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Total Moon Energy Effects: Spiritual Crystal Cleansing Rituals

Full moons happen once a month when the sun’s rays fully illuminate and reflect off the moon. The brightness we see during this time is from sunlight bouncing back to us, giving people more energy as it reflects upon them. 

However, despite all its glory in light-filled moments, the moon only lasts for about three days before and after each complete lunar cycle. A full moon occurs on either side at any given moment since they are always opposite one another across an entire sky (or zodiac wheel).

Discover The Powers Of Moonlight!

There’s an ancient superstition that a person is either born under the light of a full moon or not. So when you’re born during this special lunar moment, it means your future will be bright and magical.

The moon has a significant impact on life; as it waxes and wanes, our energy changes too. The waxing phase is excellent for building momentum, while the waning stage provides an opportunity to reflect before moving forward again with new projects or goals in mind.

For centuries, humans have been living by lunar cycles. This connection can give us a sense of grounding and synergy with the earth & cosmos in our modern world. 

While the new moon is mostly about setting intentions for your future or launching new projects- it’s also time to reflect on how you’re doing so far! 

Starting at nightfall when there are barely any stars out, light from passing planets will make its way across Earth’s surface until two weeks later we see that full bright orb shining down upon us once again: The Full Moon.

When we experience our happiest moments (like at weddings, at nightfall, for example) many people believe there are always certain factors in play—weather conditions, planetary alignments, even phases of the moon! The idea behind these beliefs stems from old folk traditions passed down to us by our ancestors, who experimented with nature to find out about its powers.

Benefits Of Cleansing Crystals Under The Full Moon

Cleansing your crystals under the full moon can be as easy as putting them on a tray. Let them bathe in the pale light and preferably say a silent prayer or meditation to ask that they may purify themselves of any negative energy within this sacred space you have created for yourself!

Getting rid of negative energy should be a simple process that makes you feel comfortable. You don’t want to feel like you’re stressing yourself out over it.

Some people prefer to use a mirror instead of a tray. They feel a mirror could help reflect some amount of moonlight onto the crystals. Depending on your practice, you may wish to say a mantra or meditate to ask that your crystals will be purged of anything that they’ve picked up over your time working with them. 

The Best Way To Clear Negative Energy From Stones

At times, some spiritual seekers have come up with dedicated crystal cleaning rituals. You may want to follow the rubrics for one of these, especially if you’ve never tried cleaning your crystals under natural light before. 

Depending on the type of negative energy, you might also want to consider running your crystals through smoke from a smudge stick or a piece of blessed incense. Gently wiping the crystal with a soft, dry cloth in a way that doesn’t damage the integrity of the crystalline matrix could help to keep it physically clean, though this is independent of spiritual cleansing.

You may want to use a small amount of saltwater to clean your crystal before or after exposing it to raw moonlight. Though there’s naturally a wide variation of practices, combining these two methods might help dispel hostile powers and concerns. 

Those who practice spiritual disciplines like Qigong, Kundalini, and Reiki may wish to send distant energy to their crystals while they’re out under the moonlight. Experienced practitioners may also want to lay their hands down on their crystals and meditate on a particular symbol over them.

Perhaps one of the most effective ways to combine techniques with moonlight cleansing is to pair your crystals with either clear quartz or selenite. These both have the unique ability to recharge and purify the spiritual energy of other crystals. 

Most agree that their abilities are in no way diminished in the process. On the contrary, as the name suggests, selenite is sometimes associated with lunar concepts, making it particularly appropriate for this task.

Developing Your Spiritual Rituals

Never be afraid to experiment as long as said experiments don’t make you personally uncomfortable. For example, spiritual cleansing shouldn’t be about criticism, and focusing too much on doing the right things during your ritual could impart negative energy to a crystal. Instead, simply take a deep breath and smile before letting it out and do what feels natural. 

At Crystals & Stones, we’ve seen many different paths that all brought comfort and solace to those who walked them.

Your intention to purge anything that your crystals have picked up may well be the most powerful aspect of your cleansing rituals. When you’re ready to learn more about the healing power of crystals, make sure to use our online contact page.

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How To Cleanse Crystals: The Best Ways To Cleanse, Charge And Program Your Crystals

All practitioners and seekers usually end up developing their own path to some degree. With that many disciplines, there are many different ways to cleanse crystals. Leaving them out underneath the moonlight either on a tray or mirror is perhaps one of the most popular ways to do so. It’s certainly one of those that would seem to be the most connected with the natural world. 

