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Total Moon Energy Effects: Spiritual Crystal Cleansing Rituals

Full moons happen once a month when the sun’s rays fully illuminate and reflect off the moon. The brightness we see during this time is from sunlight bouncing back to us, giving people more energy as it reflects upon them. 

However, despite all its glory in light-filled moments, the moon only lasts for about three days before and after each complete lunar cycle. A full moon occurs on either side at any given moment since they are always opposite one another across an entire sky (or zodiac wheel).

Discover The Powers Of Moonlight!

There’s an ancient superstition that a person is either born under the light of a full moon or not. So when you’re born during this special lunar moment, it means your future will be bright and magical.

The moon has a significant impact on life; as it waxes and wanes, our energy changes too. The waxing phase is excellent for building momentum, while the waning stage provides an opportunity to reflect before moving forward again with new projects or goals in mind.

For centuries, humans have been living by lunar cycles. This connection can give us a sense of grounding and synergy with the earth & cosmos in our modern world. 

While the new moon is mostly about setting intentions for your future or launching new projects- it’s also time to reflect on how you’re doing so far! 

Starting at nightfall when there are barely any stars out, light from passing planets will make its way across Earth’s surface until two weeks later we see that full bright orb shining down upon us once again: The Full Moon.

When we experience our happiest moments (like at weddings, at nightfall, for example) many people believe there are always certain factors in play—weather conditions, planetary alignments, even phases of the moon! The idea behind these beliefs stems from old folk traditions passed down to us by our ancestors, who experimented with nature to find out about its powers.

Benefits Of Cleansing Crystals Under The Full Moon

Cleansing your crystals under the full moon can be as easy as putting them on a tray. Let them bathe in the pale light and preferably say a silent prayer or meditation to ask that they may purify themselves of any negative energy within this sacred space you have created for yourself!

Getting rid of negative energy should be a simple process that makes you feel comfortable. You don’t want to feel like you’re stressing yourself out over it.

Some people prefer to use a mirror instead of a tray. They feel a mirror could help reflect some amount of moonlight onto the crystals. Depending on your practice, you may wish to say a mantra or meditate to ask that your crystals will be purged of anything that they’ve picked up over your time working with them. 

The Best Way To Clear Negative Energy From Stones

At times, some spiritual seekers have come up with dedicated crystal cleaning rituals. You may want to follow the rubrics for one of these, especially if you’ve never tried cleaning your crystals under natural light before. 

Depending on the type of negative energy, you might also want to consider running your crystals through smoke from a smudge stick or a piece of blessed incense. Gently wiping the crystal with a soft, dry cloth in a way that doesn’t damage the integrity of the crystalline matrix could help to keep it physically clean, though this is independent of spiritual cleansing.

You may want to use a small amount of saltwater to clean your crystal before or after exposing it to raw moonlight. Though there’s naturally a wide variation of practices, combining these two methods might help dispel hostile powers and concerns. 

Those who practice spiritual disciplines like Qigong, Kundalini, and Reiki may wish to send distant energy to their crystals while they’re out under the moonlight. Experienced practitioners may also want to lay their hands down on their crystals and meditate on a particular symbol over them.

Perhaps one of the most effective ways to combine techniques with moonlight cleansing is to pair your crystals with either clear quartz or selenite. These both have the unique ability to recharge and purify the spiritual energy of other crystals. 

Most agree that their abilities are in no way diminished in the process. On the contrary, as the name suggests, selenite is sometimes associated with lunar concepts, making it particularly appropriate for this task.

Developing Your Spiritual Rituals

Never be afraid to experiment as long as said experiments don’t make you personally uncomfortable. For example, spiritual cleansing shouldn’t be about criticism, and focusing too much on doing the right things during your ritual could impart negative energy to a crystal. Instead, simply take a deep breath and smile before letting it out and do what feels natural. 

At Crystals & Stones, we’ve seen many different paths that all brought comfort and solace to those who walked them.

Your intention to purge anything that your crystals have picked up may well be the most powerful aspect of your cleansing rituals. When you’re ready to learn more about the healing power of crystals, make sure to use our online contact page.

Crystals for Women Empowerment

Crystals for Women Empowerment

In the past, women were dependent on men for their wealth and status. They have also been oppressed and discriminated against, treated unfairly, disrespected, and not treated equally as men do.

Today, more than ever before, women have had to work twice as hard as most men. They have to exceed limits to succeed in this antagonistic society. Women are now more independent than ever; they can create their own income and establish families. They don’t have to depend on a man’s support anymore. In some developing countries, women continue to be oppressed and live under a different set of rules than men.

It is no secret that women are underrepresented in many areas of society, and the spiritual community is no exception. Women have been told that they need to be submissive to men for years, but this idea needs to change.

It doesn’t have to stay this way! What happens to the spiritual side of women’s life? How about finding solace from an outside source in times one feels down or troubled by difficult decisions?

Moms will often find themselves looking for guidance at some point in time with regards to parenting or marriage advice. Meanwhile, young girls may be seeking validation through spirituality.

Why Are Crystals So Powerful For Women Empowerment?

Little that we knew crystals provide a sense of healing that women need during challenging times. Crystals and Stones can serve as an outlet for female empowerment, self-love, helps build resilience, provides emotional healing, grounding, and energetic balance. 

Crystals are not only known for being beautiful, but they possess very powerful healing properties that make them a must-have energy tool. 

What many people don’t know is that crystals can be found inside computers, TVs, and cell phones. This is because crystals emit a balanced frequency, which withholds an immense amount of information.

What’s so powerful and beneficial about crystals is that it can help women improve their communication skills, emotional healing, chakra balance, serenity, cleanses the electromagnetic field and your surroundings. 

Tap Into To Your Femme Divine Power!

Crystal jewelry is a beautiful way to show off and empower the feminine. Generally, crystals are used in many rituals such as healing, meditation, spiritual awakening, and astral projection. They help women overcome obstacles.

When meditating, embrace their divine feminine power with greater self-expression, communication skills, empowerment of themselves and others in society. An education about crystals can leave a positive impact.

13 Top Crystals To Harvest Your Female Divine Power

Crystals have been used by people for centuries to awaken the goddess within. There are many different crystals that can help you get in touch with your inner feminine power. 

In addition, crystals are a great way to channel your female inner strength. They help you feel more in touch with yourself and the world around you, which will lead to greater peace. Keep your energy flowing and life balanced with stones that bring out the goddess within. This is a list of the most powerful crystals that can help you attune to your female goddess!

Rose Quartz: is the crystal of universal love. Its soothing and loving energy provides tranquility and serenity. By healing emotional wounds and traumas this beautiful crystal has the energy of a female goddess, its energy is soothing and tranquil. 

Reach for this crystal when you need unconditional love, healing wounds, and relationships. This is a must-have crystal to support the heart chakra. Embrace the goddess within you by cleansing your aura. Rose Quartz can help to clear the negative energy in your space so that it may be filled with love and positivity.

Clear Quartz: The “Master Healer” helps when things are not going right and you need a neutralizer and a cleanser in your life. Reach for clear quartz for meditation. This crystal will bring you the clarity you need for the decision-making process. Are you going through difficult times, clear quartz can purge the energy around you and help you feel at your best! The most powerful way to reclaim your feminine power and awaken the goddess within is by working with Clear Quartz. 

Smoky Quartz: It’s a wonderful neutralizer that helps purge negative vibrations and cleanses your environment on all levels. The uplifting energy of smoky quartz uplifts negativity, depression and brings emotional calmness, by relieving anxiety and stress.  Use smoky quartz to awaken the goddess within you. It can help cleanse, heal, and pass on positive energy and more.

Amethyst: This crystal relieves stress and strain, soothes and detoxes the body, while balancing mood swings, dissipates anxiety and anger. Open intuition and enhances psychic abilities. 

Amethyst is a wonderful crystal to reconnect with your inner goddess. It can help you feel more balanced and in control of your life, and it can be a  wonderful source of inspiration!

Aura Quartzis a beautiful crystal that brings conscious awareness, supports astral projection and out-of-body experiences. It helps one balance energy blockages and clarifies life paths. 

The crystal removes bad thoughts and negative vibrations while amplifying good ones. Aura Quartz is perfect for meditation thanks to the high frequency it emits that allows for heightened focus during any kind of spiritual work.

CitrineThis is the stone of willpower, which harnesses the sun. The comforting energy will stimulate you on your new ventures or projects. Citrine feeds inner confidence and self-esteem while activating a feeling of success in all circumstances. This stone is also excellent for motivation, to keep you focussed on achieving goals. Activate solar plexus as well while wearing citrine for an even more empowered result!

Citrine consists mainly of Quartz (a pale yellow form mineral beryl). It has been linked with those looking for success, self-esteem, and empowerment since ancient times. 

Aquamarine: is one of the most powerful female empowerment crystals in the mineral kingdom. It is a treasure of mermaids and a talisman for good luck, protection, and fearlessness for sailors. The color aquamarine is associated with the angelic realm. 

If you’re in need of guidance, this stone can help connect you to your spiritual guides and angels. It also provides safety when traveling by air or sea. This crystal represents ethereal youth and happiness to many people. It provides them with joyous energy that rejuvenates their minds and souls too! 

If we talk about opening up channels of communication, aquamarine helps one speak truthfully with ease. Aquamarine alleviates fearfulness while promoting trustworthiness no matter what may happen in life.  Aquamarine is a beautiful crystal that can be used as a gateway to connect with the Divine Feminine.

Sodalite: One of the most powerful stones for women is the sodalite crystal. It awakens your female divine power. Use it during meditation or carry it with you as a pendant or wear it around your neck. Sodalite is a rare mineral found in metamorphic and igneous rocks. Known for its rich blue characteristics, it is commonly used as a jewelry inclusion. 

Sodalite stabilizes and balances your immune system while supporting metabolism at the same time, providing you with an extra boost of confidence when on-the-go or in public speaking situations. If you suffer from stage fright, sodalite will provide immense relief when giving presentations to large groups of people, especially those where socializing plays an imperative role. 

