Crystals for Depression and Anxiety

crystals for anxiety and depression

Crystals for Depression and Anxiety

Anxiety and depression are by far the most common mental illness affecting 5% of Are you feeling anxious or depressed? If so, don’t ignore it! Depression and anxiety are the most common mental illnesses affecting 5% of the U.S. population. Although there is a stigma linked to depression, many people ignore and avoid seeking medical help for their emotional imbalances. Working with crystals can provide a holistic approach to help you cope with your emotions more easily.

There are several crystals that can treat anxiety and depression; read on below to find out which one is right for you!

Crystals that can help you overcome depression are the following:


  • Rose Quartzis the most popular and well-known crystal for depression. It has a soothing, calming energy that brings peace to your mind when things seem out of control or unpredictable in any way whatsoever! This beautiful pink stone works mainly on emotions – it can help you overcome sadness by healing past emotional wounds such as promoting self-love through forgiveness.

    Rose quartz can help you open up your heart chakra so that you can receive the love of the universe and vibrate at a higher frequency. Daily meditation practice with Rose Quartz can help you hone self-love and create a stronger bond with your higher self. While you sit in meditation you will be able to hear the soft whispers of the heart. What is your higher self trying to tell you? Love is the way, open your heart to receive.


  • Tigers EyeOne of the most well-known stones for protection is tiger eye. It helps to bring focus and clarity in stressful situations. For those struggling with depression, this may be a stone that will help relieve symptoms. One way to help relieve anxiety and depression is to carry a Tiger’s eye stone with you. It works by stimulating the prefrontal cortex of your brain, which helps regulate mood. Just like crystals for other types of emotions, Tiger’s eye stones can have both spiritual and therapeutic benefits.

    The need to care for your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health. There are numerous tools out there to help combat anxiety and depression, some of which come in the form of crystals.

    Working with Tiger eye crystals is one of the best ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Many people are struggling with depression and anxiety, often trying to find relief in holistic approaches. Tiger eye has shown promise in helping people feel less anxious symptoms as well as to conduct their daily lives more effectively. There are several other crystals that can help address these issues.


  • CitrineIntroduce more sunshine into your life! When you are feeling overwhelmed or that life is simply unfolding too quickly, this crystal can help boost your confidence and bring a sense of hopeCitrine is a beautiful crystal that can provide physical and spiritual healing capabilities. Citrine can also help with improving your mood and feel better about yourself. Holding this crystal can help you relax and find some peace, even when you’re feeling anxious or depressed.

    Citrine helps with mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and seasonal affective disorder. It is also a great crystal for alleviating headaches/migraines when your mind or body’s energy system is out of balance. Citrine can help you release anxiety and depression while opening your heart to enthusiasm, happiness, and contentment.

  • Fluorite: Is a powerful stone that can help you connect with the earth and bring peace to your life. Fluorite is one of my favorite crystals for anxiety relief! Fluorite has been used to help people who may suffer from difficulty focusing or concentrating.

    Fluorite has the power to purify your soul no matter how difficult you may find life at times. Although there is a stigma linked to depression, many ignore and avoid seeking medical help for depression. When meditating with fluorite crystals or wearing them on your body can provide a holistic approach in dealing with emotional imbalances. 

    Fluorite is an excellent tool to use for spiritual work, meditation, and finding your personal power. Work with Fluorite to shift your outlook, such as by meditating with it or performing energy purifications. This crystal can help treat depression by serving as a vessel for serenity.


  • Angeliteis a powerful healing stone that can help alleviate feelings of isolation, hopelessness, and anxiety.

    Angelite has a calming and supportive energy that soothes fears and helps those suffering from anxiety or depression. It can also increase self-confidence, relieve stress, and relax tense situations.

    This stone is able to restore hope in hopelessness by bringing about serenity through chakra healing. Angelite can be used for anxiety and depression treatment of all kinds, but especially common among those dealing with stress or difficult situations.

    When anxiety and depression hits hard, Angelite can provide a holistic approach to help you find your emotional balance. Crystals are an incredible tool when trying to find aid or relief from mood disorders by providing self-confidence and promoting peace of mind without causing aggravation and stress. Angelite is one of the best crystals for this use.

Crystals and stones can be a holistic alternative to medication for many forms of anxiety or depression. However, applying a natural approach is not only cost-effective in terms of time and money but can also get you back on the right path to living.

The best way to start is by including a few of your favorite crystals in the healing process. Moving beyond symptoms with a holistic approach, stones can help physically and emotionally so you can find relief from feeling out of balance without stigma or side effects. 

Related Crystals

Rose Quartz

Tiger Eye




Suggested Crystals

Fluorite Tree of Life Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Fluorite Sphere

Crystals & Stones

$60.00 – $180.00


Fluorite Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Fluorite Octahedral (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $25.00


Comfort Me! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tiger Eye Sphere

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $80.00


Tiger Eye Pendant Point

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tiger Eye Oval Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tiger Eye Beaded Bracelet (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones



Pick Me Up! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Honey Tiger Eye Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Blue Tiger Eye Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Raw Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Crystal Tumbled (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$12.00 – $25.00


Citrine Crystal Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$50.00 – $110.00


Citrine Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Double Terminated Point

Crystals & Stones

$60.00 – $90.00


Rose Quartz Point

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $90.00


Rose Quartz Pendant Point

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.
The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Dual Face Roller

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Heart

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.
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Crystals to Help With Erectile Dysfunction

At Crystals & Stones, we provide you with a wide array of crystals and stones with multiple healing properties to accompany you on your spiritual journey, to aid you with your meditation and mindfulness practices and so you can achieve anything you set your mind to.  

If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction or low sexual drive, your Sacral Chakra could be unbalanced or blocked. The Sacral Chakra is located at the base of your spine (pelvic area) and is your connection to confidence, passion, creativity, sexuality, and pleasure. Below you will find a curated list of crystals and stones that can help stimulate and activate the Sacral Chakra to strengthen your sexual drive and desires. 

This chakra allows you to relax, laugh, cry, or have sex freely without any inhibitions or shame. The energy of this chakra helps us with making connections between people as well as ourselves, in order to help us become more productive beings on this planet. 


Did you know that misaligned chakras can cause problems with your digestion, sexual function, and mood?

Misaligned chakras can cause a whole host of problems in your physical and emotional well-being. A misaligned or blocked chakra will result in lackluster digestion, sexual dysfunction, depression, and other mood disorders.

You can enhance your sexual drive by using an essential oil diffuser or playing a musical instrument, breathwork, crystal healing, meditation techniques that focus on releasing negative energy or connecting with the earth.