Others might prefer to gently pass them through the smoke of a sacred piece of incense in order to impart some degree of blessing on them while helping to shed at least part of the negative energy that they might have collected in the meantime.

Programming An Intention To Your Crystals

As soon as you’re sure that your crystals aren’t harboring any additional sources of negative power, you can begin to provide them with some sort of intent. In order to ensure that your crystals give you the greatest possible healing benefit, you’ll need to know how to program them. 

To do so, hold the stone and quiet your mind. Focus your thoughts and energies on a specific goal or desire. Dedicate all of the energies of said stone as well as the energies that you’re imparting to the highest degree of achievement in said goal that’s possible. While modesty and humility are always important, you want to be sure that you spell out your intentions clearly.

This is especially true of those who are looking to use a crystal as part of a journey of personal empowerment. For those who are using them as an adjunct to a quest for self-improvement, you may not be able to shed feelings of depression or low self-worth unless you state that you want to rid yourself of them. Intent and the strong desire to achieve something are of the utmost importance when you’re trying to clear out these kinds of negative emotions.

Eventually, you may have worked through at least some of the feelings of doubt that you might have been dealing with. When you have, you’ll want to repeat the initial cleansing ceremony to scrub off these energies so that your crystals don’t start to attract them. 

This is true of both loose stones as well as those in settings. The form factor of the crystal doesn’t change the cleansing or empowerment process.

Empowering Your Crystals For Positive Change

Those who want to benefit from the general metaphysical properties of a given stone may find it unnecessary to program a crystal. They’ll be harnessing its energies as opposed to adding or putting anything in. Anybody who has a specific goal in mind, however, is encouraged to at least charge their crystal with said intention. They will improve their chances of success.

Leverage More Healing Properties With Crystals & Stones

Regardless of your own preferred practices, you’re always welcome at Crystals & Stones. We try to provide an inclusive space for those to discover the power of healing crystals.

Whenever you’d like to learn more about the healing power of crystals, feel free to contact us online. A world of crystal awaits you, with the proper methods of cleansing for your benefit.

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How to Charge Healing Crystals

Healing Crystals For Beginners

When you want to charge your crystals for healing or balance reasons, then your best bet is often to rely on the same natural forces that produced these items. Try exposing your crystals to the moon or sunlight. In most cases, the light will penetrate your crystal and fill it with positive energy.

This should prove true even if you’re used to working with opaque crystals that aren’t normally easy to see through. You may want to set your crystals on a small tray or mirror on an open windowsill that faces the moon or sun. Some people prefer to charge crystals under the sun when they need active forces and under the moon when they need more passive reflective ones.

In either case, though, you should find that your crystals get purified in the process.

Purifying a Crystal to Purge Out Negative Energy

Crystals that might seem to have absorbed an unhealthy amount of negative energy can be placed in an area that receives adequate light for a day or two. In some cases, you might need to leave them in place for a few days or nights to ensure that they’re completely clean of any unfortunate forces.

Do note that the actual color of the crystal doesn’t matter when charging it under the light. Healing obsidian might be rather dark, but it charges and purifies under even the gentlest moonlight. While you won’t want to leave your crystals to bake under the hot sun if you live in a warmer climate, placing them on a tray to catch a few morning rays should also do quite nicely.

Water and salt might be a good pick for those who need to clear out external forces that have attached themselves to a crystal. Some people have opined that this because salt is a metaphysical tool that very literally represents the salt of the earth. Others prefer to use singing bowls and place their crystals inside of them for a sonic cleansing. This might be a great pick for those who are already incorporating such practices into their spiritual lives. Keep in mind that some crystals may have a certain texture and exposing them to anything besides air and light may change that texture slightly. That being said, some users might value these changes as they help to call to mind the impermanence of all existance.

Keeping Your Crystals Clean

At times, earthly soil and even the oils from your hands might get onto your crystals. Don’t lose heart, because these are all elements of nature and they shouldn’t at all interfere with the ability of your crystals to absorb and convert energy. Simply use a gentle cloth to clean them and then purify them with light or salt. Gentle cool running water might help to purify them while eliminating these earthly concerns. It might even prove to be a meditative practice for you.
Contact us online if you have any other concerns about how to purify crystals and which are the best ones for your particular intention.