Labradorite: is known for amplifying one’s feminine energy and intuition. It can also help with fertility. Labradorite helps you to make clear decisions during times of change, bringing strength and protection from negative forces around you. 

Labradorite is a stone for transformative energies, boosting the power of both physical and energetic transmutations. If feeling stuck or unfulfilled, this crystal will help encourage spiritual growth and higher consciousness.

Find your true purpose in life. Labradorite can also improve grounding by connecting back into the earth while expanding awareness to those who are energetically lost or depleted. Its ability to assist with psychic abilities such as clairvoyance and clairaudience can be a powerful energy tool for any female! One of the best gemstones for women is Labradorite. It can help you tap into your intuition and unleash your own power!

Amazoniteis a stone that has been used for centuries to empower women. It can help you feel confident and strong, which is why it’s one of the best stones for female empowerment. This soothing stone helps calm the brain and nervous system, aiding in maintaining optimum health. 

Use amazonite for regular meditation to gain its benefits more easily. When faced with difficult dilemmas or emotional trauma, the stone will help you see both sides of issues or different points of view. It will soothe the mind and easing worry or fear into peace. Amazonite strengthens your self-confidence and encourages you to be a strong, and independent woman.

PyriteThe Fool’s Gold, also known as pyrite comes from the Greek word Pyr which means “Fire”. Often associated with gold nuggets, this yellowish stone shields one from negative energies and physical harm. 

Carry Pyrite in your pocket to shield the body against pollutants, toxins, and EMFs, or mount it above doors and windows of houses. This stone promotes healthy physical health and emotional well-being by aiding in balance between both mind and body.

Chrysocolla: is a stone of the Goddess, and it has been used by women for thousands of years. Some women use it for protection as they go through different stages in life. Chrysocolla is a stone that provides soothing energy, calms the inner self, and allows for inner wisdom to nourish. It emphasizes taking action to solve your problems or bring about change in your life. 

Green chrysocolla also encourages compassion by strengthening the character. Channel healing properties through its purifying energies. It’s a great stone for communication and truth speaking too! It will help clear emotional blocks and bring about an acceptance that can be carried through into other realms. 

Chrysocolla enhances energetic clarity. It helps you heal on all levels of your being: physical, spiritual, and mental. When times call for desperate measures, reach for Chrysocolla and embrace your Divine Feminine power!  

Carnelian: The stone of creativity and concentration, the Carnelian Agate is a beautiful gemstone with bands of orange and red that was first used for jewelry in ancient Rome. This powerful gemstone can be found carved into amulets or chiseled into beads to be worn as statement pieces. 

Carnelian gets its power from self-confidence in one’s innermost desires. It endows courage to forge ahead on uncharted paths. Improve one’s sense of well-being, promote creativity, give focus and generate prosperity while returning to earth after indulgence. Carnelian is the perfect way to reconnect with your inner goddess. It can help you feel more balanced and in control of your life, and It’s a wonderful source of inspiration!

Start Your Healing Crystal Journey Today!

Did you know that crystals can help us manifest our desires? They have the power to bring clarity to the mind and alleviate stress. Surround yourself with beautiful crystals and attune to the feminine power within you. 

Crystals are said to be a key that unlocks your inner strength. When you surround yourself with them even for short periods of time, you will reap the benefits. If you want to find inner peace begin by working with crystals. Stones have the power to heal your mind and body. Find one that resonates with you! 

Related Crystals

Rose Quartz

Clear Quartz

Smoky Quartz


Aura Quartz









Suggested Crystals

Rose Quartz Point

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $90.00


Rose Quartz Pendant Point

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.
The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Dual Face Roller

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Heart

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tourmaline Rutilated Quartz Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rutilated Quartz Point

Crystals & Stones



Rainbow Aura Quartz Raw Wire Wrapped Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Pick Me Up! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Wire Wrap Drop Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Tower (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$12.00 – $15.00


Clear Quartz Stone Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$12.95 – $19.95


Clear Quartz Pendulum

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $30.00


Clear Quartz Heart Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Double Terminated Point

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $35.00


Clear Quartz Crystal Raw

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $30.00


Blue Quartz Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$2.50 – $7.00


Angel Aura Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Smoky Quartz Tower (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones



Smoky Quartz Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$30.00 – $65.00


Smoky Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $12.95


Comfort Me! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Snooze Button! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Comfort Me! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Cactus Spirit Amethyst Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$70.00 – $150.00


Amethyst Wire Wrap Drop Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Tree of Life Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Small Tower

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Raw Stone Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Point Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Large Tower

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $80.00


Amethyst Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Cluster Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$19.95 – $45.00


Snooze Button! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rainbow Aura Quartz Raw Wire Wrapped Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Pink Himalayan Halite Salt Natural Raw Stone

Crystals & Stones

$10.00 – $40.00


Boost my Immunity! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Angel Aura Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Raw Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Crystal Tumbled (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$12.00 – $25.00


Citrine Crystal Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$50.00 – $110.00


Citrine Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Double Terminated Point

Crystals & Stones

$60.00 – $90.00


Settle My Tummy! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Aquamarine Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$10.00 – $35.00


Aquamarine Crystal Raw

Crystals & Stones

$45.00 – $95.00


Sodalite Stone Raw

Crystals & Stones

$15.95 – $25.95


Blue Sodalite Dual Face Roller

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Labradorite Pebble

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Labradorite Palm Stone

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $20.00


Labradorite Oval Pendant

Crystals & Stones



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Pyrite Cube Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Pyrite Cube on Matrix

Crystals & Stones

$25.00 – $50.00


Pyrite Crystal Raw

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $75.00


Lapis Lazuli Tower

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Lapis Lazuli Sphere

Crystals & Stones

$40.00 – $150.00


Lapis Lazuli Rectangular Shaped

Crystals & Stones

$10.00 – $40.00


Lapis Lazuli Pendulum

Crystals & Stones



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Lapis Lazuli Oval Pendant

Crystals & Stones



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Lapis Lazuli Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Lapis Lazuli Slab

Crystals & Stones

$35.00 – $100.00


Settle My Tummy! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Matte Carnelian Agate Pebble

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $25.00


Carnelian Obelisk Tower

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $60.00


Carnelian Agate Pebble – Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$19.95 – $25.95


New Beginnings

crystals for new beginnings

New Beginnings: Starting A New Chapter In Life

Many of us look forward to a fresh start when obstacles and challenges surface. Meanwhile, many of those problems and obstacles that become challenging need to be addressed. Learning how to overcome the struggles that life throws at you, helps build character, and develop a strong will.

The secret to success is having a positive approach toward life. The power of a positive mindset is immense, and it goes beyond feeling happier, its effects have shifted many people’s life.

The key is having a positive mindset. Self-love plays a considerable role when it comes to creating a new beginning; everything begins with nurturing your soul. When one decides to bring changes into their life, whether big or small, most people often have a hard time putting those ideas into motion.

Change can bring about anxiety, significantly change that we didn’t initiate. Although when you’re the one who quit your job and left your partner to go on vacation by yourself. It’s natural to feel at least some level of uncertainty because this is unfamiliar territory.

Maintaining Mental Health

Your mental health can be affected when transitioning to a new beginning. Mental health is the state of being sound in mind and body. These facets include emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental health can affect how you think, feel about yourself, relate to others, and make choices.

New beginnings can feel unusual, uncomfortable, unease, shocking, or overwhelming and stressful. It’s normal and natural to experience fear. The good news is that you can do plenty of things to help cope with your mental health. Working out, spending time with friends, and doing something creative are great ways to improve well-being.

It’s important not to dwell on the past but instead to learn from it. By doing so, you can move forward into a more prosperous and happier future.

One of the biggest challenges people face is starting something new. Beginnings can be overwhelming at first, but it is essential to keep moving forward.

Take some time for yourself and appreciate the simple things in life. A great way to do that is by taking a walk outside and enjoying the fresh air. Time is indeed the best cure for self-discovery and resetting your mind with good thoughts.

There are several ways to calibrate your energy, and one of the best is through crystals. Crystals have been used for thousands of years by many cultures worldwide to help heal ailments in both body and mind. These are some key tools that will aid you with your soul searching. Think about it as if you were powering up your chakras and tuning up your electromagnetic field.


Crystal Are Potent Minerals!

Crystals have been used for centuries by alternative medicine practitioners; it’s believed to help heal more than just the physical body.

Crystals have an electromagnetic field that allows balance disturbances and restores the body. They also act as light and sound conductors, so they are often used in jewelry and musical instruments essential.


Crystal Guide to New Beginnings

Are you looking forward to new beginnings? Jumpstart your energy by shifting your mindset to a positive approach. 

Reset your mind by bringing good thoughts into your life, recalibrating your energy field, and seeking your inner life purpose.

The properties of crystals for new beginnings can help you balance and direct you into a new path of self-discovery. Try wearing any of these stones and feel how the vital energy of crystals raises your vibrational frequency.

9 Crystals For Transition And Change

Amazonite: is an excellent stone that brings hope, success, promotes creativity, communication, courage, and independence. It’s often used in jewelry to help with balancing emotions or as an aid for mental clarity. One of the best reasons to use Amazonite is to alleviate stress and anxiety, which can also cause insomnia. Amazonite provides comfort in understanding life’s mysteries and lessons by helping one understand their thoughts and feelings more clearly.

Citrine: Excellent stone for manifestation, prosperity, abundance, attracting wealth, and eliminates negativity. Citrine is a variety of quartz minerals with an orange to yellow color. Citrine’s benefits are self-confidence, creativity, intuition, and personal power. 

It’s a popular type of quartz crystal often used in conjunction with feng shui to welcome abundance, prosperity, and positivity. Natural citrine is quite rare, and most citrine is actually amethyst that has been heat-treated to alter its color. Citrine gets its name from the French word.  “citrine, meaning “yellow.”

Lepidolite: One of the highest vibration stones, Lepidolite is a purification stone that lifts burdens from your physical and emotional bodies. Its high lithium content can help relieve manic depression as well as other mood swings or stress-related disorders.

Rose Quartz: The pink hue of rose quartz is due to the high amount of iron oxide in its chemical composition. It resonates with loving energy that soothes and cools any anger or sorrow. Rose quartz has been used as an amulet for love, especially unrequited love; it’s also known as the “love stone.”