Although our crystals and stones are loved and used by many, they are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent erectile dysfunction or ED. Many men experience erectile dysfunction during stressful times, which is why we recommend a combination of yoga or meditation along with our selected crystals and setting an intention in order to help you relax and unblock anything that might be causing your impotence. 


Crystals That Activate The Sacral Chakra 

Carnelian Stone 

Carnelian Stone Accessory

Carnelian’s orange energies stimulate and activate the Sacral Chakra. The Sacral Chakra is located below the navel and it represents creativity and sexual energy. Orange is the color for sex and physical pleasure. Orange crystals like this Carnelian, bring you celebration, enjoyment, fulfillment, joy, pleasure, and sex. Carnelian restores a person’s vitality and provides high energy, enhancing sexual energy and desire. 

Let go of negative energy by meditating with this Carnelian healing crystal, move and feel change and transformation within you. Allow yourself to experience this moment as is, in overflowing presence and fullness. 

Amber Stone 

Amber Stone Accessory

If you are having trouble maintaining an erection it is probably due to a psychological issue rather than a health problem or a medical condition. If you are feeling a lot of anxiety and stress this could be why you are experiencing erectile dysfunction. Amber can help clear emotional blockages so that you can relax and de-stress. Amber will absorb and transmute negative energy in order to make space for positivity, inspiration, and lovemaking. Connect with your higher self and divine intuition by wearing an amber stone necklace, or keep an amber stone in your pocket. Amber is a spectacular option for eliminating problems associated with the Sacral Chakra. 

Before you go and consider a penile implant to treat ED, consider other activities that stimulate blood flow to the penis such as working out, jogging, yoga, meditation, or anything else that might help you decompress. Our stones will guide you along the way and be strong allies in your journey. 

Crystals That Prevent Erectile Dysfunction At Crystals & Stones.

At Crystals & Stones, we believe in the multifaceted powers of crystals and stones. Our crystals and stones will provide you with tools necessary to tap into high vibrational frequencies to enhance and support you on your spiritual journey as well as your mental and emotional well-being. Hone your inner powers with our diverse collection! We have everything from Rose Quartz to Amethyst and Apatite to Aquamarine!

We want to hear from you! If you have any questions or comments, contact us and our friendly team of experts will get right back to you. 

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Crystals Can Be Used to Avoid Suicidal Thoughts

DISCLAIMER: Our crystals and stones are not meant to treat or cure any mental illness. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or depression we highly recommend you speak to a therapist or professional to seek help.

Have you ever found yourself in a dark, hopeless place that goes beyond feeling sad or stressed? If so, then it’s important to know what to do when this happens. You’re not alone when dealing with these thoughts or feelings. Many people experience thoughts of suicide at some point in their lives and they’re not easy to ignore or shake off.

Having suicidal thoughts doesn’t mean you’re weak or crazy. Feeling like this only means that right now, there is just too much pain or sadness. Remember there is always a solution! Taking a holistic approach can help elevate your spirit and help you feel more in control of your life.

Crystals are an excellent way of combating suicidal thoughts and feelings, paired with an emotional support system and consistent self-care. They can help people feel less emotional pain, strengthen the immune system, and even prevent illness. Meditating with them also allows you to check-in with your body: if you need to hydrate, walk in the sun, or get more sleep.

Working with crystals releases negative energy and feelings that trap you in a cycle of pain. They increase your vibrational frequency so it’s easier for you to feel re-energized. 

Crystals have been used in many ancient civilizations for a number of different purposes. They can align chakras or help you draw energy from nature. 

When your chakras are balanced, energy flows harmoniously through you. Then you feel more at peace and go through life with confidence and strength. When one of your chakras is unbalanced or blocked you may experience an array of symptoms.

 If you have had suicidal thoughts you may have your third chakra, the solar plexus chakra blocked.  This chakra deals with the element of fire. It regulates energy, physical vitality, emotions, and self-esteem. When this chakra is blocked you may experience feelings of anger or worthlessness which could cause a person to feel suicidal.

The Solar Plexus is your third and final major chakra center, located in the abdomen. It’s known as a power point of personal empowerment that influences how you interact with yourself and others. The Solar Plexus Chakra is often related to mental health and human development. 

When your Solar Plexus chakra is blocked, you may have feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, or depression. Others include a lack of purpose, ambition, self-confidence, or responsibility. These symptoms can lead to suicidal thoughts if left untreated. 

You can clear blockages by using crystals to intensify or amplify vibrations from other stones during meditation sessions. For example, using Citrine Quartz Crystal Point to stimulate my Solar Plexus Chakra because it amplifies healing energies from any stone around it while stimulating mental clarity.

Crystal therapy for suicidal thoughts will help cleanse your energy and surroundings by helping you feel reenergized and energetic again!

Coping with suicidal thoughts can be difficult. If you’re struggling, work with these crystals to cleanse yourself and lessen the chances of suicidal thoughts. Healing stones can provide a sense of peace or calm. 

  Crystals That Can Help With Depression and Suicidal Thoughts


Citrine Stone

Citrine Stone

Citrine stones are yellow in color and will help stimulate the solar plexus chakra. Use when feeling insecure about yourself as well as a sense of purpose. Citrine also raises confidence levels while instilling happiness into everything you do. It is an excellent stone for manifesting dreams without any trouble at all! 

With meditation, citrine will help you open up and stimulate your Solar Plexus Chakra. It will elevate your sense of self-worth, and confidence, and imparts happiness and delight. It also aids you in manifesting your dreams and encourages fresh new starts.

Rose Quartz 

Rose Quartz Necklace

Rose Quartz can help when you are experiencing a lot of pain and need emotional healing. This quartz is tied to your heart chakra and symbolizes unconditional love and joy. 

If you are having suicidal thoughts, chances are you are having trouble practicing self-love. Meditating with this stone can help. Rose Quartz can also enhance your relationships and mend your heart.


Lapis Lazuli 

Lapis Lazuli Necklace

When you meditate with this stone, it will help you reduce anxiety and stress. Lapis Lazuli helps you have a deeper connection to your higher self, which can increase your self-awareness and mindfulness. It uses royal blue colors for calm. 

Incorporate more honesty in your life and less repressed anger with this beautiful stone. Lapis Lazuli will help you find healthy catharsis during meditation.





Selenite is a great mood balancer and aura cleanser. This wonderful healing crystal purifies your energy and surroundings by helping you feel re-energized. 