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How to Cleanse Your Crystals and Stones

How To Cleanse Crystal
Cleanse Crystal

Crystals and stones are very much a part of the natural environment, and like all things, in nature, they need to be treated with a profound level of respect. That means you’ll want to periodically cleanse them of all the negative energy that they’ve been removing from your life. This will keep them good and pure so that they’ll be fit to continue having a strong influence on you.

Naturally, you’ll want to keep your crystals and stones free of dust. A little gentle treatment with a dry lint-free cloth will help to reduce these kinds of concerns. On the other hand, you’ll want to dedicate an equal if not greater amount of time to keeping them free of the energies that you deal with while, at the same time, inviting more positive powers into your life.

Smudge Your House To Invite Positive Energy

You’ll want to start with your home as a whole. Smudging with either white sage or Palo Santo has been an ancient practice used for thousands of years.

Sage has been used for a variety of ceremonies. These include energy cleansing, healing purposes, and spiritual practices. Other herbs used for incense will also work in a pinch.

How Can You Benefit From This Powerful Tool?

In times of crisis, when your home vibrations are low or when you need energy cleanses, sage can come in handy. In the most critical times, such an act functions as a calming ritual. They can quiet any forces in your life that might be stressing you out.

When burning sage, allow some time for the smoke to transmute negative energy. It will help to harmonize and neutralize any vibrations in your surroundings.

While you perform the ritual, you’ll want to either recite or meditate on the following strophes.

Smudging Prayer:

I release all the negative energy that no longer serves me, the negativity that surrounds me, and the fears that limit me. I surround my space with divine light and positive energy.

Cleanse Your Crystal

Once you’ve smudged your home, you’ll also want to smudge your crystals with sage so you can be sure that they are free of any negativity that they might have absorbed while serving you. Eventually, you’re going to need to be sure that you clean your crystals and even recharge them.

How to Charge Crystals On A Full Moon

Gather all of the crystals that you want to recharge and, after the sun goes down, place them on a clean windowsill or mirror. You can then either have them bask in the moon’s light or have them sit outside under it. A full moon cleansing really is as simple as allowing them to absorb power in this respect. You’ll be able to do so even if there’s a full lunar eclipse.

In fact, some people believe that lunar eclipses on the night of a truly full moon are auspicious occasions that can attract an even greater level of positive energy to your crystal. You’ll want to charge your crystals every full moon that rolls around.

How To Charge Crystals On A New Moon

Since new moons represent beginnings, they can eliminate old stagnant energy that’s adhered to your crystals over time. We recommend that you use this form of charging when wanting a fresh start or taking a risk. 

Cleansing crystals on a new moon is almost identical to the process used on a full moon. 

Either place them onto a windowsill or a tray outside and allow them to bask in the almost absent glow of the new moon. 

How To Charge Crystals With Intentions

Meditate with your crystal on a specific intention so that your gem becomes set with it. Always make sure that any intention you’re setting is a positive one that you truly want. This prevents any waste or pollution of a vital natural stone. Once you’ve done so, you can be sure that your stone is set with the intention and charged with all of the energy needed to attract it.

At the same time, you’ll want to use other methods to maintain your stones properly. Salt is one option. Cleanse your crystal by placing them in a bowl filled with sea salt, but make sure that it’s genuine natural sea salt that doesn’t have nutritional iodine or other compounds added to it. Any package you use should explicitly state that it consists of 100 percent sea salt with no other ingredients. A crystal can be left in the sea salt for 24 hours, but the salt must be disposed of afterward. Do not reuse it.

Singing bowls are another tool. These Tibetan meditation bowls ring like bells when the user gently strikes them. One method is to place the bowl on a cushion; another is to hold it above your gemstones. Arrange the crystals around the bowl — never put them inside — and strike it gently. Rub the stick against the bowl in a counterclockwise direction. Do this several times. This will cleanse your crystals. 

Do not run crystals under pure and clean water. Some gemstones release toxic fumes in response, such as malachite. This can fill enclosed spaces and poison you or other residents. 

Find Gems That Match Your Intentions At Crystals & Stones

Are you working to eliminate negative influences or simply putting your efforts toward a single goal,? You’ll want to find crystals and stones that match your needs. That’s where the Crystals & Stones experts can find the right gems for you. 
Contact us online with any questions that you might have. We’ll be sure to help you get the materials you need to invite positive forces into your life using healing crystals. Let us banish unwanted energies while welcoming new ones, using the power of gemstones.