Healing Crystals For Digestive Problems

Digestive health is one of the biggest challenges faced by people today. Due in no small part to the fact that we eat food laced with artificial additives, modern humans are often unable to deal with their digestive tracts. Eventually, these problems can go from uncomfortable to flat-out painful before turning even uglier.

As with anything else, correcting them requires an approach that involves a combination of multiple disciplines. Fortunately, the team at Crystals & Stones has a few pieces that integrate well with this approach. After you work on improving your diet, we invite you to check these out.

Combining Stones For Digestive Health

Carnelian agate regulates kidney functions while aquamarine is said to heal the stomach. It’s thought to be helpful to those with ulcers and other related problems. You might want to combine the use of these two as well as honey calcite, which is sometimes associated with the stomach and small intestines as well as the kidneys. Some even say that it’s beneficial for the bladder as well.

That’s why all three of these stones were selected for inclusion in the aptly named Settle My Tummy set. They’ve also been commonly used by individuals who are dealing with the sorts of digestive problems that come as a side-effect of unrelated medical treatments. So many medicines and procedures can cause an upset stomach that some people accept that they simply have to live with it in order to avoid some other problem. That being said, these crystals have indeed provided solace to those who otherwise figured that they couldn’t get any help.

Don’t feel too afraid to explore other crystals for precisely that reason. Smoky quartz has been popular with those dealing with digestive troubles, which is why it was included in the similar Comfort Me crystal set. This stone is well regarded among those who wanted to detoxify their bodies. Poisons that are found in food, water, and many other products including cosmetics could end up in a digestive tract. In fact, some of these are even entirely natural. That’s why detoxification is a good idea.

Using Stones For Digestive Health

Incorporate any of these stones into the other practices that you’re already engaged in to better treat your problems. You might want to sleep with them located somewhere near your head and have them closer to your stomach or abdominal region during the rest of the day. Meditation and mindfulness practices could help to dramatically improve stomach health, so it’s a good idea to use your crystals to focus while engaged in any of these. Remember to breathe deeply and properly, since a shockingly large number of digestive problems are actually caused by stress. That tends to be even more true for those who work in certain types of careers.

Cooperate With Your Digestive System Using Crystals & Stones

Crystals & Stones know that mindfulness can lead to a healthier body. We have studied how important meditation can be when it comes to stomach issues and other health concerns. 

Many practitioners of Yoga and Reiki have found unique methods to incorporate stones into their disciplines, which have helped them to remain grounded and focused even when dealing with some pretty severe situations. Those who are looking for more innovative ways to incorporate crystals into their routines can always feel free to contact us online.

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