Clear Quartz: This stone is used to amplify energy and can be worn or carried for its ability to clear out negative energies. These crystals vibrate with all seven chakras, making them a good choice for clearing out the blockage.  Clear quartz can also amplify thought and intention.

Black Tourmaline: A stone of protection, black tourmaline is a powerful grounding and shielding gemstone that can be worn or carried for its ability to clear out negative energies.

Selenite: Selenite is a powerful yet gentle stone of the moon. It soothes and brings clarity to an overactive mind while reducing stress and anxiety.

Selenite can help with PTSD or any other trauma by allowing one to fully release pent-up emotions, thoughts, and fears that have been suppressed for too long. Selenite harnesses the energy of the moon and reflects it back to us, allowing us access to its lunar powers.

Selenite is a stone of inner peace that facilitates meditation while cleansing our aura from emotional pollution.

Amethyst: This purple variety of quartz brings spiritual contemplation, intuition, and personal insight; it’s also used to develop psychic abilities. Amethyst promotes self-confidence.

It has a calming effect that some people use to manage stress or anxiety. When worn next to the skin, amethyst releases electromagnetic radiation, detoxifying the body’s energy field.

It is a stone of transformation that brings about spiritual advancement and can help ease dying or grieving. It has been used as an aid in meditation because it promotes calm and reduces stress.

Amethyst enhances intuition, providing insights into what one needs to know most urgently at this time.

Aventurine: Aventurine is a helpful stone to help find balance in your life and ground you. It enhances creativity, motivation, fertility, and prosperity. Aventurine is the crystal of opportunity and good fortune.

An excellent moonstone for the heart, reach into physical and emotional blocks to release stress and tension.

It opens the mind to creativity and self-expression. It aids in bringing about change, whether desired or not. It provides support for those who are going through transitions or upheaval, easing tensions by encouraging acceptance.

Aventurine brings fresh ideas and solutions to problems. It stimulates the intellect. Supportive powers include teaching, communication, self-expression, sobriety, and determination.

Related Crystals


Clear Quartz




Black Kyanite


Best Crystals for New Beginnings and Change

Any crystal that’s properly attuned can be used to effect positive change in your life. While this is probably a shocking statement, especially considering how much some self-help experts have written on the topic, it’s certainly true. That’s because any crystal that’s working to protect you is going to help you change in at least some small way.

For instance, say you started to use obsidian as a mirror stone. Since this would enable you to see your past, present, and future you’d be in a better position to start making the kind of changes that will give you the best chance of creating a truly new beginning. That being said, there are a number of particular stones that you might want to look into if you’re trying to get the best chance at having a natural reboot in your life.

Amazonite & Citrine

As the name suggests, Amazonite was named for the Amazon River in South America. It helps users speak the truth and may even activate your heart and throat chakra. That’s good news for those who want to align their energy points with their physical body. While you try Amazonite, you’ll also want to look into Citrine and other related stones.

Citrine is an excellent stone when it comes to attracting wealth and it can help you eliminate negativity. Some people who want to clear out negative thoughts also turn to clear quartz, which is another great option for those who want to hit a metaphorical reset button and enjoy all of the benefits that come with having a new beginning. Interestingly enough, this is actually one of the most common minerals in terms of what gets extracted from the earth. This lack of rarity, however, doesn’t at all indicate that the stone isn’t powerful. Countless individuals have found that it’s helped them make real changes in their lives.

Healing Crystals for Those Who Need Change

Individuals who feel as though they’ve never been able to experience real change might want to look into adding aventurine to their repertoire, since it serves as an abundance attractor. Some have opined that it soothes their anxiety and even brings balance and inner peace to their lives. Those who do everything they can to rely on their crystals as a way of bringing about positive change in their lives have often also said that they feel that aventurine has at least some connection to their hearts, which is a very important link to make since there are few organs that are so vital for life as this one. Those who might feel lost and aren’t sure what crystals they need to bring about change and a true new beginning in their life should contact our team online and we’ll make sure to help them find the right stones to start a regimen. In many cases, the connection can be made very easily between their individual emotions and a particular stone, so this shouldn’t take long at all.

Suggested Crystals

Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Kyanite Crystal Raw

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $25.00


Amazonite Stone Pebble

Crystals & Stones

$35.00 – $60.00


Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Raw Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Crystal Tumbled (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$12.00 – $25.00


Citrine Crystal Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$50.00 – $110.00


Citrine Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Double Terminated Point

Crystals & Stones

$60.00 – $90.00


Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tourmaline Rutilated Quartz Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rutilated Quartz Point

Crystals & Stones



Rainbow Aura Quartz Raw Wire Wrapped Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Pick Me Up! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Wire Wrap Drop Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Tower (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$12.00 – $15.00


Clear Quartz Stone Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$12.95 – $19.95


Clear Quartz Pendulum

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $30.00


Clear Quartz Heart Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Double Terminated Point

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $35.00


Clear Quartz Crystal Raw

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $30.00


Blue Quartz Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$2.50 – $7.00


Angel Aura Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Selenite Raw Wand Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Selenite Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Selenite Cleansing Wand

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Selenite Cleansing Palm Stone

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Orange Selenite Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Desert Rose Selenite Raw

Crystals & Stones

$15.95 – $30.95


Snooze Button! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Comfort Me! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Cactus Spirit Amethyst Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$70.00 – $150.00


Amethyst Wire Wrap Drop Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Tree of Life Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Small Tower

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Raw Stone Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Point Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Large Tower

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $80.00


Amethyst Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Cluster Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$19.95 – $45.00


Green Aventurine Stone Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $20.00


Green Aventurine Stone Raw

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $35.00


The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Aventurine Pendulum

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Aventurine Dual Face Roller

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Pyrite Cube Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Pyrite Cube on Matrix

Crystals & Stones

$25.00 – $50.00


Pyrite Crystal Raw

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $75.00


Lapis Lazuli Tower

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Lapis Lazuli Sphere

Crystals & Stones

$40.00 – $150.00


Lapis Lazuli Rectangular Shaped

Crystals & Stones

$10.00 – $40.00


Lapis Lazuli Pendulum

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Lapis Lazuli Oval Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Lapis Lazuli Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Lapis Lazuli Slab

Crystals & Stones

$35.00 – $100.00


Love & Happiness

Crystals for Love & Happiness

Crystals for Attracting Love

The Importance Of Using Stones In Your Life

Crystals and stones provide different properties that can be used to enhance one’s vibrational field. Crystals are unique to their own energy. Most importantly, they are able to act as a catalyst to promote harmony in your life.

These stones uniquely support personal life goals. Whether you’re looking to rekindle love in marriage, build a new romantic relationship, or practice self-love. They have great potential when it comes down to bringing about change and elevating your vibration.

The energy of stones can significantly bring harmony into your life and all the things that you truly desire. Just open your heart and let the beautiful power of love permeate through your physical body and your aura. Allow the energy of the crystals for love and happiness to renew your body, embrace, and manifest love and romance into your life.

When meditating with these powerful stones raise your vibration. During meditation, attune and connect with higher consciousness and let go of any negative patterns or old behavioral thoughts. Allow for this magical energy to permeate while transforming your surrounding into a more positive and loving environment.

Learn How Using Visualization Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Visualization can be an extremely potent tool when it comes to manifesting your dreams and goals in life. It is a process that begins with focusing the mind on what it wants to achieve.

Visualization is a process that starts with focusing the mind on what you want. Through visualization and other techniques can help you can master the power of manifestation. Writing your goals down, or reading books about successful people who have reached their goals can help potentiate the visualization process.

The Power Of Manifestation With Crystals & Stones

The power of manifestation is the idea that you can manifest your desired outcome by imagining it. Visualizing and manifesting will help send a message to the universe. This will work in your favor by giving you your imagined outcome.

Bring more love into your life with crystals and stones. We have the perfect crystals for attracting love, manifesting abundance, and healing emotional wounds. You can use them in meditation or just carry them around with you! They’re also great for decorating your home or office space.

Crystals and Stones are a great way to bring more love into your life. We have the perfect crystals for attracting love, manifesting abundance, and healing emotional wounds. You can use them in meditation or just carry them around with you! They’re also great for decorating your home or office space.

Use Crystal Grids For Manifestation

Crystals, also known as mineral rocks, are natural and powerful sources of energy. People can use them to amplify innate feelings feel energized naturally. Place crystals near where you sleep at night for an improved sleeping experience! Mother Nature’s gift will elevate your mood naturally over time so that the world seems less daunting than before!

Rituals such as working with geometric-shaped energy grids can energetically align the energy of your crystals. On a geometric shape grid, place each crystal on specific points, this will help access the energy (known as ‘vortices’).

This is an excellent technique to manifest your goals and desires. Raise your vibration by placing one crystal under your pillow or carrying a stone around in your pocket. For example, take amethyst – this dark purple crystal has been said to enhance psychic abilities and spiritual awareness for centuries!

Meditation can help you reach higher levels of consciousness and dispel any negative patterns or thoughts. You can also welcome love into your life by visualizing yourself with the perfect partner to share it all! Crystals offer healing capabilities that will attract what you want for a new, loving future. These are the best stones for inviting love and happiness into your life:s

The Top 6 Crystals To Raise Your Vibration

Rose QuartzSince its discovery, rose quartz has been used in all sorts of spiritual practices. Throughout history, because it symbolizes compassion while maintaining a connection with physicality.

Rose quartz is known as the “Love Stone” or the stone of the goddess of love. It promotes unconditional love and heals emotional trauma. It’s a phenomenal healer for emotional trauma, especially when it may be less obvious, such as abandonment or grief. Rose quartz will help to release anger and forgive yourself and others.

Citrine: Citrine is the golden stone of prosperity in ancient times. Powerful, beautiful, and warm, it brings good luck to those who possess one’s power. Laborers at volcanic springs in India first found citrines, and then the legend of their powers spread across Asia.

Citrine is known for its energy of self-esteem and solar plexus stimulator. This crystal is remarkable for its abilities to enhance creativity, productivity, and personal power. If you need a self-esteem supporter, reach for a citrine crystal.