Using the moon’s power, Selenite has the ability to remove any negative feelings or thoughts. It will also align all of your chakras for an increased flow of cosmic energies.










Aquamarine is a general healing crystal that can help cleanse your energy and remove any negative thoughts. Also aiding in pain relief, it has a great soothing energy. 

Do you feel overwhelmed? Aquamarine is great for people who are experiencing uncontrollable emotions.


Clear Quartz





Clear quartz is a general healing crystal that dissolves any negative energy or thoughts. Aiding in feelings of relief and peace, it emits soothing power for those who are feeling suicidal.








Stress and anxiety are the signs of a high frequency in our bodies. It is very common to feel this way when you’re feeling excessive pain or sadness. Amethyst can clear your mind by releasing long-held anger, fear, and resentment with repeated use. It can also help those experiencing suicidal thoughts find peace and a sense of calm.


Crystals & Stones With Healing Properties 

At Crystals & Stones, we supply you with a wide selection of crystals and stones with healing properties. You can vibe higher, feel better and love yourself a little harder. 

Our stones are best when accompanied by mindful meditation and with an intention set in mind. We believe in the power within you! Unleash it with our beautiful crystals and stones.

If you have any questions or comments, contact us and our friendly team of experts will assist you!




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What Are Gratitude Crystals: 10 Magical Stones to Instill Gratefulness

Geopathic Stress Reducer Crystals

You may not have heard of them before, but gratitude crystals are an excellent way to ensure that you maintain a sense of gratefulness in your life. These stones come in all shapes and sizes and have been used for centuries by different cultures as a way to promote feelings of thankfulness. This blog post will explore ten gratitude crystals that can help you get back on the right track!  


Discover 10 crystals that will help you feel more grateful!


Crystals For Gratitude

1) Selenite: Named for the moon, selenite promotes peace and serenity. It can also help you feel more grateful for the things in your life that are going well! As you go through the challenges in life, Selenite allows you to slow down and avoid stress.

2) Rose Quartz: These crystals have been known as a symbol of love, but they’re excellent at promoting gratitude, too. It’s associated with the heart chakra. Rose Quartz is ideal for promoting feelings of love, but it can also help you feel more grateful in your life because this crystal has been used to promote peace and harmony!

3) Citrine: This crystal promotes willpower, perseverance, and motivation. It’s also excellent for promoting feelings of gratitude because it has been used to encourage abundance and prosperity. Citrine crystal is known as the “merchant stone” or a symbol that supports financial success. It can also help you feel more grateful in your life too!

4) Aquamarine: This stone is excellent for promoting feelings of peace and tranquility. It’s also a great way to encourage gratitude because it has been used in the past to aid against envy, greediness, or resentment!

Aquamarine is known primarily for its association with love. Still, they’ll be perfect at boosting your sense of gratitude, too, especially if you have any negative emotions like jealousy that might be getting out of control. This crystal can help calm those down much better than other stones would do on its own!”

5) Clear Quartz: This crystal is known to be the “Master Healer” and the most versatile one out there because it can be used for anything. It is a great way to promote gratitude in your life too! 

Clear quartz crystals are known primarily by their association with love. Still, they’re perfect at boosting gratefulness as well, especially if you have any negative emotions like jealousy that might get overwhelming sometimes.

6) Pyrite: Pyrites are powerful protection stones that shield against all negativity. These include electromagnetic radiation, toxic substances, negative vibrations/energy on physical, etheric emotional levels. 

This fascinating lucky charm stimulates the intellect, enhancing memory, helping recall relevant information. When needed, Pyrite is a wealth attractor that helps manifest desires through visualization. This stone will help manifest your deepest desires and bring you luck.

7) Amethyst: is a powerful protection stone that shields against all negativity, including electromagnetic radiation and toxic substances. This fascinating lucky charm stimulates the intellectually enhancing memory. Recall relevant information when needed. Amethyst exists among the most powerful crystals in the mineral kingdom!

Without proper knowledge about gemstones, you won’t know what each has to offer. Amethyst is one of the most commonly found stones in nature, high in energy properties. People have used it for over six hundred million years. 

This variety of quartz has calming effects that remove negativity from us, making it perfect for chakra balancing. The soothing vibration of amethyst cleanses and reinvigorates the electromagnetic field by clearing out imbalances in your auric areas.

Gratitude Crystals

8) Rhodonite: Rhodonite is the stone for compassion, an emotional healer that’s a great companion to clear away any kind of past traumas and wounds. Whether you’re looking to invest in yourself or better the world, knowing about and using rhodonite would be an excellent decision. When it comes down to gratitude and opening your heart, chakra rhodonite is the must-have crystal. It comes in many different colors, but the most common color is pink.

Rhodonite is essential not only because of its healing properties and ability as an emotional healer (which makes it the perfect gratitude rock), rhodonite has been known since ancient times!

When people think about opening their heart chakra or being grateful, they should use heart chakra-focused crystals more. This is important, especially if there were past traumas involved with them before.

9) Tiger Eye: This stone is known for its violent and positive vibration. Tiger eye can help you with your work and productivity. It also has a strong connection between the mind, body-mind balance as well!

The Tiger Eye is also known to be the wealth attractor stone. A high vibration frequency instills motivation, willpower, and courage.

Tiger eye is an excellent stone to use when you’re feeling down or need some motivation in your life! It’s also known for its ability to protect, especially from the negative energy that comes with jealousy.

10) Emerald: Emeralds are known for healing both emotional wounds and the physical heart. It is a beautiful crystal for recovery or regeneration after injury/illness and a heart condition. It has been said since ancient times: “emerald heals what other gems cannot.”

Emerald can strengthen the eyes, heart, immune system, and nervous system. Furthermore, this crystal can be your best companion for regenerative and recovery. Emerald is known to heal both emotional love and the physical heart. 

It is a powerful energy stone, strengthening the eyes (especially for those who wear glasses). This crystal is excellent for assisting in healing negative emotions and past traumatic events.

Emerald has a strong connection between the heart, mind-body balance as well! This gemstone is perfect when it comes down to being grateful and opening up one’s third eye chakra. The soothing energy provides this energy.

Crystals For Positive Energy

Crystals to Enhance Gratefulness

Crystals are powerful tools for manifesting, healing, or just feeling good! Some of these crystalline structures have a unique ability to store light energy. You can use this energy as an alternative source when needed. They also emit their form of frequency, so they’re so great at balancing our chakras.

It’s like tuning into one specific radio station with no static interference from other stations nearby. The more you use them, the stronger this effect becomes over time until eventually, crystals become part of who we are deep down inside our most authentic selves!

