and provide psychic protection.

Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra on Body

The sacral chakra is located at the base of your spine and is your connection to confidence, creativity, sexuality, and self-worth. If you are experiencing an eating disorder, low sexual stamina, and drive, menstrual problems, UTIs or infertility, your sacral chakra could be blocked. 


The base chakra is associated with the spine, passion, and stability. All these aspects are important because our spine determines our mobility. Carnelian restores a person’s vitality and provides high energy.

Solar Plexus 

Solar Plexus Chakra on Body

The crystal healing your solar plexus is Citrine. If your solar plexus is blocked you might be experiencing insomnia, skin problems, metabolism difficulties, trouble concentrating or memory loss. 


The Citrine chakra stone should be placed at your diaphragm where the solar plexus is. Citrine benefits in the areas of creativity and imagination, it is especially helpful for confidence, curiosity, happiness, good health, intelligence, and healing wisdom. Place right below your belly-button and practice mindfulness or meditation.

Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra on Human Body

The crystals below will help you unblock your heart chakra if you are having difficulties with forgiving, trust, or feeling safe. The heart chakra is your connection to the center of your being and your connection to love and relationships.  


Fluorite can help you if you are feeling hopeless, feeling apathetic, can’t forgive others, or have trouble with committing. Place the Fluorite in the same place as your physical heart and practice mindfulness and meditation with it. 

Rose Quartz 

You can also utilize Rose Quartz to unblock and balance the heart chakra. Wear it as a necklace or place it on top of where your heart is while meditating in a horizontal position. 

Rose quartz can help with emotional healing. The stone represents unconditional love and happiness. When you have trouble with self-love, meditating with this gem can help. You can also use it to assist with restoring trust and comforting others.

Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra on Body

Located at the base of your throat, the throat chakra is your connection to the way you communicate, your sense of freedom and leadership. If you are having trouble with expressing yourself freely you might have your throat chakra blocked.

Blue Kyanite 

Blue Kyanite will get the right energy flowing to unblock your throat chakra. Place it at the base of your throat and let the stone chakra do the healing. Blue kyanite will help with increasing honest communication, especially when worn against the throat. It will also reduce anxiety, which will assist in finding mindfulness.


Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra on Human Body

The third eye is located above and between your two eyes. When balanced, the third eye helps you have a strong connection to your dreams, psychic abilities, conscious thoughts, and the mind.  

Lapis Lazuli

The Lapis Lazuli will help you if you are experiencing nightmares, constant headaches, eye problems, or ear trouble for your eye chakra might be blocked. Lapis Lazuli has high frequencies that can help you achieve spiritual enlightenment. Meditate with this stone and place it where your third eye would be while remaining with an open heart and open mind in order to receive visions or messages from your higher self so you can evolve into your fullest potential of being.   

Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra on Human Body

Located at the top of your head, the crown chakra is associated with spirituality, wisdom, and enlightenment. When the crown chakra is blocked you might experience mental health problems and lack of faith. Discover the crown chakra crystals below:


Dark amethyst will assist the Third Eye, a chakra that invites its owner to look inward. Amethyst assists with your digestive and endocrine systems when rubbed over your torso. Just as we now know that gut health is associated with mental health, you can use amethyst to relieve your worries about the world. These crystals and healing stones clear thinking, and help you find a path forward.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz has emotional healing properties to dispel feelings of negativity while encouraging positive feelings and thoughts, balancing benefits in keeping with clear quartz meaning. Clear quartz enhances awareness and improves one’s perceptions. Energy levels are increased, thought processes are improved and clarified.

Wondering how to cleanse your crystals? Cleansing your crystals is easy! Simply wash them with water, give them a moonlight shower or sunlight shower, or rub it with some sea salt! 

Unblock Your Chakras with our Crystals & Stones!

At Crystals & Stones, we provide you with a set of crystals so that you can enrich your meditation practice and embark on your spiritual journey with the healing properties of these stones. 

We want to hear from you! If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact us and our friendly customer service will get in touch with you.