Clear Quartz: A crystal with a thousand variations, Clear Quartz is the master healer. With its gentle and purifying energy, you can use this stone to cleanse and amplify your healing intent. It is highly versatile for whatever space it occupies.

Clear Quartz makes an excellent companion for meditation,. It promotes mental clarity while stilling the restless thoughts that might muddy your dreams.

Clear Quartz could be what your life needs, whether in real-life challenges; these beautiful pieces are more than just stones. They’re calming companions that help bring clarity when anything seems unclear.

Amethyst: Amethyst Crystal is known for promoting mental clarity, focus, and in tune with intuition. Experts say that this crystal is the perfect medium to communicate across realms. These abilities make it the ideal choice for scrying or past-life regression therapy.

The stone’s high vibration aids in releasing tension in any muscle within your body. Then you can find relief from pain that may occur from injuries or even emotional trauma.

Rhodonite: is a stone of compassion that clears away emotional wounds from the past. This emotional balancer also serves as a magnet for love, nurtures love and stimulates the heart and the root chakra. Rhodonite grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential.

These types of crystals are perfect for grounding your higher spiritual self, promote mental clarity, and the decision-making process. Rhodonite heals emotional trauma and panic. It’s excellent for a deep sense of connection and emotional balancer.

Reach for Rhodonite crystal for emotional support. It brings peace during stressful times, like job cuts, domestic violence, physical abuse, or any form of addiction.

Rhodonite crystals are used to balance the heart chakra and promote healthy relationships. They also have been known to protect against psychic vampires, which can drain your energy. These healing stones carry a sense of calm with them that will help you express yourself in many ways.

Amazonite: Amazonite is a form of variegated green quartz that brings peace, healing, and calm. The energy emitted from this stone radiates tranquility and helps us balance the emotions that come with everyday life. This dual-toned gemstone also has protective properties when rubbed.

This helps to minimize negative energies and protects against envy, hostility, and jealousy. Amazonite balances Yin-Yang energies by aligning masculine and feminine within our subconscious minds as well as our bodies.


How To Use Your Crystals To Manifest Love

Many use crystals to attract soulmates or use their crystals for love and marriage. While this is perfectly fine. We recommend that before you attempt to attract a specific person or relationship, it’s important that you practice self-love first.

According to the Law of Attraction, positive thoughts bring positive experiences into a person’s life. Therefore, negative thoughts bring negative experiences. Practicing self-love elevates your frequency to the frequency of love.

When you manifest love into your relationships your surrounding will embody that love frequency. In short: the secret to finding love is to become it.

An essential part of practicing self-care and self-love is thinking about yourself positively and using encouraging language. You can use your Rose Quartz or Citrine as a reminder to empower yourself and love yourself.

You can meditate with Rose Quartz, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, or Amazonite. This will help open your heart chakra, the chakra responsible for compassion, affection, and love.

To meditate with your crystals, you will need to:

  • Create a peaceful and relaxing environment for yourself. You can put on soothing music, light some incense, and light some candles.
  • Align the crystals and stones around you while you sit in the lotus pose. You can also hold some crystals in your hands while you meditate.
  • Focus on intentional breathing. Anytime you lose focus, gently bring yourself back to the breath.
  • Set an intention before you begin your meditation. Setting a purpose will help you be clear on what you want, and what it is that you want to manifest. The more energy you put in, the more power you’ll get out.
  • Focus your attention on your heart chakra, and feel all the love you have for yourself. Feel the love and compassion you feel for others. Vibrating in love will help you attract it.
  • Repeat affirmations that resonate with your intention and goal.


Affirmations For Attracting Love

Repeating daily affirmations can help you concentrate on your goal. This can help you feel more positive about yourself, and reshape your subconscious mind to access new beliefs. We have put a couple of affirmations that you can repeat during your meditation or throughout the day. You can adjust them as you see fit, so they are more in alignment with your intentions.

  • “I am attracting genuine and loving relationships.”
  • “I am attracting beautiful souls into my life that are vibrating on the same frequency as I am.”
  • “I am surrounded by abundance, love, and joy.”
  • “I am pure love incarnate.”

We recommend repeating these affirmations while holding on to your crystals and stones. This will help absorb all the love and positive energy you are putting into your practice.

With these beautiful allies, you will be able to find peace of mind and feel more connected to yourself and others. Our stones are hand-picked from all over the world. They may serve as a reminder of our connection to each other on this planet earth. It is important that we take care of it together!

Related Crystals

Rose Quartz


Clear Quartz



Suggested Crystals

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amazonite Stone Pebble

Crystals & Stones

$35.00 – $60.00


Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz Point

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $90.00


Rose Quartz Pendant Point

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.
The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Dual Face Roller

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Heart

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.


Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Raw Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Crystal Tumbled (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$12.00 – $25.00


Citrine Crystal Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$50.00 – $110.00


Citrine Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Double Terminated Point

Crystals & Stones

$60.00 – $90.00


Clear Quartz

Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tourmaline Rutilated Quartz Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rutilated Quartz Point

Crystals & Stones



Rainbow Aura Quartz Raw Wire Wrapped Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Pick Me Up! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Wire Wrap Drop Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Tower (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$12.00 – $15.00


Clear Quartz Stone Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$12.95 – $19.95


Clear Quartz Pendulum

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $30.00


Clear Quartz Heart Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Double Terminated Point

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $35.00


Clear Quartz Crystal Raw

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $30.00


Blue Quartz Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$2.50 – $7.00


Angel Aura Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.


Snooze Button! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Comfort Me! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Cactus Spirit Amethyst Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$70.00 – $150.00


Amethyst Wire Wrap Drop Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Tree of Life Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Small Tower

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Raw Stone Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Point Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Large Tower

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $80.00


Amethyst Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Cluster Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$19.95 – $45.00



Green Aventurine Stone Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $20.00


Green Aventurine Stone Raw

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $35.00


The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Aventurine Pendulum

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Aventurine Dual Face Roller

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.


Rhodonite Stone Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$7.00 – $15.00


Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.


Nephrite Jade Cube

Crystals & Stones



Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Jade Single Face Roller with Ridges

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Jade Dual Face Roller with Ridges

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Green Jade Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Health & Wellness

Crystals for health

Health & Wellness

Do You Want To Feel Physically and Mentally Healthy?

Crystals are a great tool to help during your healing process. Not only do they have beautiful colors and shimmer, but crystals also harness powerful high-frequency energy, which can be put into good use. Working with crystals provides numerous attributes that can help cleanse, restore and regenerate your physical health and spiritual body.

Developing different habits like daily rituals will help reprogram the way you think about yourself. A new routine can help connect to the higher self and instill a sense of awareness, allowing you to attune to mental wellness.

Keep crystals around at all times. Placing crystals under your pillow can significantly improve restful sleep. Crystals offer guidance and self-empowerment. The more you attune to the energy of crystals, the more self-awareness, and discernment you’ll develop. 

In the long run, working with stones will get you on the right path to self-discovery, health consciousness, and self-motivation.

Whether you’re looking for something new to explore or just want some extra support on this journey called life, working with stones is a beautiful way to promote self-love. Crystals will make things feel more manageable by providing a sense of peace and serenity.

How To Harness The Energy Of Crystals?

  1. Start by prioritizing your health and wellness goals, map out your objectives, and focus on 1-2 objectives per month.

  2. Work with your crystals daily. This practice will help you improve your health and achieve your wellness goals. Whether your goal is to lose weight or live a healthier life, crystals serve as a tool to help you attain your most desired goals.

  3. To improve the effectiveness of your crystals, work with them on a daily basis and keep them handy.

  4. Another tip is to visualize the desired result while meditating or carrying the bundle around in your pocket.

  5. Give it a try! Incorporate 15 minutes of your time daily for 21 days to create a habit. 

Lastly, keep in mind that everything doesn’t happen overnight! To see results, you need to put in the time and effort to achieve your goals.  Start by visualizing your body changing, hang pictures of the body you want to achieve, be more rigorous with your health and wellness. You will eventually see results quicker.

Don’t Give Up!

You will face obstacles in your life that will try to knock you down daily. People may be rude or discouraging. Rejections will come, sometimes in droves. You have to persist despite this negativity.

Believe in yourself, dream big, set goals, and take action! Remember, Rome wasn’t built in one day. Just remember that nothing great ever comes easy. 

Stop Making Excuses!

Begin to give priority to your health and wellness. When it comes down to living your best life, make sure that you are holding yourself accountable. Some of the most important aspects of living quality of life are incorporating physical activity, eating nutritious foods, and meditating daily.

Don’t Let Negativity Get In Your Way!

Remember, don’t allow negative self-talk or old behavioral patterns to sabotage your progress. Learn how to train your mind to stay strong. Suppose you want to see results, you need to put in the time and dedication.

Things will not happen overnight. You start seeing gradual improvements. The key is to avoid overwhelming yourself by setting the bar too high, pacing yourself, and making minor adjustments by introducing new habits into your life. 

The secret of feeling accomplished is committing to your goals and being the best version of yourself. 

Boost Your Well-Being With These Healing Crystals 


Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is known as one of the most popular choices for those who need clarity and alignment of their chakras. Clear Quartz stimulates the immune system, aligns body systems, balances emotional states, and enhances psychic abilities.  It also amplifies any source of energy that serves as your focus.  Clear Quartz harmonizes all of the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies, which can be helpful when it comes to healing physical symptoms or emotional pain. 

Bloodstone: Bloodstone is a rich green stone with spots of red. Its grounding properties help alleviate hypertension, its protective qualities shield from negative energy and EMF Radiation, and geopathic stress, which can weaken the immune system and create imbalances in the physical body.

Bloodstone is excellent for strengthening, boosting your immune system, and balancing your energy levels.  Stimulates the root chakra providing grounding energy. It also helps cleanse, purify and detox the body. When it comes to kick-starting your wellness journey, bloodstone will give you that extra energy boost!

Turquoise: Turquoise is the gem of clarity and tranquility, a stone that has been revered for its ability to bridge together dreams and reality. For those who have fallen victims to stress, depression, or exhaustion, this stone can be of great use as it will help alleviate their symptoms while bringing serenity.