Gratitude crystals can help with a number of situations from stress relief to balancing emotions. Whether it be healing, love or personal growth crystals have you covered! Crystals are a wonderful tool to use while developing a sense of appreciation in one’s daily living! Many people use crystals as a tool to focus on their breathing, grounding them in the present. They also have some great healing properties and can help you feel better during physical pain. You may never look at your life without a crystal in the same way again!

Gratitude crystals can help with some situations, from stress relief to balancing emotions. Whether it be healing, love, or personal growth, crystals have you covered! Crystals are an excellent tool to use while developing a sense of appreciation in one’s daily living! 

Many people use crystals as a tool to focus on their breathing, grounding them in the present. They also have some excellent healing properties and can help you feel better during physical pain. You may never look at your life without a crystal in the same way again!


Crystals for Depression and Anxiety

crystals for anxiety and depression

Crystals for Depression and Anxiety

Anxiety and depression are by far the most common mental illness affecting 5% of Are you feeling anxious or depressed? If so, don’t ignore it! Depression and anxiety are the most common mental illnesses affecting 5% of the U.S. population. Although there is a stigma linked to depression, many people ignore and avoid seeking medical help for their emotional imbalances. Working with crystals can provide a holistic approach to help you cope with your emotions more easily.

There are several crystals that can treat anxiety and depression; read on below to find out which one is right for you!

Crystals that can help you overcome depression are the following:

  • Rose Quartzis the most popular and well-known crystal for depression. It has a soothing, calming energy that brings peace to your mind when things seem out of control or unpredictable in any way whatsoever! This beautiful pink stone works mainly on emotions – it can help you overcome sadness by healing past emotional wounds such as promoting self-love through forgiveness.

    Rose quartz can help you open up your heart chakra so that you can receive the love of the universe and vibrate at a higher frequency. Daily meditation practice with Rose Quartz can help you hone self-love and create a stronger bond with your higher self. While you sit in meditation you will be able to hear the soft whispers of the heart. What is your higher self trying to tell you? Love is the way, open your heart to receive.

  • Tigers EyeOne of the most well-known stones for protection is tiger eye. It helps to bring focus and clarity in stressful situations. For those struggling with depression, this may be a stone that will help relieve symptoms. One way to help relieve anxiety and depression is to carry a Tiger’s eye stone with you. It works by stimulating the prefrontal cortex of your brain, which helps regulate mood. Just like crystals for other types of emotions, Tiger’s eye stones can have both spiritual and therapeutic benefits.

    The need to care for your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health. There are numerous tools out there to help combat anxiety and depression, some of which come in the form of crystals.

    Working with Tiger eye crystals is one of the best ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Many people are struggling with depression and anxiety, often trying to find relief in holistic approaches. Tiger eye has shown promise in helping people feel less anxious symptoms as well as to conduct their daily lives more effectively. There are several other crystals that can help address these issues.

  • CitrineIntroduce more sunshine into your life! When you are feeling overwhelmed or that life is simply unfolding too quickly, this crystal can help boost your confidence and bring a sense of hopeCitrine is a beautiful crystal that can provide physical and spiritual healing capabilities. Citrine can also help with improving your mood and feel better about yourself. Holding this crystal can help you relax and find some peace, even when you’re feeling anxious or depressed.

    Citrine helps with mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and seasonal affective disorder. It is also a great crystal for alleviating headaches/migraines when your mind or body’s energy system is out of balance. Citrine can help you release anxiety and depression while opening your heart to enthusiasm, happiness, and contentment.

  • Fluorite: Is a powerful stone that can help you connect with the earth and bring peace to your life. Fluorite is one of my favorite crystals for anxiety relief! Fluorite has been used to help people who may suffer from difficulty focusing or concentrating.

    Fluorite has the power to purify your soul no matter how difficult you may find life at times. Although there is a stigma linked to depression, many ignore and avoid seeking medical help for depression. When meditating with fluorite crystals or wearing them on your body can provide a holistic approach in dealing with emotional imbalances. 

    Fluorite is an excellent tool to use for spiritual work, meditation, and finding your personal power. Work with Fluorite to shift your outlook, such as by meditating with it or performing energy purifications. This crystal can help treat depression by serving as a vessel for serenity.

  • Angelite: is a powerful healing stone that can help alleviate feelings of isolation, hopelessness, and anxiety.

    Angelite has a calming and supportive energy that soothes fears and helps those suffering from anxiety or depression. It can also increase self-confidence, relieve stress, and relax tense situations.

    This stone is able to restore hope in hopelessness by bringing about serenity through chakra healing. Angelite can be used for anxiety and depression treatment of all kinds, but especially common among those dealing with stress or difficult situations.

    When anxiety and depression hits hard, Angelite can provide a holistic approach to help you find your emotional balance. Crystals are an incredible tool when trying to find aid or relief from mood disorders by providing self-confidence and promoting peace of mind without causing aggravation and stress. Angelite is one of the best crystals for this use.

Crystals and stones can be a holistic alternative to medication for many forms of anxiety or depression. However, applying a natural approach is not only cost-effective in terms of time and money but can also get you back on the right path to living.

The best way to start is by including a few of your favorite crystals in the healing process. Moving beyond symptoms with a holistic approach, stones can help physically and emotionally so you can find relief from feeling out of balance without stigma or side effects. 


Related Crystals

Rose Quartz

Tiger Eye




Suggested Crystals

Fluorite Tree of Life Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Fluorite Sphere

Crystals & Stones

$60.00 – $180.00


Fluorite Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Fluorite Octahedral (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $25.00


Comfort Me! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tiger Eye Sphere

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $80.00


Tiger Eye Pendant Point

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tiger Eye Oval Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tiger Eye Beaded Bracelet (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones



Pick Me Up! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Honey Tiger Eye Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Blue Tiger Eye Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Raw Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Crystal Tumbled (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$12.00 – $25.00


Citrine Crystal Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$50.00 – $110.00


Citrine Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Double Terminated Point

Crystals & Stones

$60.00 – $90.00


Rose Quartz Point

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $90.00


Rose Quartz Pendant Point

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.
The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Dual Face Roller

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Heart

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Gratitude Crystals

Crystals For Gratitude

Gratitude has undeniable power. It’s a powerful practice that has the potential to change your life and the lives of those around you. When we focus on the positive aspects of our lives, it’s easier to be grateful for the things that matter most. Gratitude crystals can inspire you to find more things to appreciate in your daily life.

Stones can help remind us that we are lucky and blessed with many good things in life. Whether it is something as small as going outside or not being sick, you can always find a little joy to cherish. With this in mind, explore how gratitude crystals can help inspire a more thankful mindset!

Practicing gratitude can help strengthen our mindset and keep us going during unprecedented times. Picking up a crystal with intention is one way to make this happen! Practicing gratitude helps us find joy in the small things that life offers. For example, we can appreciate working for ourselves or having enough money, so we don’t have any issues paying off bills this month.

Research has shown that when you feel thankful, it boosts energy, happiness levels, and mental health, leading to physical improvement!

How do you feel with gratitude?

Gratitude is one of those feelings that need more than a few words. You receive passion, joy, and serenity. When we feel grateful, our mood and emotions improve.

We live happier lives, as a result. Gratitude maintains balance, reduce stress levels, and strengthen relationships! It’s quite potent.

The power of gratitude should not go unnoticed as it helps with depression, anxiety, and physical illnesses such as high blood pressure. Also, practicing gratitude is one of the best ways to improve mental health and alleviate stress. In a study, people who practiced mindfulness were less likely to suffer from depression.

Benefits Of Practicing Gratitude And Using Crystals

Ever wondered about the benefits of working with crystals and practicing gratitude at the same time? Practicing gratitude daily with crystals can relieve stress and anxiety.

Working with stones can undoubtedly be a powerful tool. Not only its soothing and cleansing effects help one feel at ease, but also crystals work as an amplifier of your energy. They help you become one with Mother Nature.

Practicing gratitude and using crystals can help one focus on what’s most important in life. Many civilizations of the ancient world have used crystals for several reasons. They can aid with spiritual attunement, channel inner strength, cleanse the auric field, promote astral projection, enhance psychic abilities and intuition.

Getting started with your gratitude routine can be very simple. Start by keeping a crystal in your pocket or your work area.

A stone can serve as a great reminder. Pick it up once in a while and think of a few things that make your day better. Expressing your appreciation to the universe will help reflect this energy to you.

Integrate a haven in your home with crystals to help absorb negative energy and cleanse your surroundings! Using Mother Gaia’s delights can help purge the electromagnetic field by generating pleasant and positive vibrations surrounding you.

Gratitude Crystals can boost a beautiful morning routine accompanied by journaling. Achieve this by selecting one crystal that will serve as your gratitude rock.

It is essential to cleanse and program your crystal before using it. Don’t forget to cleanse and charge your crystals regularly. Hold the crystal in your hand and think about ten things that you feel grateful for during the day.

Take the crystal with you in your pocket or handbag. Whenever you think of something to be grateful for, hold the crystal in your hand as a reminder.

You can think of something silly or small; it doesn’t need to be complex. Remember, the small things matter and make a difference. It can be something like, “I’m thankful for my husband taking out the trash today.”

Think of it like this: when you think of the things you feel grateful for, you send out a positive vibration out into the universe. When the action of gratitude occurs, the power law of attraction comes into play.

The law of attraction, in essence, manifested in different ways. When you change your approach in life, you will see how your life starts improving. Life doesn’t happen to you; it happens for you”. Tony Robbins.

Crystals For A Positive Attitude

Which crystals to use for harnessing the power of gratitude? 

Practicing gratitude alleviates stress and anxiety. It also raises your vibration and brings a sense of harmony and balance. 

Using crystals is excellent for harnessing the power of gratitude. Pair this with  writing down all that you are grateful for in a journal. Writing helps you look for situations in your life and be thankful for them! These are some of the most enlightening crystals for gratitude journaling and more. 

Rose Quartz: 

One of the most soothing and gentle crystals out there is undoubtedly Rose Quartz. When you are seeking to express gratitude for life blessings, Rose Quartz is the answer.  

This crystal is excellent for opening your heart chakra and healing any emotional wounds and past traumas. When we heal our past traumas, it’s easier for us to move on and be grateful. 


Selenite harnesses the power of the moon! It is a stone that helps manifest your dreams. The qualities make it an excellent tool for displaying one’s goals and desires. Selenite will also purge and dispel any energy blockage. 

One of the best alternatives is the selenite wand which can be used for your gratitude routine and as an “energy eraser.” Slowly start from the bottom of your feet. Place the rod five inches away and slowly move your wand upwards by sweeping away. Begin from the front, and then move to the back. 


Amethyst is a beautiful and powerful stone that teaches us to be thankful for all the things we have in our lives. Used since ancient times, it brings wisdom, courage, peace of mind, the strength of purpose.  Amethyst is a stone of self-reflection and spiritual healing, helping bring the sense into balance and encourage happiness. Treat headaches, insomnia, fevers, and dizziness.

Clear Quartz:

Clear Quartz is one of the most potent “master healer” crystals, harmonizing and balancing the auric field through alignment. It works by connecting and activating the chakras. 

Use Clear Quartz to communicate between this crystalline Kingdom to your natural energy fields. Clear Quartz facilitates enormous amounts of information input for rapid understanding on all levels, making it an ideal stone during periods of learning or awakening.


Fluorite is a stone with protective and spiritual energy. Cleanse and harmonize your auric field. Fluorite fosters strength of decision-making, dedication to responsibility, and clear communication. It encourages one to develop their intuition as an empowerment tool while clearing mental blocks from the mind.

Fluorite is a crystal that can cleanse and harmonize the auric field. It’s also used in amplification to clear energy blockages. The stone will help with decision-making, self-discipline, communication abilities, and leadership skills. Fluorite increases concentration and strengthens thought projection when it is being worn or carried on your person.


Labradorite is a stone of change and good fortune. A gem belonging to the Feldspar family, Labradorite brings clarity and optimism into your life. Known also as “nature’s mirrors,” Labradorite reflects the images we wish to see rather than what exists in any given moment. 

Thanks to this quizzical property, it can bring hope even in times of hardship or distress. Labradorite has cleansing powers that protect against negative energies.  It improves grounding and spiritual awareness by clearing out the lower chakras over time while clearing away any stagnant energy.

Smoky Quartz: 

Smoky Quartz is one of the most powerful stones, producing gentle energy to bring emotional stability. This form of quartz is one of the most powerful stones, activating, purifying, and grounding. 

The soft power of Smoky Quartz has an uplifting effect on your spirit that acts as a mood enhancer and enthusiast. Its cleansing forces help to clear those spaces which have been holding negative or stagnant energy. Transmute the energy into pure light filled with love, happiness, and joy. For this reason, Smoky Quartz is one of your go-to crystals to express gratitude.