In addition, turquoise will help level unneeded stress levels and anxiety.  It also sparks your creativity by innovating thoughts that boost problem-solving skills. This gemstone aligns all seven chakras and balances mood swings.Turquoise is an excellent crystal for stress and anxiety-related issues. This crystal will instill a dose of tranquility and serenity. 

Amethyst: Amethyst is the perfect stone for anyone who needs to chill out. Its natural tranquilizing properties will help you keep your cool and maintain balance in any situation.

If you struggle with stress, anger management, or emotional imbalance, this stone can help decrease the intensity of these feelings while giving you a sense of peace and protection.  Amethyst is also said to stimulate spiritual awareness, intuition, and psychic abilities. It’s an excellent crystal for those looking to expand their consciousness without intense meditation practice!

Amazonite: This calming crystal from Brazil purifies and heals the energy of your home. Amazonite is a very soothing stone due to its green hue, representing the balance between masculine and feminine energies. 

Amazonite promotes optimum health by calming the brain and nervous system, balancing hormones, strengthening immune systems, increasing libido or sexual desire, clearing skin conditions such as dermatitis or eczema.

Amazonite helps promote a feeling of well-being, sanity, and mental clarity. You don’t have to be beholden to any of these stones mentioned above. There are a wide variety of different types of stones out there that may prove helpful for your spiritual journey.Some people find that various combinations work best for them while others prefer to work with only a single stone.

 It largely depends on your own personal preferences and whether or not you’re experiencing certain feelings. Depending on your specific situation, you might want to put together a small collection and use different stones at various times by matching them to your current intention. Think about what sorts of issues you might be facing.

By concentrating and then releasing the problems, you’ll be in the right state of mind to look for crystals and stones that will help to alleviate and get you on the path to clarity.

Collect Stones For Health and Stones

Just like you might put together a kit to deal with any other problem, you’ll want to have various crystals for whatever sorts of difficulties you might end up facing. Contact us online for more information. We’ll be glad to help you start your set today. 

Related Crystals

Clear Quartz





Suggested Crystals

Comfort Me! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Boost my Immunity! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amazonite Stone Pebble

Crystals & Stones

$35.00 – $60.00


Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tourmaline Rutilated Quartz Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rutilated Quartz Point

Crystals & Stones



Rainbow Aura Quartz Raw Wire Wrapped Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Pick Me Up! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Wire Wrap Drop Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Tower (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$12.00 – $15.00


Clear Quartz Stone Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$12.95 – $19.95


Clear Quartz Pendulum

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $30.00


Clear Quartz Heart Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Double Terminated Point

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $35.00


Clear Quartz Crystal Raw

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $30.00


Blue Quartz Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$2.50 – $7.00


Angel Aura Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Boost my Immunity! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Bloodstone Beaded Bracelet (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones



Blood Stone Raw

Crystals & Stones

$10.00 – $30.00


Turquoise Tree of Life Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Turquoise Stone Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $35.00


Turquoise Sparkle Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Turquoise Pendant Point

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Pick Me Up! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Snooze Button! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Comfort Me! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Cactus Spirit Amethyst Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$70.00 – $150.00


Amethyst Wire Wrap Drop Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Tree of Life Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Small Tower

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Raw Stone Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Point Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Large Tower

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $80.00


Amethyst Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Cluster Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$19.95 – $45.00


Crystals For Healing Cancer

Cancer Healing Crystals

Crystals For Healing Cancer?

Can Crystals Can Be Used To Assist In Healing Cancer?

Disclaimer: All information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed on are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care.

Crystals have been used for centuries to heal, protect and purify a person’s energy. These natural forces can emit electromagnetic waves which is why they can unblock and regenerate cells while absorbing negative energies. Crystals work by purging, detoxifying, and harmonizing the body in tandem with traditional treatments. People who use crystals feel like their bodies are clean and healthy.

Many of the master healers have done extensive research about the best holistic methods to help cure cancer. Though this disease involves abnormal cell growth which in many cases it spreads to other parts of the body. But, in retrospect what many people don’t know is that cancer is correlated to our emotional baggage, carrying resentment, or constantly blaming others, which are thought to be triggering factors in cancer.

Crystals are an often-overlooked tool for healing. Working with them completely relies on setting your intention, programming, and desired outcome. It is important to do research beforehand so you can be sure that you’re using the right type of crystals. 

Crystals can dissipate and regenerate cells while absorbing negative energy. Certain types can heal the human body. They possess powerful properties that can unblock any stagnant or energy blockage. 

Finding the right crystals might require some trial and error until something clicks! Ask yourself: What’s my goal? What kind of feeling am I looking to improve? Am I struggling with a particular problem? Use these questions when selecting stones. You want effective ones to find balance within your life.

Use affirmations, love yourself, do deep soul searching, learn to forgive others, mend your emotional wounds and overcome any life-threatening obstacle that life throws at you. Energetically, the power of crystals can unblock and regenerate cells while absorbing negative auras. Use crystals as a tool to unblock any stagnant or energy blockage.

Listen to your intuition when selecting your healing stones. Working with crystals completely relies on setting your intention, programming, and focusing on the outcome desired from the get-go. It is crucial that the first step you take is cleansing your crystals with sea salt and leaving them overnight or smudge with sage.

A wide variety of healing crystals exist. They can help, depending on your needs. Crystals such as clear quartz, selenite, rose quartz, honey calcite, smoky quartz, black tourmaline, tiger eye, and amethyst, are great alternatives. Then you can get your healing journey started. 


The best choices to work with include the following:

  • Selenite: Purify your body with this healing beautiful white light energy. The healing properties of this stone can help regenerate cells. This crystal is known for its purifying qualities such as cleansing, and detoxifying the body from heavy metals while also strengthening the immune system. When it comes down to healing old emotional wounds and negative behavioral patterns, selenite is the perfect addition to your tool kit! Selenite not only reinvigorates the physical body but also brings balance and harmony into your life.

  • Malachite: Stimulates your immune system. This is an essential tool to treat and repair cellular and DNA structure. This beautiful stone is great for calming your mind and relieving anxiety. Green malachite strengthens your intuition by focusing on the good in life by bringing peace of mind and serenity. This powerful stone promotes order out of chaos by strengthening your intuition and helping with the decision-making process.

  • Smoky Quartz: Learning how to let go of your old ways and start all over is a process, really. It might be hard but you will come out feeling refreshed and ready to take on anything new! A great way to reach this point is being encased in healing stones like smoky quartz. Smoky Quartz is extremely grounding, it offers a strong connection between the root and mind-body balance. This wonderful crystal is perfect when it comes down to being grateful and opening up one’s third eye chakra because of its soothing energy. This beautiful stone brings about deep healing energies that can help heal ovarian, abdomen, and all forms of cancer such as lumps and cysts.

  • Rose Quartz: Promote positive energy and inner love. Rose quartz is known for healing breast cancer, thymus, heart, and lungs.

  • Citrine: Provides restorative properties for the body, and it may be effective in reversing degenerative diseases like cancer. Citrine is known for promoting creativity, success, and strengthening the immune system. It promotes good luck protects against bad chi (negative energy). Citrine is great for energizing your surroundings and bringing peace to your home where relationships are troubled or outright hostile.

    Its calming effects, help soothe and calms frayed nerves and negativity. It is also an excellent crystal to use for manifestation, as it brings the energy of abundance into one’s life. In addition, citrine can help with fertility issues such as infertility or miscarriages by stimulating ovulation in women (and sperm production when used on men).

Stones are an excellent tool for those looking to bring a sense of calm and balance. Crystals are a great natural way to speed up the healing process. It’s a controversial topic, but focus on your well being. When selecting your healing stones, listen to your intuition while attuning to the energy of crystals. 

Crystals have the ability to restore the physical body, once activated and cleansed frequently. You’ll start feeling healthier and more energetic.

Consider selecting your stones with purpose. They rely on setting your intention, meditating, and focusing on what you want from them. Let your intuition guide you in selecting the right crystal for your needs!

Related Crystals

Rose Quartz



Smoky Quartz


Suggested Crystals

Rose Quartz Point

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $90.00


Rose Quartz Pendant Point

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.
The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Dual Face Roller

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rose Quartz Heart

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Selenite Raw Wand Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Selenite Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Selenite Cleansing Wand

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Selenite Cleansing Palm Stone

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Orange Selenite Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Desert Rose Selenite Raw

Crystals & Stones

$15.95 – $30.95


Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Raw Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Crystal Tumbled (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$12.00 – $25.00


Citrine Crystal Cluster

Crystals & Stones

$50.00 – $110.00


Citrine Beaded Bracelet

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Citrine Double Terminated Point

Crystals & Stones

$60.00 – $90.00


Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tourmaline Rutilated Quartz Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rutilated Quartz Point

Crystals & Stones



Rainbow Aura Quartz Raw Wire Wrapped Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Pick Me Up! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Wire Wrap Drop Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Tower (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$12.00 – $15.00


Clear Quartz Stone Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$12.95 – $19.95


Clear Quartz Pendulum

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones

$20.00 – $30.00


Clear Quartz Heart Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Double Terminated Point

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $35.00


Clear Quartz Crystal Raw

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $30.00


Blue Quartz Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

$2.50 – $7.00


Angel Aura Quartz Pebble

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tourmaline Rutilated Quartz Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rutilated Quartz Point

Crystals & Stones



Pink Tourmaline Crystal Raw

Crystals & Stones

$50.00 – $100.00


Boost my Immunity! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Black Tourmaline Raw (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $40.00


Fluorite Tree of Life Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Fluorite Sphere

Crystals & Stones

$60.00 – $180.00


Fluorite Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Fluorite Octahedral (Out of Stock)

Crystals & Stones

$15.00 – $25.00


Comfort Me! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Settle My Tummy! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Comfort Me! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Boost my Immunity! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.
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Crystals Can Be Used to Avoid Suicidal Thoughts

DISCLAIMER: Our crystals and stones are not meant to treat or cure any mental illness. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or depression we highly recommend you speak to a therapist or professional to seek help.

Have you ever found yourself in a dark, hopeless place that goes beyond feeling sad or stressed? If so, then it’s important to know what to do when this happens. You’re not alone when dealing with these thoughts or feelings. Many people experience thoughts of suicide at some point in their lives and they’re not easy to ignore or shake off.