Known as the “power of the positive mind,” citrine is a  beautiful stone for personal will, creativity, and manifestation. This calming gemstone will help you get things done. It’s comforting energy that brings sunshine into your life when times are tough. 

Citrine has been preserved popular in folklore that citrine produces an increase in creative energy. This rejuvenating gemstone also brings in abundance with its ability to manifest intentions and desires; it provides optimism that feels limitless.

Harness The Energy Of Gratitude With Crystals & Stones

Crystals & Stones wants to provide the right wares for your spiritual journey. From green aventurine to citrine, we can assemble a subscription box for your benefit.

Reach out to us today to learn more about incorporating more appreciation into your life. A small sense of gratitude can go a long way when paired with the right meditation. Let Crystals & Stones provide you the means to start that journey inward. 

Related Crystals

Rose Quartz



Clear Quartz



Smoky Quartz


Suggested Crystals

Rose Quartz Point

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $90.00


Rose Quartz Pendant Point

Crystals & Stones



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The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Dual Face Roller

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Heart

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Selenite Raw Wand Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Selenite Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Selenite Cleansing Wand

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Selenite Cleansing Palm Stone

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Orange Selenite Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Desert Rose Selenite Raw

Crystals & Stones

$15.95 – $30.95


Snooze Button! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Comfort Me! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Cactus Spirit Amethyst Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$70.00 – $150.00


Amethyst Wire Wrap Drop Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Tree of Life Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Small Tower

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Raw Stone Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Point Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Large Tower

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $80.00


Amethyst Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Cluster Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$19.95 – $45.00


Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tourmaline Rutilated Quartz Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rutilated Quartz Point

Crystals & Stones



Rainbow Aura Quartz Raw Wire Wrapped Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Pick Me Up! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Wire Wrap Drop Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Tower (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$12.00 – $15.00


Clear Quartz Stone Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$12.95 – $19.95


Clear Quartz Pendulum

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $30.00


Clear Quartz Heart Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Double Terminated Point

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $35.00


Clear Quartz Crystal Raw

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $30.00


Blue Quartz Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$2.50 – $7.00


Angel Aura Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Fluorite Tree of Life Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Fluorite Sphere

Crystals & Stones

$60.00 – $180.00


Fluorite Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Fluorite Octahedral (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $25.00


Comfort Me! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Labradorite Pebble

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Labradorite Palm Stone

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $20.00


Labradorite Oval Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Smoky Quartz Tower (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones



Smoky Quartz Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$30.00 – $65.00


Smoky Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $12.95


Comfort Me! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Raw Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Crystal Tumbled (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$12.00 – $25.00


Citrine Crystal Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$50.00 – $110.00


Citrine Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Double Terminated Point

Crystals & Stones

$60.00 – $90.00


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6 Powerful Crystals to Promote Gratitude for Entrepreneurs

Crystals For Entrepreneurs

If you are an entrepreneur you are always trying to get your life in balance. You pour your heart out into your business to reach the bottom line and forget being thankful for the good things in life. Life flows past, and as a result people forget to slow down. Gratitude crystals for entrepreneurs can help. 

Human beings are creatures of habit. We wake up every morning, rush through life, and forget the basic principles of appreciating the good things we have. Societal pressure encourages us to obsess about acquiring more things over time but in reality, those things only make us happy momentarily. 

Many of us don’t know that the formula for happiness starts by appreciating what you have. This will lead to a happier life. 

How often do we lose sleep over petty things? Often. This is because we put too much thought into the things that we don’t have and are not truly valuable. Per the science of happiness, gratitude is the key to our wellbeing. 

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” —Oprah Winfrey

5 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits Of Practicing Gratitude 

Why is gratitude such a powerful practice?


According to scientific research, gratitude can deeply impact our health and well-being. Saying “thank you” is not only a way to express appreciation but this gesture can win new friends, according to a 2014 study published in Emotion

Saying thank you can potentially trigger a signal that you are a valuable individual. 

The study found that thanking a new acquaintance increases the chances of seeking an ongoing relationship. Don’t forget to acknowledge strangers and thank people wherever you go; saying thank you will not only make you feel good inside but also makes the receiver feel awesome. 

Why don’t we go out there and express more gratitude to the world? 

The answer is that we all have bad habits, such as not thanking people. Many of us feel awkward thanking someone, underestimating how good and appreciated this makes people feel. A kind gesture can change a person’s day into a positive one.

How Does Gratitude Improve Your Well-Being During An Entrepreneurial Journey? 

 Running a business can prove stressful and invite negative energy into your body. According to a 2012 study published in Personality and Individual Differences suggest that grateful individuals report feeling healthier. They are more attentive to their body and take care of themselves by exercising regularly. 

How Does Gratitude Improve Mental Health?

Gratitude improves our mental health overall. It reduces the effects of aging in the brain as well as the stress hormone. Being grateful has such a profound effect that it reduces an array of negative thoughts and emotions, prolonging positivity.

A leading expert in Gratitude Robert Emmons has conducted various studies on the link between gratitude and well-being. Based on his findings, gratitude significantly increases happiness and reduces depression.

How Does Gratitude Improve Self-Esteem?  

A 2014 study published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology found that gratitude increased athletes’ self-esteem. Other studies suggest that gratitude minimizes social comparisons. 

In fact, grateful individuals tend to appreciate other people’s accomplishments, rather than becoming resentful or envying others who are successful and have more money. Which is the number one driver of lack of self-esteem.

What Are Three Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude Daily?

  1. Keep a journal

Crystals on a Journal

A great way to keep track of the good things in life is by journaling! No matter how difficult and defeating life can be at times, journaling can help you get through any rough patch. 

Schedule some time out of your busy schedule, this only takes a few minutes a day. Not to mention that this will give you the long-lasting mood boost effects that will keep you motivated for days. On a piece of paper, notebook, or journal app, think about five to ten things you are grateful for and simply start noting them. 

Gratitude journaling gives you a new perspective and makes you appreciate what’s truly important in your life. Not only you will experience the benefits of journaling, but it will help you focus on what really matters to you, keep you grounded, and make you more mindful. 

As you write the list of the things you are grateful for,  below are a few important tips to consider: 

  1. Specify your items. 
  2. Think about a person that has been particularly kind to you.
  3. Focusing on that person rather than materialistic things. 
  4. Consider how your life would be if those individuals were missing in your life. 
  5. See the good things in life as gifts. Don’t take them for granted. The universe will bless you with more gifts to appreciate. 
  1. Keep a Gratitude Stone  

Keeping a gratitude stone can remind us how to be thankful. Store in your pocket for meditation. Below is my daily gratitude routine. Doing this routine will help your body reset and gety moving:

  1. Set the timer to every 45 minutes.
  2.  When the timer goes off,  take a 5-minute break to get up and move your body. Stretch your arms and legs. 
  3. Reach into your pocket for your protection stone. Then think about one thing you are grateful for, and remain specific.

You can benefit from journaling or keeping a crystal in your pocket. Beautiful stones can invite good fortune and reflection. Meditation can provide a calm mind for these energies, especially when holding them in your hands.  

If you go the crystal route, you can use the stones’ properties. They will help you stay grounded, calm, and focused. By incorporating the power of crystals in your daily practice the universe will conspire in your favor. 

Recommended Gratitude Healing Crystals:

Citrine:  This is a wonderful stone for personal will, creativity, and manifestation. When you need to get things done citrine is the must-have crystal. Its comforting energy will bring sunshine into your life. 

Clear Quartz:  One of the most powerful “master healer” crystals from the mineral kingdom, clear quartz harmonizes and balances the auric field. It connects and activates the chakras by aligning them. 

Rose Quartz: This crystal is the symbol of universal love. As a result, it attracts romance and unconditional love for the wearer. Rose Quartz is an excellent crystal for self-love and self-appreciation

Fluorite: This stone has the ability to cleanse and harmonize the auric field. Fluorite increases the power of decision-making, self-discipline and clearing energy blockages. 

Labradorite:  Is known as the stone for transformation. Labradorite is a great ally for the decision-making process. It helps protects the aura, and raises consciousness by improving grounding and spirituality.

Smoky Quartz: This form of quartz is one of the most powerful stones. It activates and purifies your electromagnetic field. The gentle energy of smoky quartz uplifts the spirit, grounds and cleanses your auric field. 

  1. Conduct A 15-Minute Guided Gratitude Meditation 

Meditation With Crystals

Gratitude meditation is a type of thinking exercise that improves your well-being. It involves sitting and breathing to clear your mind, and invite positive energy.

“Buddhist monks begin each day with a chant of gratitude for the blessings of their life. Native American elders begin each ceremony with grateful prayers to Mother Earth and Father Sky, to the four directions, to the animal, plant, and mineral brothers and sisters who share our earth and support our life. In Tibet, the monks and nuns even offer prayers of gratitude for the suffering they have been given”

Expressing gratitude is not just about being thankful for the good things in life, but it’s about being thankful for everything you have. Practicing gratitude meditation a couple of minutes every day can help you reduce levels of stress, depression, and increase your happiness levels. 

Here are two guided gratitude meditations that can help you get started. 

15 Minutes of Gratitude Meditation 21 Day Transformation 

This is a great YouTube meditation video that will make a huge difference in your life. Set aside fifteen minutes every day for twenty-one days to watch; the video will help you transform your life. 

Peaceful & Relaxed: Gratitude Meditation

One of my favorite mindfulness apps is Insight Timer! The Insight Timer App has 65,000 thousand guided meditations, music, and podcasts that update daily. This audio will help relax your mind and nurture gratitude at the same time. 

Don’t forget to incorporate gratitude into your daily routines.  Consider these strategies. They will help you create an impact in your community and in your life.

  1. Practice Interior Gratitude. Update your daily journal regularly.
  2. Practice Exterior Gratitude. Express your gratitude wherever you go. Don’t forget to thank the people that help you along the way. Write cards and letters to the people that have supported you. 
  3. Be Grateful for Everything. Express appreciation for the little things, from a sunrise to a cup of coffee. Declare it the universe, saying it out loud! 

If you practice these simple techniques, you will see a difference in your life.

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5 Best Crystals for Emotionally Healing

Crystals For Emotionally Healing

Depending on your specific intentions, you might want to tackle your emotional issues from a spiritual aspect or one that’s tied more toward your physical health. Take a few moments to look at this list from Crystals & Stones and ask yourself which of these you’re feeling the most. More than likely, one of these stones will resonate with you the best.

Best Crystals For Emotionally Healing

1. Rose Quartz

One of the most popular choices, especially among those who want to harness the energy of love, can manage their stress and emotional state with rose quartz. Many have written that practicing daily meditation with this stone can help you to feel better about yourself and even create more of a bond with your inner being. You may be able to gear the soft whispering of the heart whenever you truly focus on this important stone.

2. Citrine

Raising Self Esteem With Healing Crystals

At times, it might seem like your life is consistently gloomy. If this is the case, then use citrine to let a little sunshine in. It can help to raise your sense of self-esteem as well as the value you place on your self-worth. These two issues are often tied to the underlying causes of emotional conditions, which makes it such a useful stone to work within any case related to them.

3. Selenite

They say that spirituality and emotional health are inseparably joined together, so you’ll want to feed this side of your soul as well as the more rational one. Selenite is an excellent choice for those who want to forge a deeper connection with their angelic realm. You’ll be free to invite a greater amount of light into your life when you connect with the stone. Some have even relied on it to help them dispel negative energy and other uncomfortable forces.

4. Fluorite

One of the things that makes fluorite such a great choice for those who have emotional issues is the fact that it has strong purifying effects, which can help to rejuvenate both the mind and body. Those who want to balance themselves in the spiritual and emotional planes will find that it does just that while also working on their mental and physical states as well. It’s important to keep a complete holistic view of the body and mind at all times, in order to always stay at your best.

5. Aventurine

Since it’s often associated with new beginnings, you might want to invest in aventurine if you’re looking at starting over. It’s known to soothe anxiety while encouraging a level of balance. At times, it’s even been said to bring inner peace and support the heart. Those are all great things to have if you plan on working to improve your emotional state and forge a new way in life. It’s also great for those who want to help themselves focus on the here and now.

Contact us online when you’re ready to learn more about the best crystals or stones for your current situation.

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Crystals to Enhance Yoga Meditations

Crystals to Enhance Yoga Meditation
Yoga Pose

Yoga practices help both the mind and the body. Performing sun salutations is a great way to wake up and honor your form while practicing durability and downward dog. So is doing a corpse pose while inhaling slowly and not moving. You can go even further, however, when trying to increase spiritual energies. That is why we recommend using crystals to enhance yoga meditations.

Best Healing Crystals For Meditation Practice

We always recommend trying out the stones first during a session before deciding if they work for you. Either have them nearby on a cabinet or around your yoga mat or wear them around your neck or arm in a loose chain. You don’t want them to get tangled in your hair while doing a shoulder stand to plow. If they are surrounding your yoga mat, make sure not to step on them; that’s an easy way to lose the good vibes. 