Having suicidal thoughts doesn’t mean you’re weak or crazy. Feeling like this only means that right now, there is just too much pain or sadness. Remember there is always a solution! Taking a holistic approach can help elevate your spirit and help you feel more in control of your life.

Crystals are an excellent way of combating suicidal thoughts and feelings, paired with an emotional support system and consistent self-care. They can help people feel less emotional pain, strengthen the immune system, and even prevent illness. Meditating with them also allows you to check-in with your body: if you need to hydrate, walk in the sun, or get more sleep.

Working with crystals releases negative energy and feelings that trap you in a cycle of pain. They increase your vibrational frequency so it’s easier for you to feel re-energized. 

Crystals have been used in many ancient civilizations for a number of different purposes. They can align chakras or help you draw energy from nature. 

When your chakras are balanced, energy flows harmoniously through you. Then you feel more at peace and go through life with confidence and strength. When one of your chakras is unbalanced or blocked you may experience an array of symptoms.

 If you have had suicidal thoughts you may have your third chakra, the solar plexus chakra blocked.  This chakra deals with the element of fire. It regulates energy, physical vitality, emotions, and self-esteem. When this chakra is blocked you may experience feelings of anger or worthlessness which could cause a person to feel suicidal.

The Solar Plexus is your third and final major chakra center, located in the abdomen. It’s known as a power point of personal empowerment that influences how you interact with yourself and others. The Solar Plexus Chakra is often related to mental health and human development. 

When your Solar Plexus chakra is blocked, you may have feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, or depression. Others include a lack of purpose, ambition, self-confidence, or responsibility. These symptoms can lead to suicidal thoughts if left untreated. 

You can clear blockages by using crystals to intensify or amplify vibrations from other stones during meditation sessions. For example, using Citrine Quartz Crystal Point to stimulate my Solar Plexus Chakra because it amplifies healing energies from any stone around it while stimulating mental clarity.

Crystal therapy for suicidal thoughts will help cleanse your energy and surroundings by helping you feel reenergized and energetic again!

Coping with suicidal thoughts can be difficult. If you’re struggling, work with these crystals to cleanse yourself and lessen the chances of suicidal thoughts. Healing stones can provide a sense of peace or calm. 

  Crystals That Can Help With Depression and Suicidal Thoughts


Citrine Stone

Citrine Stone

Citrine stones are yellow in color and will help stimulate the solar plexus chakra. Use when feeling insecure about yourself as well as a sense of purpose. Citrine also raises confidence levels while instilling happiness into everything you do. It is an excellent stone for manifesting dreams without any trouble at all! 

With meditation, citrine will help you open up and stimulate your Solar Plexus Chakra. It will elevate your sense of self-worth, and confidence, and imparts happiness and delight. It also aids you in manifesting your dreams and encourages fresh new starts.

Rose Quartz 

Rose Quartz Necklace

Rose Quartz can help when you are experiencing a lot of pain and need emotional healing. This quartz is tied to your heart chakra and symbolizes unconditional love and joy. 

If you are having suicidal thoughts, chances are you are having trouble practicing self-love. Meditating with this stone can help. Rose Quartz can also enhance your relationships and mend your heart.


Lapis Lazuli 

Lapis Lazuli Necklace

When you meditate with this stone, it will help you reduce anxiety and stress. Lapis Lazuli helps you have a deeper connection to your higher self, which can increase your self-awareness and mindfulness. It uses royal blue colors for calm. 

Incorporate more honesty in your life and less repressed anger with this beautiful stone. Lapis Lazuli will help you find healthy catharsis during meditation.





Selenite is a great mood balancer and aura cleanser. This wonderful healing crystal purifies your energy and surroundings by helping you feel re-energized. 

Using the moon’s power, Selenite has the ability to remove any negative feelings or thoughts. It will also align all of your chakras for an increased flow of cosmic energies.










Aquamarine is a general healing crystal that can help cleanse your energy and remove any negative thoughts. Also aiding in pain relief, it has a great soothing energy. 

Do you feel overwhelmed? Aquamarine is great for people who are experiencing uncontrollable emotions.


Clear Quartz





Clear quartz is a general healing crystal that dissolves any negative energy or thoughts. Aiding in feelings of relief and peace, it emits soothing power for those who are feeling suicidal.








Stress and anxiety are the signs of a high frequency in our bodies. It is very common to feel this way when you’re feeling excessive pain or sadness. Amethyst can clear your mind by releasing long-held anger, fear, and resentment with repeated use. It can also help those experiencing suicidal thoughts find peace and a sense of calm.


Crystals & Stones With Healing Properties 

At Crystals & Stones, we supply you with a wide selection of crystals and stones with healing properties. You can vibe higher, feel better and love yourself a little harder. 

Our stones are best when accompanied by mindful meditation and with an intention set in mind. We believe in the power within you! Unleash it with our beautiful crystals and stones.

If you have any questions or comments, contact us and our friendly team of experts will assist you!




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The Best Crystals for Manifesting Prosperity and Success in Business

Crystals on a Journal

Whether you are starting a new business venture or making a career leap, success doesn’t come easily. It takes hard work, consistency, dedication, discipline, and perseverance. Many believe that prosperity and success solely come from luck, but the truth is that success requires an exponential effort and sacrifice in order to see extraordinary results.

Why is Prosperity And Success Not Manifesting? 

One reason is people give up too soon. When this happens, creativity and abundance, stop flowing. Limiting beliefs propagate and poison the mind with negativity, the number one saboteur. Downer thoughts eliminate all the positive things ready to happen for you!

We Have The Power To Transform and Manifest Our Desires!

One of the passages stuck with me from the book “The Divine Matrix, Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief” By Gregg Braden. It explains that we have the power to change, transform, and create change in our life. 

We have the power and authority to make things happen. Most of us don’t see that to change one must make small changes, whether it’s their daily approach, belief system, or attitude. As a result, when we focus on the things that we create in our universe of imagination, we give power to our thoughts. This means that the unreal manifest into our reality. 

How can you start thinking differently? Address the consciousness collectively. When one makes slight changes in their life, this produces a domino effect. This means that your reality can receive a positive impact. To see a significant change in your life everything starts by making small changes. 

The key to unleashing the channel of prosperity is by rewiring the brain. When it comes to manifesting success there are several techniques that will lead you on the right path. One of them involves creating daily habits and practices that may help achieve your goals faster. Below are several practices that can be implemented into your daily routine. 

1. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude plays a huge role in our lives, as we often take things for granted. Life can make us forget. Begin by being grateful for what you have. This is an essential vital practice in manifesting prosperity. When you are grateful the universe will reward you for it.

2. Journaling.

When it comes to gratitude journaling is one of the most effective ways to appreciate the good things in life. On a piece of paper list 5-10 things that you feel grateful for, be specific by listing the people that you feel grateful for instead of materialistic things. 

3. Practice Meditation.

Meditation has been proven to eliminate stress and anxiety. It brings more positivity into your life while providing mental clarity. There are several guided meditation techniques that can help you attain your goals faster. 

4. Guided Visualization.

Mindfulness is a very effective technique that is scientifically proven to reduce stress, pain, depression, sleep issues anxiety and promote relaxation. 

5. Set Measurable Goals.

Setting measurable goals with a precise timeline and dates will give you a great perspective on tracking your progress. You can track your goals by using any of the suggestions mentioned above.

6. Set Specific Goals.

If you want to accomplish something it’s essential that you begin by setting your goals, write down your goals in a planner, be specific, and set your goals clear and well defined. This will help you get what you want in life. Start by writing your goals which will help you set expectations in order to begin tracking your progress. Don’t forget to look at this list on a weekly basis, that way you are visualizing your success! Don’t forget to keep those eyes on the price. 

Listed below are a few planner recommendations: 

  • Law of Attraction Planner – 2021 Deluxe Weekly & Monthly Life Planner to Achieve Your Goals
  • Panda Planner for Happiness and Productivity
  • Daily Planner by Panda Organizer Planner for Goals, Gratitude & Focus – Weekly Monthly Agenda

Digital Planner Applications: 

  • Productive Habit Tracker
  • Habit Tracker & Daily Planner
  • Planner Pro Daily Calendar

    7. Make your Bed.

    Start your day off right. Small things certainly matter, things such as making your bed every morning will give you a sense of accomplishment. This will reinforce the fact that small things do matter. Making your bed will also make you feel great, it will give you a sense of small pride, improves your mood, increases productivity, and encourages you to more tasks.

    8. Work with Crystals for Manifestation

    One of the most effective ways to release emotional or mental blocks is seeking help from the mineral kingdom. If you are struggling with bringing abundance and success into your life, these blockages need to be cleared out in order for the energy of abundance to flow into your life. 

When you have emotional blocks, trauma, and self-limiting beliefs, everything that surrounds us is energy, money is also a form of energy and it needs to be treated accordingly. In order to manifest abundance, this requires a positive mindset. Like many things in our universe, money is a form of energy, and it needs to be attracted appropriately.


These are a few crystals that can help you unblock and manifest success:

1) Pyrite: Is by far one of the most beautiful crystals out there! Despite its natural beauty pyrite is known to be one of the most powerful crystals for manifesting abundance and prosperity. Pyrite offers extremely grounding properties, and known as the “fools of gold” this good luck charm will not disappoint you. This is the crystal you want to have for any decision-making process. Pyrite is great for activating the solar plexus.

2) Aventurine: It’s known as the stone of prosperity. This stone is wonderful for reinforcing entrepreneurship and leadership. When it comes to making decisions, the adventure will spark that passion within you. It helps by encouraging, making us aware, and compassionate by having empathy for others. Aventurine opens the heart chakra. 

2) Citrine: is a wonderful crystal to spark motivation, activate creativity, and self-drive. Enhances the mind and provides the strength to overcome emotional imbalances such as obstacles, self-limiting beliefs, fears, and low self-esteem. Citrine is a wonderful stone to activate the solar plexus.