Rose Quartz: A rose quartz necklace will invite unconditional love into your meditation session. The stone is the symbol of self-love and will help you filter out hatred and cruel words.  Wear it to invite tranquility as well, so that you can get the most out of your various poses.

Black Tourmaline: This stone is meant to symbolize protection. It is very easy for someone else’s negativity to affect you, especially if they are annoyed by how space fills up during a yoga class. In addition to letting the instructor move you to a more harmonic spot — though we recommend doing that if your partner is not showing positivity — use this stone to shield you from bad vibes. 

Amethyst: Before their spiritual powers were known, the Greeks believed that amethyst stones cured drunkenness and hangovers. They are good for helping you shed negative energy during a yoga class or stretching session. See if an instructor will place a geode in the room or place it next to the speaker that plays soothing music.

Steps To Encourage Powerful Healing During Yoga

  • Clear and Protect: Cleanse your space with smudge or incense. This also clears your auric field.
  • Be Calm: Find a quiet space or sit outside in nature.
  • Focus on your breath: Close your eyes and take deep breaths continuously.
  • Relax your body. Focus on opening your crown, third eye, and heart chakras. Unblocking these chakras will enhance your daily meditation routine. 

Perform the following exercise to unblock your upper chakras: 

  • Crown Chakra (located at the top of the head): Expand your conscious awareness,  by increasing your inner wisdom and attuning to your higher-self. Imagine a violet and white ray of light shooting over the sky. Every time you inhale it connects and activates. 
  • Third Eye Chakra (located between your brows): Imagine a violet light sphere in the middle of your forehead, as you continue to breathe, imagine the light getting bigger. This will open your third eye chakra, which will enhance intuition and psychic abilities. 
  • Heart Chakra (Located above the heart): Imagine a pink or green light sphere in the middle of your forehead, as you continue to breathe, imagine the light getting bigger. This will open your heart chakra, which will heal emotional wounds, increase compassion, love, and self-worth. 

How To Align Your Mind With Your Position On The Yoga Mat

Yoga Pose Crystals

When doing yoga, you need to focus on being present in the moment. It is very easy for various distractions to 

  • Meditate & Reflect: Take a moment to focus on your goals for each practice. Do you want to stretch away difficult times? Release any self-doubt and anxiety about the world? Or do you simply want to breathe for a few moments and remain within the zone? Setting an intention helps you accomplish it better.
  • Meditate with your stone daily. Hold a clear quartz or aquamarine (or any stone of your choice) crystal in your hand. The stones will bring more calm into your meditation session and relieve stress. Even if you don’t practice yoga every day, you can remember to breathe. 
  • Charge your energy tools! Know your lunar cycles. Different moon phases affect your stone’s healing powers in various ways. Take advantage of the full moon to amplify the energy of your crystals. 

Improve Your Mind, Body And Soul With Crystals & Stones

Reach out to us today to get started on your spiritual journey.

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6 Crystals To Help You Sleep Better

Crystals To Sleep Better
Sleeping Well

Many people are sleep-deprived, owing to modern workday routines and distractions. Some of it is having too many electronics and lights, and the other part is drinking excessive caffeine or alcohol while forgetting to hydrate. Calming your mind after a long day can prove troubling as well. You can use the crystals that we recommend to help you sleep better. 

Obviously, make sure to hydrate before bed, not exercise at late hours, and create a routine to settle the mind. Sometimes, however, we can’t calm our overactive minds alone. Meditating with crystals can invite healing energy into your room and allow you to tuck in with ease and reduce anxiety dreams. 

Healing Stones For A Good Night’s Sleep

Use sage for cleansing your crystals, and the full moon to recharge them, and use incense in a pinch if you lack sage. Pair these stones with lavender, Valerian, and Jasmine essential oils at night to sweeten your dreams. They’ll also make your room smell nice. 

Another natural remedy that can improve your sleep is taking a warm bath with Epsom salt, thirty minutes prior to your bedtime. Measure out a spoon and place it in the tub while it’s filling. Epsom salt contains magnesium, which plays a huge role in our restorative sleep.  It also relieves aches and pains.

Sleeping Crystals

Reducing the amount of blue light, one hour prior to your bedtime can improve your sleep! See if you can turn off any computers, tablets or cellphones. Minimizing screen time at night will help regulate your circadian rhythm.

If you suffer from sleep paralysis, consult with your doctor for medical advice.  

Amethyst – Amethyst is a stone generally used for calming meditation. It was once thought to cure drunkenness but can be used to reduce stress at night. If suffering from nighttime worries, breathe while holding an amethyst stone to dispel worries.

Celestine – Use celestine to promote calmness at any time of the day. The stone helps release stress while bringing harmony and balance to your mind and room. 

Rose Quartz – This stone is good in general for meditation and self-love. It reinforces how you need to prioritize your mind, body, and soul. Use it to open your subconscious to soothing energies and reduce the doubt that comes with bedtime worries. At night, rose quartz reaffirms that sleeping well means that you are inviting a higher love into your life. 

Moonstone – Black moonstone is ideal because it channels the powers of the new moon. That way you can let go of anxiety dreams or other troubling thoughts from your subconscious. You can use it to protect your sleep and set good intentions for the next day, so that you start the morning freshly. We recommend having various moonstones to align with the lunar cycle.

Selenite – This crystal is also named for the moon but is known for channeling the powers of water. Water is the element of change and movement, as you see in river currents and ocean waves. Use selenite to unblock your chakras before bed, so that you have a harmonious aura.

Jasper – Do you have insomnia? Then using a tiger or textured jasper will help reduce the symptoms. Leopardskin and textured stones will also help. 

Experiment with an ideal arrangement for meditating and sleeping with these crystals. If you want to wear a pendant around your neck, make sure that it is smooth and does not wake you up in the middle of the night. See if they work better on your bedside table or a short distance away from your bed. Place your cellphone in the middle of the crystals to remove bad vibes from the messages it may contain.  

Prepare For A Restful Night With Crystals & Stones

Crystals & Stones will direct you to the right gems that will assist healthier sleeping habits. We believe that you can dispel negative energies and replace them with soothing ones. While you decide the best sleeping arrangements with your crystals, our experts can select the appropriate crystals for such an occasion. 

Contact us today to get started with your first spiritual tool or subscription box. At Crystals & Stones, our favorite crystals will look great on your bedside table and help you sleep soundly.