4) Smoky Quartz: Smokey Quartz is an excellent grounding stone. It gently neutralizes negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, prompting elimination of the digestive system and protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog.  Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity.  It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress, and anxiety.  Promotes positive thoughts and action, and alleviates suicidal tendencies.  Dispels nightmares and manifests your dreams. Smoky Quartz aids concentration and assists in communication difficulties.

5) Tiger Eye: Tiger Eye is known to be a protective stone. Tiger eye focuses on dissipating negative energies, anxiety, and fears. Is wonderful for instilling self-confidence, willpower, willingness, motivation, and courage. Tiger eye is one of the greatest stones that will bring you good luck. Tiger eye activates the solar plexus.

6) Lapis Lazuli: Lapis Lazuli is known as the “wisdom Keeper”. This stone enhances intellectual ability while stimulating knowledge. Lapis brings self-awareness and blocks negative energy. Carry Lapis Lazuli in order to bring order and clarity to the mind. Lapis Lazuli activates the throat and the third eye chakra.

The Power of Programming Crystals

The power of programming crystals is astonishing. Many people buy crystals and forget the most essential step of working with crystals, which is programming your crystal. If you want a crystal to assist you you must give it a purpose or a job. Below is a quick guide on how to program your crystals: 

  1. Close your eyes, relax and take a deep breath, attune to the energy of your crystals. 
  2. Rub your hands for about 30 seconds, this helps activate your Chi. Separate your hands slowly, you should feel a tingly sensation in the palm of your hands. If you don’t feel anything try doing the exercise again. 
  3. Hold a few stones or just one stone with your non-dominant hand, and ask it to help you with creativity, abundance, and prosperity. 

Tip: try not to be too specific because you can limit the qualities and properties of the stone.

Expand the Energy of your Crystals

Bonding and expanding the power of your crystals is crucial. This can be implemented in your daily routine when you meditate in the morning. Attuning to the power of crystals will enhance your daily meditation. You can also reactivate your chakras by placing crystals in body grid format, which involves strategically placing your stones in each body center in order to cleanse your chakras. Make your crystals your ally! Take them everywhere, connect with them, its energy will help you stay calm and center. 


9. Charge your Crystals

A. The full moon is one of the most powerful lunar phases, so make sure you leverage its energy. Place your crystals outside or next to a window where you receive enough moonlight, overnight. 

B. You can also charge your crystals for a few hours under the sun. But, be careful not to leave them for more than 6 hours since the color can fade.

10. Amplify your Intention with Wealth and Prosperity Grid

First and foremost it is imperative that all of your crystals are thoroughly cleansed before doing this exercise.

1. Start by selecting your crystal grid.

If you are a beginner or you prefer to use fewer stones I recommend using the Star of David or if you prefer a more complex grid found in my shop.  Select a variety of stones which in this case you will be focusing on prosperity which the following crystals are wonderful for prosperity, aventurine, pyrite, clear quartz, tiger eye, lapis lazuli, citrine, smoky quartz, carnelian, and emerald. Make sure that the driver which is the stone that you select for the center of the grid is different. The stone in the center draws the energy while expanding and amplifying your intention. Therefore, the energy will directly flow within the energy points of the grid pattern. The crystal of my preference is citrine or Pyrite.  

2. Set your Intention.

On a piece of paper write down your intention fold the paper very small and place the paper behind the crystal in the center. 


3. Cleanse.

Use sage to cleanse your environment and stones, use a wand or pendulum, in order to channel, direct and activate the grids energy. Smudge and cleanse your crystals in order to dispel any stagnant energy. If you are not a fan of smudging you can spray lavender oil mix with water, and that should purify and cleanse your stones. As you smudge your grid focus on your desired intention. Ask your crystals to activate the flow of abundance and to serve your highest good. 

4. Create your Grid.

Stay focused on your intent. Set each crystal in place for each specific crystal give it a specific job, like for instance creativity, prosperity, drive, bring more  abundance into my life, place the driver stone in the middle of the grid. The energy in the grid is potentiating and expanding as you add more crystals on  the grid. Work your way outward and then place your last stone in the center.  Once you have placed all your stones your grid is complete. 

5. Activate your Grid.

Take your wand or pendulum, close your eyes, and start by focusing and bringing a ray of white light from your crown chakra breath in the white light. Breathe in the healing light and surround your entire body with that light. Allow the light to radiate like a bright flashing light all over your surroundings. 

Once you have envisioned this, take the wand to direct the energy towards the crystals. Use the wand to connect all the dots, visualize this light activating each crystal-like bonding each one. Do this until all are connected. You can also burn candles to maximize the power of your grid. 

Lastly, setting your goals will not only help you achieve and manifest prosperity but, it will make you feel like a million dollars! Being able to track and plan your daily goals and routine will set you on the right path. Number one tip to remember, we are all energy and the energy that we put out there can manifest based on your desires. Don’t forget to work diligently, stay focused, keep your eyes on the price, aspire, be relentless, dream big, think big, think positive, be positive, spread love, do good and learn to share with others. Apply this law of attraction strategy and you will get to your desire end goal in no time!

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What Are Gratitude Crystals: 10 Magical Stones to Instill Gratefulness

Geopathic Stress Reducer Crystals

You may not have heard of them before, but gratitude crystals are an excellent way to ensure that you maintain a sense of gratefulness in your life. These stones come in all shapes and sizes and have been used for centuries by different cultures as a way to promote feelings of thankfulness. This blog post will explore ten gratitude crystals that can help you get back on the right track!  


Discover 10 crystals that will help you feel more grateful!


Crystals For Gratitude

1) Selenite: Named for the moon, selenite promotes peace and serenity. It can also help you feel more grateful for the things in your life that are going well! As you go through the challenges in life, Selenite allows you to slow down and avoid stress.

2) Rose Quartz: These crystals have been known as a symbol of love, but they’re excellent at promoting gratitude, too. It’s associated with the heart chakra. Rose Quartz is ideal for promoting feelings of love, but it can also help you feel more grateful in your life because this crystal has been used to promote peace and harmony!

3) Citrine: This crystal promotes willpower, perseverance, and motivation. It’s also excellent for promoting feelings of gratitude because it has been used to encourage abundance and prosperity. Citrine crystal is known as the “merchant stone” or a symbol that supports financial success. It can also help you feel more grateful in your life too!

4) Aquamarine: This stone is excellent for promoting feelings of peace and tranquility. It’s also a great way to encourage gratitude because it has been used in the past to aid against envy, greediness, or resentment!

Aquamarine is known primarily for its association with love. Still, they’ll be perfect at boosting your sense of gratitude, too, especially if you have any negative emotions like jealousy that might be getting out of control. This crystal can help calm those down much better than other stones would do on its own!”

5) Clear Quartz: This crystal is known to be the “Master Healer” and the most versatile one out there because it can be used for anything. It is a great way to promote gratitude in your life too! 

Clear quartz crystals are known primarily by their association with love. Still, they’re perfect at boosting gratefulness as well, especially if you have any negative emotions like jealousy that might get overwhelming sometimes.

6) Pyrite: Pyrites are powerful protection stones that shield against all negativity. These include electromagnetic radiation, toxic substances, negative vibrations/energy on physical, etheric emotional levels. 

This fascinating lucky charm stimulates the intellect, enhancing memory, helping recall relevant information. When needed, Pyrite is a wealth attractor that helps manifest desires through visualization. This stone will help manifest your deepest desires and bring you luck.

7) Amethyst: is a powerful protection stone that shields against all negativity, including electromagnetic radiation and toxic substances. This fascinating lucky charm stimulates the intellectually enhancing memory. Recall relevant information when needed. Amethyst exists among the most powerful crystals in the mineral kingdom!

Without proper knowledge about gemstones, you won’t know what each has to offer. Amethyst is one of the most commonly found stones in nature, high in energy properties. People have used it for over six hundred million years. 

This variety of quartz has calming effects that remove negativity from us, making it perfect for chakra balancing. The soothing vibration of amethyst cleanses and reinvigorates the electromagnetic field by clearing out imbalances in your auric areas.

Gratitude Crystals

8) Rhodonite: Rhodonite is the stone for compassion, an emotional healer that’s a great companion to clear away any kind of past traumas and wounds. Whether you’re looking to invest in yourself or better the world, knowing about and using rhodonite would be an excellent decision. When it comes down to gratitude and opening your heart, chakra rhodonite is the must-have crystal. It comes in many different colors, but the most common color is pink.

Rhodonite is essential not only because of its healing properties and ability as an emotional healer (which makes it the perfect gratitude rock), rhodonite has been known since ancient times!

When people think about opening their heart chakra or being grateful, they should use heart chakra-focused crystals more. This is important, especially if there were past traumas involved with them before.

9) Tiger Eye: This stone is known for its violent and positive vibration. Tiger eye can help you with your work and productivity. It also has a strong connection between the mind, body-mind balance as well!

The Tiger Eye is also known to be the wealth attractor stone. A high vibration frequency instills motivation, willpower, and courage.

Tiger eye is an excellent stone to use when you’re feeling down or need some motivation in your life! It’s also known for its ability to protect, especially from the negative energy that comes with jealousy.

10) Emerald: Emeralds are known for healing both emotional wounds and the physical heart. It is a beautiful crystal for recovery or regeneration after injury/illness and a heart condition. It has been said since ancient times: “emerald heals what other gems cannot.”

Emerald can strengthen the eyes, heart, immune system, and nervous system. Furthermore, this crystal can be your best companion for regenerative and recovery. Emerald is known to heal both emotional love and the physical heart. 

It is a powerful energy stone, strengthening the eyes (especially for those who wear glasses). This crystal is excellent for assisting in healing negative emotions and past traumatic events.

Emerald has a strong connection between the heart, mind-body balance as well! This gemstone is perfect when it comes down to being grateful and opening up one’s third eye chakra. The soothing energy provides this energy.

Crystals For Positive Energy

Crystals to Enhance Gratefulness

Crystals are powerful tools for manifesting, healing, or just feeling good! Some of these crystalline structures have a unique ability to store light energy. You can use this energy as an alternative source when needed. They also emit their form of frequency, so they’re so great at balancing our chakras.

It’s like tuning into one specific radio station with no static interference from other stations nearby. The more you use them, the stronger this effect becomes over time until eventually, crystals become part of who we are deep down inside our most authentic selves!

Gratitude crystals can help with a number of situations from stress relief to balancing emotions. Whether it be healing, love or personal growth crystals have you covered! Crystals are a wonderful tool to use while developing a sense of appreciation in one’s daily living! Many people use crystals as a tool to focus on their breathing, grounding them in the present. They also have some great healing properties and can help you feel better during physical pain. You may never look at your life without a crystal in the same way again!

Gratitude crystals can help with some situations, from stress relief to balancing emotions. Whether it be healing, love, or personal growth, crystals have you covered! Crystals are an excellent tool to use while developing a sense of appreciation in one’s daily living! 

Many people use crystals as a tool to focus on their breathing, grounding them in the present. They also have some excellent healing properties and can help you feel better during physical pain. You may never look at your life without a crystal in the same way again!


Gratitude Crystals

Crystals For Gratitude

Gratitude has undeniable power. It’s a powerful practice that has the potential to change your life and the lives of those around you. When we focus on the positive aspects of our lives, it’s easier to be grateful for the things that matter most. Gratitude crystals can inspire you to find more things to appreciate in your daily life.

Stones can help remind us that we are lucky and blessed with many good things in life. Whether it is something as small as going outside or not being sick, you can always find a little joy to cherish. With this in mind, explore how gratitude crystals can help inspire a more thankful mindset!

Practicing gratitude can help strengthen our mindset and keep us going during unprecedented times. Picking up a crystal with intention is one way to make this happen! Practicing gratitude helps us find joy in the small things that life offers. For example, we can appreciate working for ourselves or having enough money, so we don’t have any issues paying off bills this month.

Research has shown that when you feel thankful, it boosts energy, happiness levels, and mental health, leading to physical improvement!

How do you feel with gratitude?

Gratitude is one of those feelings that need more than a few words. You receive passion, joy, and serenity. When we feel grateful, our mood and emotions improve.

We live happier lives, as a result. Gratitude maintains balance, reduce stress levels, and strengthen relationships! It’s quite potent.

The power of gratitude should not go unnoticed as it helps with depression, anxiety, and physical illnesses such as high blood pressure. Also, practicing gratitude is one of the best ways to improve mental health and alleviate stress. In a study, people who practiced mindfulness were less likely to suffer from depression.

Benefits Of Practicing Gratitude And Using Crystals

Ever wondered about the benefits of working with crystals and practicing gratitude at the same time? Practicing gratitude daily with crystals can relieve stress and anxiety.

Working with stones can undoubtedly be a powerful tool. Not only its soothing and cleansing effects help one feel at ease, but also crystals work as an amplifier of your energy. They help you become one with Mother Nature.

Practicing gratitude and using crystals can help one focus on what’s most important in life. Many civilizations of the ancient world have used crystals for several reasons. They can aid with spiritual attunement, channel inner strength, cleanse the auric field, promote astral projection, enhance psychic abilities and intuition.

Getting started with your gratitude routine can be very simple. Start by keeping a crystal in your pocket or your work area.

A stone can serve as a great reminder. Pick it up once in a while and think of a few things that make your day better. Expressing your appreciation to the universe will help reflect this energy to you.

Integrate a haven in your home with crystals to help absorb negative energy and cleanse your surroundings! Using Mother Gaia’s delights can help purge the electromagnetic field by generating pleasant and positive vibrations surrounding you.

Gratitude Crystals can boost a beautiful morning routine accompanied by journaling. Achieve this by selecting one crystal that will serve as your gratitude rock.

It is essential to cleanse and program your crystal before using it. Don’t forget to cleanse and charge your crystals regularly. Hold the crystal in your hand and think about ten things that you feel grateful for during the day.

Take the crystal with you in your pocket or handbag. Whenever you think of something to be grateful for, hold the crystal in your hand as a reminder.

You can think of something silly or small; it doesn’t need to be complex. Remember, the small things matter and make a difference. It can be something like, “I’m thankful for my husband taking out the trash today.”

Think of it like this: when you think of the things you feel grateful for, you send out a positive vibration out into the universe. When the action of gratitude occurs, the power law of attraction comes into play.

The law of attraction, in essence, manifested in different ways. When you change your approach in life, you will see how your life starts improving. Life doesn’t happen to you; it happens for you”. Tony Robbins.

Crystals For A Positive Attitude

Which crystals to use for harnessing the power of gratitude? 

Practicing gratitude alleviates stress and anxiety. It also raises your vibration and brings a sense of harmony and balance. 

Using crystals is excellent for harnessing the power of gratitude. Pair this with  writing down all that you are grateful for in a journal. Writing helps you look for situations in your life and be thankful for them! These are some of the most enlightening crystals for gratitude journaling and more. 

Rose Quartz: 

One of the most soothing and gentle crystals out there is undoubtedly Rose Quartz. When you are seeking to express gratitude for life blessings, Rose Quartz is the answer.  

This crystal is excellent for opening your heart chakra and healing any emotional wounds and past traumas. When we heal our past traumas, it’s easier for us to move on and be grateful. 


Selenite harnesses the power of the moon! It is a stone that helps manifest your dreams. The qualities make it an excellent tool for displaying one’s goals and desires. Selenite will also purge and dispel any energy blockage. 

One of the best alternatives is the selenite wand which can be used for your gratitude routine and as an “energy eraser.” Slowly start from the bottom of your feet. Place the rod five inches away and slowly move your wand upwards by sweeping away. Begin from the front, and then move to the back. 


Amethyst is a beautiful and powerful stone that teaches us to be thankful for all the things we have in our lives. Used since ancient times, it brings wisdom, courage, peace of mind, the strength of purpose.  Amethyst is a stone of self-reflection and spiritual healing, helping bring the sense into balance and encourage happiness. Treat headaches, insomnia, fevers, and dizziness.

Clear Quartz:

Clear Quartz is one of the most potent “master healer” crystals, harmonizing and balancing the auric field through alignment. It works by connecting and activating the chakras. 

Use Clear Quartz to communicate between this crystalline Kingdom to your natural energy fields. Clear Quartz facilitates enormous amounts of information input for rapid understanding on all levels, making it an ideal stone during periods of learning or awakening.


Fluorite is a stone with protective and spiritual energy. Cleanse and harmonize your auric field. Fluorite fosters strength of decision-making, dedication to responsibility, and clear communication. It encourages one to develop their intuition as an empowerment tool while clearing mental blocks from the mind.

Fluorite is a crystal that can cleanse and harmonize the auric field. It’s also used in amplification to clear energy blockages. The stone will help with decision-making, self-discipline, communication abilities, and leadership skills. Fluorite increases concentration and strengthens thought projection when it is being worn or carried on your person.


Labradorite is a stone of change and good fortune. A gem belonging to the Feldspar family, Labradorite brings clarity and optimism into your life. Known also as “nature’s mirrors,” Labradorite reflects the images we wish to see rather than what exists in any given moment. 

Thanks to this quizzical property, it can bring hope even in times of hardship or distress. Labradorite has cleansing powers that protect against negative energies.  It improves grounding and spiritual awareness by clearing out the lower chakras over time while clearing away any stagnant energy.

Smoky Quartz: 

Smoky Quartz is one of the most powerful stones, producing gentle energy to bring emotional stability. This form of quartz is one of the most powerful stones, activating, purifying, and grounding. 

The soft power of Smoky Quartz has an uplifting effect on your spirit that acts as a mood enhancer and enthusiast. Its cleansing forces help to clear those spaces which have been holding negative or stagnant energy. Transmute the energy into pure light filled with love, happiness, and joy. For this reason, Smoky Quartz is one of your go-to crystals to express gratitude.


Known as the “power of the positive mind,” citrine is a  beautiful stone for personal will, creativity, and manifestation. This calming gemstone will help you get things done. It’s comforting energy that brings sunshine into your life when times are tough. 

Citrine has been preserved popular in folklore that citrine produces an increase in creative energy. This rejuvenating gemstone also brings in abundance with its ability to manifest intentions and desires; it provides optimism that feels limitless.

Harness The Energy Of Gratitude With Crystals & Stones

Crystals & Stones wants to provide the right wares for your spiritual journey. From green aventurine to citrine, we can assemble a subscription box for your benefit.

Reach out to us today to learn more about incorporating more appreciation into your life. A small sense of gratitude can go a long way when paired with the right meditation. Let Crystals & Stones provide you the means to start that journey inward. 

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Rose Quartz



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Rose Quartz Crystal Tumbled

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Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

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Selenite Raw Wand Pendant

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Selenite Egg

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Selenite Cleansing Wand

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Selenite Cleansing Palm Stone

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Orange Selenite Egg

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Desert Rose Selenite Raw

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The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Cactus Spirit Amethyst Cluster

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Amethyst Tree of Life Pendant

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Amethyst Small Tower

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The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Raw Stone Pendant

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Amethyst Large Tower

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Amethyst Crystal Tumbled

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The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Cluster Pendant

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The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Amethyst Cluster

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$19.95 – $45.00


Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Tourmaline Rutilated Quartz Egg

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Rutilated Quartz Point

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Rainbow Aura Quartz Raw Wire Wrapped Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Pick Me Up! Pocket Crystal Set

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The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Loves-Me-Lots! Pocket Crystal Set

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The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Wire Wrap Drop Pendant

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The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Tower (Out of Stock)

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Clear Quartz Stone Tumbled

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Clear Quartz Pendulum

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The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Pebble

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The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Clear Quartz Double Terminated Point

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Clear Quartz Crystal Raw

Crystals & Stones

$8.00 – $30.00


Blue Quartz Crystal Tumbled

Crystals & Stones

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Angel Aura Quartz Pebble

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The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

Fluorite Tree of Life Pendant

Crystals & Stones



The selected product combination is currently unavailable.

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Fluorite Octahedral (Out of Stock)

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Smoky Quartz Tower (Out of Stock)

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Smoky Quartz Cluster

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Venture Vibes! Pocket Crystal Set

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